亚历山大 谢尔盖耶维奇 普希金简介
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (June 6, 1799 - February 10, 1837) was a famous Russian writer, regarded by many as Russia s greatest poet, the founder of modern Russian literature. 19th century Russian romantic literature main reprentative. Known as the father of Russian literature. His work is the Russian national consciousness and the aristocratic revolutionary movement in the literary respon. Poem , to the a , to Chadayev , if life deceived you , poetic novel Yevgeny Onegin , the novel Captain s daughter Spade queen and so on.
亚历山大 谢尔盖耶维奇 普希金人物生平
Alexandre Sergeiyevich Pushkin was born on June 6, 1799 in Moscow, a family of aristocratic family, was twice exiled, always refud to yield, and ultimately in the tsarist gov
ernment planning and duel with the people died, Only 38 years old. He grew up in a strong literary atmosphere.
Childhood, he was taught by the French tutor, accepted the aristocratic education, 8 years old when you can write poetry in French. Home collection of rich, make literary celebrities, his rfs born nanny often told him about the Russian folk tales and legends, making him from childhood to enjoy the rich Russian language. And a strong interest in folk creation.
In 1811, Pushkin entered the aristocratic school Huangcun school to study, only 12 years old began his literary career. In 1815, in the middle school examination he recited his own creation of imperial village nostalgia , showing excellent poetry writing ability, especially his poetry rhyme beautiful and delicate has been widely appreciated. In the early poems, he followed the Romantic poets Bachschkov and Zhukovsky to learn the style of the 17th century - 18th century French poet Andre Cheyenier. During his studies at Huangcun Middle School, he also accepted the influence of the French enlightenment thought and
made some of the later Guards officers of the Guards, opposing the tsar dictatorship and the pursuit of freedom.
Writing pinnacle
After graduating from Pushkin, he rved in the Petersburg Ministry of Foreign Affairs, during which he was deeply influenced by the later December and his democratic and free ideas, and participated in literary groups associated with the cret organization of the December party Green light club , created a lot of anti-rfdom, praid the freedom of poetry, such as free ode , to Chadayev , village . In 1820, Pushkin created the fairy tale narrative poem Ruslan and Lyudmila . Pushkin ud poetic folk language in his poems, from content to form to classical poetry, to challenge the traditional literature of nobility.
The works by Pushkin caud the uneasiness of the tsarist government, and in 1820 he was assigned to the southern part of Russia, which was a disguid exile. During this period, he was more frequent with the December party, participated in some of the party s cret meeting in December. His pursuit of freedom is more clear and stronger. Pushkin
wrote dagger , prisoner , to the a and other famous articles, also wrote a group of Southern Psalms , including Caucasian prisoners , robber brother , Spring , Kegon four romantic narrative poems. Also wrote a lot of beautiful lyrics: sun sank and so on, which express the poet s strong desire for freedom. From this period onwards, Pushkin fully demonstrated his own unique style. And let everyone know the society at that time.
1824 - In 1825, Pushkin was returned to the village of Mikhailovsk in the territory of Pskov province by the tsarist authorities, where he spent two years.
The work is quite abundant
In 1826, Tsar Nicholas ascended the throne, recalling Pushkin to Moscow, but still under the cret supervision of the tsarist police. Pushkin did not change his attitude toward the party in December, and he had a fantasy about the new tsar, hoping that Nikolai I could forgive the December party who had been exiled in Siberia, but the fantasy was soon shattered and the political lyric To the prisoners of Siberia , to express their faithfulness to the ideals of the December party. In the autumn of 1830, Pushkin spent three months in h
is father s territory, which was the harvest period of his life creation, which was called the fall of Polkino in the history of literature. He has completed the poem novel Yevgeny Onegin , which began in 1823, and created the image of the first superfluous in Russian literature, which became his most important work. Also wrote Beelkin novels and four poetic novels stingy knights , Mozart and Shalley , plague popular banquet , stone off , and nearly 30 lyrics. Bu Ge Jin novel collection in the Inn a Russian short story of the model, opened the tradition of shaping the little people , his realism creation consummate.
In 1831 Pushkin moved to Petersburg and still rved in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He continued to create many works, mainly narrative poem Bronze Knight , fairy tale poem fisherman and goldfish story , short story spades and so on. He also wrote two novels about the peasantry Dubrovsky , Captain s daughter .
In 1836 Pushkin founded the literary magazine modern man . The publication was later edited by Belinsky, Nykelasov, Chernyshevsky, Dubrovnikov, and so on until the 1960s, n
ot only trained a large number of outstanding writers, but also became a Russian progressive person The mouthpiece.
The death of the literati
The French gendarmerie captain Dantes blasphemed Pushkin s wife, Natalia Nicholas Yevna Gonchalova, resulting in the 1837 Pushkin and Dante s duel. February 8, 1837, Pushkin and Dantes decisive battle, the results of the abdomen was riously injured, two days after the February 10 (Russian calendar on January 29) died, only 38 years old. His early death made the Russian progressive scholar once lamented: The sun of the Russian poetry has sunk!