Confirmatory Factor Analysis of a Short Form of the
Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations
Sharon L.Cohan
San Diego State University and University of California,
San Diego
Kerry L.Jang
University of British Columbia
Murray B.Stein
University of California,San Diego and Anxiety and Traumatic
Stress Disorders Program,VA San Diego Healthcare System
The48-item Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations(CISS)was designed
to asss three dimensions(task-oriented,emotional,and avoidant)of lf-
reported respons to stressful circumstances,but results from factor analy-
s suggest four factors.The prent rearch ud confirmatory factor
analysis to verify the four-factor structure for the21-item CISS short form
in samples of1,628undergraduate students and390community-
dwelling adults.Factors corresponding to task-oriented and emotional scales
were orthogonal and were well defined by their ven constituent items.
The avoidant scale was split into two three-item parcels that describe
specific avoidance behaviors(contact a friend and treat onelf)rather
than broad respon categories.In the undergraduate sample,depression
and anxiety correlated negatively with the task-oriented scale and posi-
tively with the emotional scale.In the community sample,the emotional
scale was positively correlated with neuroticism and negatively correlated
with extroversion and agreeableness,whereas the task-oriented scale was
negatively correlated with neuroticism and positively correlated with extro-
version,openness,agreeableness,and conscientiousness.It was con-
cluded that the task-oriented and emotional scales have potential as
measures of two types of respons to routine stressors.©2005Wiley
Periodicals,Inc.J Clin Psychol62:273–283,2006.
Keywords:coping styles;inventories;factor structure;psychometrics
The authors wish to thank Laura Campbell-Sills,Ph.D.,Shadha Hami,M.A.,and Moshe Zeidner,Ph.D.,for their contributions to this article.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addresd to:Sharon L.Cohan,Anxiety&Traumatic Stress Disorders Program,UCSD Department of Psychiatry,8950Villa La Jolla Dr.,Suite C-207,La Jolla,CA92037;
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY,Vol.62(3),273–283(2006)©2006Wiley Periodicals,Inc. Published online in Wiley InterScience(www.).DOI:
274Journal of Clinical Psychology,March2006
The Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations(CISS;Endler&Parker1990a,1990b)was designed to asss three dimensions(task-oriented,emotional,and avoidant)of lf-reported respons to stressful circumstances.Individuals who generally take an active problem solving approach to stressf
ul ,organizing study materials in order to prepare for an upcoming exam)have a predominantly task-oriented style.In contrast, tho who habitually engage in maladaptive behaviors such as ruminating or becoming emotional in respon to ,blaming onelf for procrastinating)have a predom-inantly emotional style.Individuals who typically u behaviors aimed at avoiding the stressful ,going out to eat with a friend instead of studying)have a pre-dominantly avoidant style.The avoidance scale of the CISS also has two subscales, reprenting ,watching television)and social diversion–oriented coping ,talking to a friend).A short form of the CISS(which we refer to as the CISS-SF)has also been developed(Endler&Parker,1994,1999),but the psychometric properties of the abbreviated measure have not been established.
Exploratory factor analysis of the48-item CISS provided support for a general three-factor model reflecting the task-oriented,emotional,and avoidant subscales suggested by the authors(Endler&Parker,1990b).A more recent confirmatory factor analysis of the 21-item short form also suggested that the three-factor model fit well in two parate samples of college students(Endler&Parker,1999);all items loaded on the same factors found by using the48-item version of the instrument.However,there has been some debate regarding the factor structure of the
CISS.Separate exploratory factor analys of the task-oriented,emotional,and avoidant scales conducted by Endler and Parker(1990b) with the original CISS indicated that the task-oriented and emotional scales reprented unitary constructs,but the avoidant factor was compod of two subfactors reflecting avoidance through distraction and social diversion(Endler&Parker,1990b).The results have since been replicated in samples of undergraduates and community-dwelling adults (Cosway,Endler,Sadler,&Deary,2000;Endler&Parker,1994).Results from two recent confirmatory and exploratory factor analys using the48-item measure suggest that a four-factor model reprenting task-oriented,emotional,distraction,and social diversion factors is superior to the three-factor solution(Cook&Heppner,1997;McWilliams,Cox, &Enns,2003).
The goal of the prent study was to evaluate the factor structure of the21-item CISS-SF in undergraduate and community samples.A condary goal was to explore relationships of the factors with measures of anxiety,depression,and traits of Five Factor personality theory.Specifically,we hypothesized that as with the original version of the CISS(Cook&Heppner,1997;McWilliams et al.,2003),a four-factor structure reflecting the task-oriented,emotional,distraction,and social diversion subscales would account for the covariance amon
g the21CISS-SF items.Becau the items composing the distraction and social diversion subscales on the CISS-SF reflect more specific con-ceptions of avoidance behaviors than tho included on the original CISS,we have named the scales“treat onelf”and“contact a friend”for the purpos of the prent rearch. On the basis of previous rearch with the original CISS,we hypothesized that the task-oriented scale would be negatively correlated with depression,anxiety,and neuroticism (Cosway et al.,2000;Endler,Parker,&Butcher,1993;Endler&Parker,1993,1994; Haren&Mitchell,2003;Higgins&Endler,1995;McWilliams et al.,2003)and posi-tively correlated with extroversion and conscientiousness(Cosway et al.,2000;Haren& Mitchell,2003;McWilliams et al.,2003).In addition,we hypothesized that the emo-tional scale would be positively correlated with depression,anxiety,and neuroticism (Cosway et al.,2000;Endler,Parker,&Butcher,1993;Endler&Parker,1993,1994; Haren&Mitchell,2003;Higgins&Endler,1995;McWilliams et al.,2003)and negatively
Journal of Clinical Psychology DOI10.1002/jclp
A Short Form of the CISS275 correlated with extroversion,agreeableness,and conscientiousness(Cosway et al.,2000; Haren&Mitchell,2003;McWilliams et al.,2003).Little is prently known about the relationship of the two avoidant factors to personality and psychological di
stress.The prent study explores the relationships.
Participants and Procedure
Undergraduates.The undergraduate sample consisted of1,682volunteers who par-ticipated in two large testing ssions at San Diego State University during the same academic year.A total of1,726students participated;44students were excluded from analysis becau of incomplete respons on questionnaire measures.The final group included1,157women(68.8%)and525men(31.2%)with a mean age of19.3years (SDϭ2.0).The majority of participants were Caucasian(48.0%),followed by Asian American(12.7%),Mexican American(11.6%),other(8.5%),non-Mexican Hispanic American(6.5%),Pacific Islander(5.4%),African American(4.2%),and Native American/ Alaskan Native(0.5%).Thirty-six respondents(2.0%)did not provide information regard-ing their racial or ethnic background.
Participants completed the CISS-SF and a background questionnaire as part of a packet of questionnaires.The majority of the students(nϭ1,602)also completed the Beck Depression Inventory(BDI;Beck&Steer,1987)and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI;Beck&Steer,1990).Questionnaires
were completed in exchange for cour credit; tho who did not wish to participate were permitted to opt out of the rearch require-ment in favor of completing a written assignment.This procedure was approved by the Institutional Review Boards at both San Diego State University and University of Cali-fornia San Diego.Students provided written connt before the initiation of study proce-dures.They were informed that the testing process was voluntary and that they had the option of discontinuing participation at any time.
Community-Dwelling Adults.The community sample consisted of390volunteers recruited primarily from the Vancouver area of British Columbia through newspaper advertiments and media stories.Respondents were drawn from twin pairs participating in the University of British Columbia Twin Project,an ongoing behavioral genetic study of psychiatric disorders and personality described in detail by Jang,Livesley,and Vernon (2002).The sample included299women(76.7%)and91men(23.3%)with a mean age of35.9years(SDϭ13.5).Information regarding racial and ethnic background was not collected.
Participants were mailed a packet of questionnaires that they completed and returned to the office of the Twin Project.As part of the packet,participants completed the CISS-SF and the Neuroticism,Extraversion,Openness(NEO)Five Factor Inventory(NEO-FFI; Costa&McCrae,1992).Par
ticipants were paid for their time and effort.This procedure was approved by the Rearch Ethics Board at the University of British Columbia. Measures
Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations.Data regarding participants’respons to stressful situations were collected by using the CISS-SF(Endler&Parker,1999). The short form was created by eliminating items from the original CISS that had the lowest item-total correlations,resulting in a21-item measure with7items per subscale.
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Respondents rate the extent to which they engage in various types of coping activities when confronted with a particular stressful situation using a5-point Likert-type scale ranging from“Not at All”to“Very Much.”The short form was originally designed to asss situation-specific coping,but to be consistent with the48-item measure we asked respondents to“indicate how much you engage in the types of activities when you encounter a difficult,stressful,or uptting situation.”The instructions are identical to tho ud with the48-item CISS.Good internal consistency coefficients have been found for the task-oriented~aϭ.78–.87),emotional~aϭ.78–.87),and avoidant~aϭ.70–.80)su
bscales(Endler&Parker,1994,1999;Endler,Speer,Johnson,&Flett,2000). Test-retest reliability data have not been published for the CISS-SF;nor have alpha reli-abilities for the“treat onelf”and“contact a friend”subscales.
Beck Depression Inventory.The Beck Depression Inventory(BDI;Beck&Steer, 1987)is a21-item lf-report questionnaire that measures verity of depressive symp-toms in psychiatric and normal populations.Each item consists of four statements(scored from0to3)describing depressive ,“I have lost most of my interest in other people or things”),with higher scores indicating greater verity.Scores on each item are summed to yield a total score on the measure from0to63.Internal consistency for the measure is excellent~aϭ.73–.92;Beck,Steer,&Garbin,1988),and scores on the revid BDI have been found to correlate positively with measures of hopelessness and suicidal ideation(Beck,Steer,&Brown,1996).
Beck Anxiety Inventory.The Beck Anxiety Inventory(BAI;Beck&Steer,1990)is a lf-report questionnaire ud to measure the verity of anxiety symptoms.The BAI consists of21items describing common symptoms of ,“Unable to relax”). Respondents rate the extent to which each item has been true of them in the past week on a0to3scale.Items are totaled to yield a total score on the measure from0to63.The BAI has shown high internal consistency~aϭ.92)and test-r
etest reliability over1week(rϭ.75).Scores on the BAI have been positively correlated with a number of lf-report and clinical measures of anxiety(Beck,Epstein,Brown,&Steer,1988).
NEO Five Factor Inventory.The NEO Five Factor Inventory(NEO-FFI;Costa& McCrae,1992)is a60-item lf-report measure of five dimensions of personality.It consists of five12-item scales measuring ,“I often feel inferior to oth-ers”),,“I really enjoy talking to people”),,“I have a lot of intellectual curiosity”),,“Most people I know like me”),and ,“I keep my belongings neat and clean”).Respondents rate each item on a5-point scale from“strongly disagree”to“strongly agree.”The NEO-FFI has dem-onstrated good internal consistency~aϭ.73–.86)and test-retest reliability over3months (rϭ.75–.83).Scores on the NEO-FFI are highly correlated with tho on a longer ver-sion of the instrument,the NEO Personality Inventory-Revid(PI-R).Correlations range from0.77for Agreeableness to0.92for Neuroticism(Costa&McCrae,1992). Statistical Analysis
Analys began by computing descriptive statistics and internal consistency coefficients (Cronbach’s alpha)for the CISS-SF subscales for each sample.Becau of consistent gender differences in CISS scores(Cosway et al.,2000;Endler&Parker,1990b,1993, 1994),the analys were estimated parately for men and women.For multivariate
Journal of Clinical Psychology DOI10.1002/jclp
A Short Form of the CISS277 analys,missing data were handled by using the listwi deletion procedure in Mplus (Methuen&Methuen,1998–2004).A21ϫ21matrix of covariances among CISS-SF items was computed for each sample,and covariances were then subjected to confirma-tory factor analysis by using maximal likelihood estimation.Associations with measures of emotional and personality correlates were also computed parately by gender becau women have generally been shown to score higher on the scales of interest.For the undergraduates,the CISS-SF factors and subscales were correlated with the BDI and BAI parately for men and women.For the community sample,the CISS-SF factors and subscales were correlated with NEO-FFI subscales parately for men and women.To control for multiple comparisons,we ud a conrvative alpha level of.01for correla-tional analys.
Means,standard deviations,and internal consistency coefficients for the CISS-SF sub-scales are prented in Table1.In the community sample no significant gender differ-ences emerged for the task-oriented subscale,but women scored significantly higher than men on the emotional,treat one
lf,and contact a friend subscales.Significant gender differences were found for all four subscales in the undergraduate samples;women scored significantly lower on the task-oriented scale and significantly higher on the emotional, treat onelf,and contact a friend subscales.Satisfactory internal consistency coefficients were obtained for the task-oriented,emotional,and contact a friend subscales in both the undergraduate and community samples~aϭ.76–.88).However,lower internal consis-tency coefficients were found for the treat onelf subscale in both samples~aϭ.61–.72). Table1
Means,Standard Deviations,and Alpha Reliability Coefficients for CISS-SF Subscales
in Undergraduate and Community-Dwelling Adult Samples
Undergraduate(nϭ1,682)Community(nϭ390) Subscale M SD a M SD a Task-oriented
Men23.30 5.07.8724.41 5.88.85 Women22.36*** 4.88.8623.78 6.17.87 Emotional
Men17.81 4.82.7914.36 6.00.88 Women20.17*** 5.31.8316.40*** 6.73.87 Treat onelf
Men10.17 3.23.728.79 3.43.61 Women11.40*** 3.24.689.92*** 3.85.67 Contact a friend
Men9.04 2.88.777.61 3.72.87 Women10.36*** 2.83.769.14*** 3.73.83 Note.CISS-SFϭCoping Inventory for Stressful Situations–Short Form;Mϭmean;SDϭstandard deviation.
***pϽ.001for two-tailed t-tests comparing men and women.
Journal of Clinical Psychology DOI10.1002/jclp