Xie Jiaming
(SINOPEC Shanghai Petrochemical Co., Ltd, Shanghai 200540)
Abstract: Bad on the existing process and equipment of pentane foaming agent plant, the process technology of industrial production of pentane for polyolefin using hydroetherified C5 as raw material was developed. The dehydration process of pentane for polyolefin was studied, and the molecular sieve adsorption catalyst with excellent performance was lected. Under suitable conditions, the dehydration rate reached 58.02%, The qualified pentane product with water content below 25mg/L was obtained.Keywords: pentane for polyolefin; adsorbent: molecular sieve; dehydration
近期,中石化上海工程有限公司与北京化工研究院、镇海炼化、中石化宁波新材料研究院共同承担的科技开发项目“百吨级混合碳四制碳十醇工艺包”,与巴陵石化、华东理工大学共同承担的科技开发项目“1.6×105 t/ a 氧化法环己酮工艺包开发及关键设备工程放大研究”,先后通过中国石化科技部组织的项目审查。
扬子石化EVA 项目打通全流程
中石化上海工程有限公司EPC 总承包的扬子石化1×105 t/a EV A 项目于3月3日产出合格LDPE 粒子,顺利打通全流程,为后续产出合格EV A 产品打下了坚实基础。
该项目采用利安德巴塞尔公司釜式法聚合工艺技术,通过乙烯和醋酸乙烯高压聚合生产高附加值牌号的EV A 产品。中石化上海工程有限公司克服新冠疫情带来的不利影响,积极配合业主做好开车前各项准备,通过精细化管理,加快项目建设进度,为装置打通全流程创造了良好条件。 (魏永忠)