High School English Vocabulary Roots and Affixes n
1.Auti- Against
Antiwar - Against war
Antibody - Against body
Antisocial - Against society
Antihuman - Against human
2.Auto- Self。Automatic
graphy - graphy
Autocriticism - Self-criticism
n - n
Autograph - Self-signature
3.Co-/Col-/Com-/Con- Together
n - Working together
Coexistence - Living together
n - Living together
Collect - Gather together
Colleague - Work together
Communicate - Share together
Communism - Sharing together
Company - pany
n - pany
Compass - Together n
Combine - Join together
Compress - Press together
Common n - Shared understanding
Compare - Examine together
Consider - Think together
Contest - Compete together
Conclude - Clo together
Construct - Build together
Conflict - Clash together
Contain - Hold together
Concentric - Together center
Contemporary - Together time
Conjoin - Join together
Appoint - Point out
Appointment - Formal meeting
n - Increa speed
n - Decrea speed
n is a us problem that affects many people。When someone is addicted to something。they feel like they cannot live without it。The word "addict" comes from the Latin word "di
ctare," which means "to speak." This is becau people who are addicted to something often talk about it all the time.
Things that are attractive can distract us from what we should be doing。The word "attract" comes from the Latin word "tractare," which means "to pull." This is why things that are attractive can pull us away from our responsibilities。It's like we are being pulled by a tractor.
Accents are a part of our identity。They can tell people where we are from and what language we speak。The word "accent" comes from the Latin word "accentus," which means "tone of voice." When we adjust our speech to fit in with a certain group。we are being just and preci in our n。This is why we u the word "justice" to describe fairness.
To adapt to a new n。we need to be adept at learning new skills。The word "adapt" means to adjust to a new n。When we are adept at something。we are skilled at it。When we adopt a new idea。we are taking it in and making it a part of our lives.
When we announce something。we are making it known to others。The word "announce" comes from the Latin word "nuntiare," which means "to report." When we appreciate something。we value it and e its worth。The word "appreciate" comes from the Latin word "pretium," which means "price."
Aggressive r can be dangerous。The word "aggressive" comes from the Latin word "gressus," which means "to go." This is why we u the word "congress" to describe a group of people who come together to make ns。When we associate with others。we are connecting with them and building social nships.
When we are encouraged。we feel courageous and confident。The word "encourage" comes from the Latin word "cor," which means "heart." When we enlarge something。we make it bigger。The word "enlarge" comes from the Latin word "magnus," which means "big." When we endanger ourlves。we put ourlves in danger。The word "endanger" comes from the Latin word "periculum," which means "danger."
When we n something。we imagine it in our minds。The word "n" comes from the Latin
word "," which means "sight." When we lighten a load。we make it less heavy。The word "lighten" comes from the Old English word "lihtan," which means "to make light."
When we fasten something。we cure it in place。The word "fasten" comes from the Old English word "fæstnian," which means "to make fast." When we frighten someone。we make them feel scared。The word "frighten" comes from the Old English word "fyrhtan," which means "to frighten."