USL=upper specification limit规格上限
LSL=lower specification limit规格下限
CL=center line中心值
UCL=upper control line管制上限
LCL=low control line管制下限
Xbar=estimate of process mean平均值
Rbar=average of subgroup range组内全距的平均值
Sbar=average of subgroup standard deviation每组标准差的平均值
ni = number of (nonmissing) obrvations in subgroup i组内观察次数(此处不讨论组内观察次数不相等的情况)
n=∑ni=total number of (nonmissing) obrvations总观测次数
StDev(Within)=estimate of within subgroup process standard deviation组内标准差
StDev(Betwn)= of between subgroup process standard deviation组间标准差
StDev(Total)=Total estimate of standard deviation合并标准差
StDev(Overall)=estimate of overall process standard deviation总标准差
Xi=the ith obrvation观测值
1 The reasons there are two main expressions for "population" and "sample"” is that one is "biad estimator" and the other is not.
How much real practical difference is there between using a standard deviation with n in the denominator versus one with (n-1
With thirty points you are under 2% in disagreement. So in industrial situations it is always to u the (n-1) formula.
2 Most of the data we've collected are individual data or multiple readings for subgroup data.
3 PROCESS CAPABILITY is defined as the 6 sigma range of a process's inherent variation, where sigma is usually estimated by R-bar/d2 and where inherent variation is d
efined as that portion of process variation due to common caus only.
3 PROCESS PERFORMANCE is defined as the 6 sigma range of a process's total variation where sigma is usually estimated by s, the sample standard deviation
4 Cpk---Process capability index attempts to answer the question "does my process in the long run meet specification?"
5 ppk---Process performance index attempts to answer the question "does my current production sample meet specification ?"
6 "Long Term" versus "Within" and "Short Term" versus "Overall" it ems antinomic.
To my opinion, process should be stable in the long run if not we calls the alternate potential process.
Meanwhile, process capability evaluation can only be done after the process is brought into statistical control, that’s to say, the process you studied is stable without BETWEEN VARIATION.
The reason is simple: Cpk is a prediction, and one can only predict something that is stab
le. And process performance indices should only be ud when statistical control cannot be evaluated.
Then comes to the problem or misunderstand: process in long run (potential process) only has within variation, i.e. short term variability. Also, overall variation is equal to long term variability we often say.
So we often assosiate "Cpk"with"Long Term","Within"and"Potential" and "ppk"with"Short Term"and"Overall".
Avoid confusion of "Long Term" and "Short Term", Even MINITAB no longer us long-term & short-term. As of Relea 13 they changed their terminology so it now associates Cpk with the descriptor "Potential (Within)" and ppk with the descriptor "Overall".
Formulas(1)---Following is sample estimates of MINITAB
>>>Subgroup Size>1(Betwn/Within)
Pooled standard deviation---Ddefault
Rbar---Average of subgroup ranges
Sbar---Average of subgroup standard deviation
(2) StDev(Betwn)
StDev(Betwn)=SQRT(max(0, StDev(Xibar)^2- StDev(within)^2/Subgroup Size)
for StDev(Xibar) u the formula of Average moving range(Subgroup Size=1)
(3) StDEV(Total)
StDEV(Total)=SQRT(StDev(with)^2+ StDev(Betwn)^2)
(4) StDEV(Overall)
>>>Subgroup Size=1(Normal)
Average moving range---Default