掌握自然拼读, 就会见字能读, 听音能写! 同学们, 我们一起加油!
Chapter 1 字母发音
A a : at and angry actor actress map bat cat hat
An actor and an actress, are angry at the hors.
The sad rat sat on the hat .
B b : book job Bob bed bag big black
Big bag , big banana, big book , blue bread, are on a black bed .
Binding books , binding books are on the bed .
Bob find a good job .
C c : carrot cake card can cap camp(帐篷) cartoon cash (现金)
Mum cuts the cucumber for cooking .
D d : dog doctor dance bad food bed hand good dinosaurs(恐龙)
Dad with blond beard(金色大胡子), stood in the field . He told a cold bird , “Don’t be afraid ”
E e : leg ten bed wet(湿的) elf (精灵) net pet get let t
Ken gets a red pen
F f : face fan far farm five fingers food flowers frog(青蛙) feet
Food in fridge(冰箱). Flowers on forks(叉子)
G g : give gift girl gold glad God gate garden giggle(咯咯笑) fog (雾)
Girls in the garden / sitting on a gate , giggling at gibbons (长臂猿)
H h : hat hard hug(拥抱) hair hand hall half hot hor
A huge hare(野兔) hugs the happy hen .
I i : ill is in ink big bit pig drink pink sink(水槽)
A big pink pig / drinks in the sink .
J j : jar(罐子) jam jelly jellyfish just jeep job July Jim
Jim wears a jacket in July , he drives a jeep to hunt for(寻找) a job .
K k: key kid keep kiss king book kitchen(厨房) kite fork
The king kiss a kid .
Keep the kitchen clean .
L l : 作为首字母:
lab lace lad(小家伙) lake lick(舔) like let life long log(圆木) lift
Let me help you lift the long log .
Bell bowl pool feel cool bowl will angel
The pool will feel really cool .
M m : milk mop man map ham arm jam farm Tom room
Mum is in the room .
Tim likes to watch film
N n : nest nut neck no pen can fan pan coin train in ten
Ten men are in the train .
Run , run , run , in the sun , isn’t it fun , to run , run , run !
O o : hot top log mop pop olive ox(公牛) ostrich(鸵鸟)
The dog got a hot pot (锅)
P p : play piano pull push park parent parrot put ship cap nap .
A parrot is in the park . The pup(小狗) is on map.
My parents are peasants . (农民)
Q q : 字母q是辅音,单词里u通常都跟在q后面.
queen question quiet (安静的) quite quake quarter quilt
A quiet forest / a quacking duck .
R r : rat radio rice race run rope(绳子) rain roof (房顶)
A rope is on the roof .
S s : sun sing soap snake a e stand
She es a ship in the a .
I e a a lion swimming in the a.
T t : time pot fat hit pat nut bat cat pet mat hat
The rat eats the nut on the bat (棒球棒)
U u : sun jug bug ugly uncle until run fun sun umbrella
It’s fun to run in the sun .
V v : vest violin very va vet(兽医) vast (广阔的)
The vet plays the violin on the vast field.
W w : water window walk wolf web wheel wall
A walking wolf / My wife is a waitress.
X x : six box fox taxi next fix(修理) mix
Let me fix the next taxi.
Y y : yellow yo-yo young yolk yawn
Z z : zip zero zoo zebra zone(地带)
There are zebras in the zoo.
Chapter 2 混合音
C c : c在这里的单词里发的是软音/s/, 在这些单词里,字母c后面接e , i, y.
Office face city center
G g : g在这一页的单词里发的是软音 j.在这些单词里面, 字母g后面接e, i ,y.
Angel giraffe bridge giant (巨人)
bl : black blond blue blanket
cl: clock clean clo clothes cloudy
fl: flag flower float flap(拍打)
gl: gloves glass
pl: play plate plastic place playground