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日 期: 口7.j一夕
2003年9月我省整体正式进入新一轮基础教育课程改革,到2007年7月, 初中物理新课程已经整整实施了两轮,新课程实施以来现状是什么?课改取得了 哪些成果,又遇到了那些问题?广大教师和学生的理念、行为产生了哪些变化? 又有哪些因素阻碍了课程改革的进程?反馈本次课改的实施效果,发现改革成功 的闪光点并推广,查找制约本次课改顺利推进的主要因素,针对课改出现的问题 应采取哪些对策,成为一个迫切需要研究的问题。 ,
本论文在研究方法上主要采用了文献法、问卷调查法、访谈法进行研究。其 中问卷调查法为本次研究的最重要手段,通过对常州市区初中的物理教师发放问 卷,进行数据整理分析。
。 调查发现,大部分教师对课改理念很认同,但对本次课改信心不足,部分教 师对实施效果表示悲观。教师培训工作成效显著,学校教研活动能正常开展,但 学校在对教师、学生的评价方面,仍以学生的考试成绩作为主要标准。教师的教 学观点、教学行为及方式都发生了显著的改变,符合课改的理念及要求,但大部 分教师对反思的作用认识不足。
论文的第二部分针对调查结果,分析、总结了科学探究教学中出现的新问题, 并对此提出对策,从实践的层面提出科学探究教学的一般模式。总结了新课程理 念下中考物理命题的新走向及出现的问题,对中考命题改革的提出了5点建议。
关键词:课改 调查 科学探究 中考
Jiangsu province entered a new round of elementary education curriculum reform in September'2003.There has been 2 rounds of new curriculum reform till 2007.Has the reforill achieved a great success?Are there any problems to be solved?Has the refonn affected students and teachers to change their ideas and learning and teaching methods?Are there factors or
problems to hinder reform from carrying on smoothly?All the problems need to be studied.My
rearch is focud on investigating the current situations of the physics teaching in junior middle
schools and putting forward some advice of dealing with the problems.
This thesis Bs the methods of literature study,interview,questionnaire,etc.I hand out questionnaire to the teachers in some junior middle schools in ChangZhou and analyze the data and information.
The result of the survey shows that most of the teachers agree to the ideas of new curriculum reform.However,some teachers who take a negative view to the reform have little confidence in new curriculum.In fact,most teachers still teach for the test scores,becau the students’test
SCOre is still the only standard to asss teachers.Step by step,teachers have changed their ideas and teaching methods according to the demands of the reform.However,most teachers are short of the consciousness of the uful function to teaching feedback,so I put forward some efficient strategies to Solve the problems.
In the cond part of the thesis,I explore a new teaching model of science inquiry from
practice.According to the ideas of the curriculum reform,I sum up the trend of nior middle school enWance exam and put forward 5 pieces ofadvice about the exam.
Key words:curriculum reform,investigation,science inquiry,nior middle school entrance