Personnel Psychology

更新时间:2023-05-12 04:03:51 阅读: 评论:0

On The Exchange of Hostility With Supervisors: An Examination of Self-Enhancing and Self-Defeating Perspectives
【摘 要】We invoke competing theoretical perspectives to examine the conquences for subordinates of involvement in relationships that vary in terms of downward hostility (i.e., hostility enacted by supervisors against direct reports) and upward hostility (i.e., hostility enacted by subordinates against immediate supervisors). Consistent with the perspective that targets of downward hostility are less likely to e themlves as victims when they perform acts of upward hostility, analysis of 2-wave data from a sample of supervid employees suggested that upward hostility weakens the deleterious effects of downward hostility on subordinates’ job satisfaction, affective commitment, and psychological distress. Study 2 directly examined the presumed mechanism that underlies the effects obrved in Study 1. In a 3-wave sample, support was found for a moderated-indirect effect framework in which the indirect effects of downward hostility on subordinates’ attitudes and psychological distress (through victim identity) were weaker when upward hostility was higher. Study 2 results also suggested that the enhancing effect of upward hostility generali
zes to subjective indicators of career satisfaction and future career expectations.
Synchrony Preference: Why Some People Go With the Flow and Some Don't
【摘 要】As work in organizations becomes more fluid and fast paced the effective execution of tasks often requires people to be temporally adaptable in working with others. This paper brings to light the importance of understanding how people relate to time in the context of social interactions. By integrating the rearch on time and social motives, we develop a relational perspective about time. We introduce the construct of synchrony preference, an individual difference that describes a willingness to adapt one's pace and rhythm within social interactions for the purpo of creating synchrony with others. We develop a measure of synchrony preference that we validate using multiple methods across 4 studies and 7 samples, which include over 1,400 individuals. In particular, we establish a nomological network and show that synchrony preference predicts flexible pacing behaviors, interpersonal facilitation, contribution to team synchrony, contribution to team performance, and job dedication. Our results reveal that
both scholars and practitioners can benefit from considering people's preference for synchrony when working with others.
Uncovering the Nuances of Referral Hiring: How Referrer Characteristics Affect Referral Hires’ Performance and Likelihood of Voluntary Turnover
【摘 要】The literature on employee referral hiring gives little attention to referrers. Synthesizing 2 theories in the literature (the better match and social enrichment accounts), through the lens of social resources theory, I provide a conceptual and empirical breakdown of the effects of referrer quality (referrer performance at hire and referrer tenure at hire) and posthire accessibility (referrer employment and referrer-referral hire job congruence) on referral hire performance and likelihood of voluntary turnover. I tested my hypothes with longitudinal data from 386 referrer-referral hire pairs at the same job level in a U.S. call center over a 2-year period. Across analys of 2 performance criteria (calls/hour and quality) and likelihood of leaving, I found a nuanced mix of benefits and liabilities that illuminate potential boundary conditions of the revid th
eories. Referral hires from high-performing referrers performed better but had higher turnover propensities than tho from lower performing referrers. Longer-tenured employees also produced better performing referral hires, up to a point. Referral hires were less likely to leave, provided their referrer remained employed, but they performed less effectively under this condition. Similarly, referral hires performed wor when their job was congruent with their referrer's job. Theoretical and practical implications are discusd. 
Executive Attention: An Alternative Perspective on General Mental Ability, Performance, and Subgroup Differences
【摘 要】The validity-adver impact tradeoff associated with the relationships among general mental ability (GMA), ethnicity, and employee performance reprents one of the most pressing concerns in organizational staffing. We conducted 4 studies with 273 bank employees and 197 university students designed to asss the extent to which executive attention (EA) and GMA predict simulation performance and supervisory ratings of perfor
mance. We also asss the extent to which measures of EA and GMA are associated with subgroup differences. Results indicate that, like GMA, EA positively predicts managerial simulation and supervisory ratings of performance. In addition, although reaching statistical significance in only 1 of our 4 studies, EA was generally associated with smaller subgroup differences than GMA, and meta-analysis across our samples supports this reduced subgroup difference. Moreover, advantages of EA tend to increa as studies move from the laboratory with undergraduate students to a concurrent validation organizational tting with employees. We discuss implications for a theory-bad view of cognitive ability in employee lection and implications for managerial practice. 
Cohen's d Corrected for Ca IV Range Restriction: A More Accurate Procedure for Evaluating Subgroup Differences in Organizational Rearch
【摘 要】Organizational and staffing rearchers are often interested in evaluating whether subgroup differences exist (e.g., between Caucasian and African-American indivi
duals) on predictors of job performance. To investigate subgroup differences, rearchers often will collect data from current employees to make inferences about subgroup differences among job applicants. However, the magnitude of subgroup differences (i.e., Cohen's d) within incumbent samples may be different (i.e., smaller) than the magnitude of subgroup differences in applicant samples becau lection of applicants typically reduces the variance of scores on the predictors (i.e., becau lower scoring applicants are not lected). If rearchers ek to generalize a d value in an incumbent sample to the applicant population, they may u Bobko, Roth, and Bobko's (correcting the effect size of d for range restriction and unreliability, 2001) Ca II or III correction. By extension, Hunter, Schmidt, and Le (implications of direct and indirect range restriction for meta-analysis methods and findings, 2006) have propod a Ca IV correction, which is more realistic than Bobko et al.'s approach. Therefore, this paper develops a Ca IV correction for d (i.e., dc4). The simulation results showed that the dc4 was generally accurate across 6,000 simulation conditions. Moreover, 2 published datats were reanalyzed to show the influence of the Ca IV correction on d. In addition, implications and future directions of the dc4 are discusd. 

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