1. What is American Romanticism?
(Try to include the following parts in your answers: time period, some artistic ideals and characteristics of American Romanticism, background and key literary figures, etc.)
2. Who is Washington Irving? Name some of his important works.
James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851)
1. Life
2. Literary Achievements
a. 32 novels, social critic—he criticized society for being too democratic, not too aristocratic. (conrvative)
b. 3 kinds of novels: 1) novels about the revolutionary past: The Spy 2) a adventures: The Pilot 3)frontier saga: Leatherstocking Tales
3. Leatherstocking Series
5 novels depicting the life of the early American frontier. (central figure Natty Bumppo: He is an isolated, almost lfless, stoic and enduring man. “the esntial American soul.” )
* (an epic hero/ the American Adam)
The Last of the Mohicans
(1757,the third year of the war between France and England for the posssion of the continent)
[Ford Edward]
Duncan Heyward
Cora/Alice Munro
David Gamut
Magua: leader of an Indian tribe, Huron (side with the French)
Hawkeye (Natty Bumppo)
Uncas (last of the Mohicans)
[Ford William Henry]
William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878)
The first American lyric poet of distinction
Literary Achievements
“the American Wordsworth”
Four subjects: the beauty and harmony of nature as a source of solace, joy and escape; the dignity of humanity; the sacredness of human freedom; and the power and beneficence of God.
a) Poems 1821 《诗选》
b) The Fountain 1842 《泉》
c) The White-Footed Deer 1844 《白蹄鹿》
d) A Forest Hymn 1860 《森林赋》
e) The Flood of Years 1878《似水流年》
f) “To a Waterfowl” 1815 《致水鸟》
g) “Thanatopsis” 1817 《死亡随想》
h) “The Yellow Violet” 《黄色堇香花》 1814
To a Waterfowl-1
⏹ Bryant has here ud an old device of drawing a lesson from nature.
⏹ Unusual metrical structure of the stanzas: the 1st and 4th lines contain three feet (trimeter), and 2nd and 3rd lines contain five feet (pentameter). The rhyme scheme is abab.
⏹ Midst: amidst
⏹ The last steps of day: the evening “峥嵘赤云西, 日脚下平地” 杜甫《羌村三首》
⏹ Rosy depths: the crimson sky at dusk
⏹ Fowler’s: hunter’s
⏹ See against the crimson sky: “雁背夕阳红欲暮”周邦彦《玉楼春·桃溪不作从容住》宋词
⏹ Plashy: swampy
⏹ Marge: margin, border
⏹ Chafed: raging, furious
⏹ POWER: Cap. 神明
⏹ Teaches thy way:guides you
⏹ Dert: derted, lonely
⏹ Lane wandering: wandering lonely
⏹ Weary: though weary
⏹ Abyss of heaven: great depth of sky
⏹ Certain flight: sure path
⏹ 背景:此诗是1815年12月诗人去Plainfield联系工作的途中所作。据他自己说,当时他感到十分孤独凄凉,在广阔世界中前途茫茫,忽然看到一只孤鸟从天边飞过,他觉得宇宙间默默有神灵为众生引路,从而得到了安慰。本诗各行独立成句,诗行参差多变化,暗示水鸟掠过空中的意境。
Some comments
Bryant’s critical and poetic works center around and are informed by an innate feeling for American nature and its implications for art. His poetic theory and practice, founded on romantic principles of emotional expression, naturalness, simplicity, spontaneity, irregularity, and freedom, t him squarely in the Romantic Movement that he anticipates in America by over a decade.
Bryant’s style
He imitated Byron for a time, and by 1812 he was a permanent admirer of Wordsworth, from whom he derived more in technique than in thought. He is remembered as a celebrator of the wilder aspects of nature---the storms and rugged hills, as well as the flowers and birds.
Bryant’s style (con’t)
⏹ He was skillful in the u of ver forms; in his own day he was considered an innovator.
⏹ He wrote stately and sonorous blank ver, adopted the Spenrian stanza(ababbcbcc).
Literary Terms
Alliteration: The repetition of consonants, usually initial consonants.
Practice makes perfect.
Consonance: The repetition of consonants with changes in the intervening vowels.
Slip, slap, slop
terror horror stories
Assonance: The repetition of vowels.
The argant asked him to bomb the lawn with hotpots. .
Poetic Meter
⏹ A foot is one of veral combinations of stresd and unstresd syllables. It is the basic unit of poetry.(音步) A foot usually consists of one stresd and one or two unstresd syllables.
⏹ Meter: when stress recur at fixed intervals, the result is called a meter.格律,韵律
⏹ Scan: to analyze (ver) into metrical patterns.分析韵脚:将(诗)划分音步
A foot is the basic unit of measurement in poetry: a line has so many feet.
One foot: monometer Two feet: dimeter
Three feet: trimester Four feet: tetrameter