Leave Application Form
Employee details:
Name: _______________________________________________________________
Department: __________________________________________________________
Designation: _________________________________________________________
Date of joining: _______________________________________________________
Reason for leave:
Leave requested from: _________________________To_________________________
Duration of leave:
Number of days: ________________________________
Type of leave requested:
☐ Annual leave
☐ Sick leave
☐ Maternity leave
☐ Paternity leave
☐ Bereavement leave
☐ Other (plea specify) __________________________________________________________________
Contact details:
Telephone number: ________________________________
Email address: ____________________________________
Address during leave:
I hereby request the above-mentioned leave and confirm that the information provided in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that if I am abnt without permission, it will be considered as misconduct, and action may be taken against me.
Employee signature: _____________________________________________________
Date: _________________________
Manager’s approval:
I hereby approve the above-mentioned leave request, subject to operational requirements.
Manager’s signature: ____________________________________________________
Date: _________________________
Note: Plea submit this application to your manager at least two weeks prior to the date of leave, unless it is an emergency. Once approved, plea ensure that you hand over your work responsibilities to a colleague and complete all pending tasks before commencing your leave.