A | B | ID | Inspection Point | Visual Criteria | Obrvation Notes |
001 | Are ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) ud at the electrical source for portable electric tools and extension cords?手持电动工具及延长线施工带有漏电保护装置。 Criteria: A GFCI must be ud with any extension cords and portable electric tools, except for battery operated tools. 任何延长线插座和使用常规交流电的手持电动工具都必须配有漏电保护装置 | ||||
002 | In SHOP AREAS: Are extension cords and plug strips ud only temporarily and suitable for the conditions of u and location? 在商业区:延长线和插板是否适合作业环境条件? Criteria: Extension cords are only to be ud temporarily with portable devices, and must be removed upon completion of the task. Plug strips are only permitted for temporary u with light duty, low current devices (such as computers or electronic devices). Extension cords and plug strips must be protected from damage and exposure to damp or wet conditions during u.延长线只用用于临时用电,使用后立即移除,插板只能用于带动小功率低电流设备例如电脑和电子设备,带有延长线的插板使用时必须注意保护,避免破损和在潮湿环境内使用。 | ||||
003 | In OFFICE AREAS: Are plug strips ud only for low current electrical devices, and are they protected from damage?在办公区:插板是否只用于带动低电流的电器设备,并且能有效预防事故? Criteria: Plug strips are only to be ud for low current devices in workstations or offices, and must be protected from damage. Extension cords are not permitted for any purpo other than temporary maintenance work.插板只能用于办公区和现场办公点的低电流设备供电,并有保护装置,延长线只能用于维修工作的临时用电线路。 | ||||
004 | Are extension cords heavy duty rated, with molded strain-relief plugs and receptacles额定负荷大的延长线和插头是否是一次压模成型的? Criteria: Extension cords must be at least type SE, SJ, SO, or ST 14/3 construction, and must have factory-asmbled cord ends. No custom-made or modified cords are permitted. 外包绝缘层为SE, SJ, SO, 或ST 天然丝包外径比为14/3型的延长线和端头为原厂定制的电缆,不允许修改和成型端头。 | ||||
005 | Are flexible cords and cables free of splices, taps, tape, and general damage?软线和延长些的接头是否用绝缘胶布做处理和避免漏电危险? Criteria: Flexible cable and extension cords must show no signs of tearing or exposure of conductors. Cords must not be repaired with tape.延长线和软线的绝缘破损和漏出导体部分必须使用绝缘胶布进行保护处理。 | ||||
006 | If the extension cord, tool, or device originally had a ground prong, is it still in place?延长线、电气工具设备带有接地端插头的接地端子是否完好? Criteria: Any device that was manufactured with a 3rd prong to act as a ground must have the ground prong intact and undamaged.任何三爪插头的第三插脚起到接地保护作用,所以三个插脚都必须完好。 | ||||
007 | Are multiple plug adaptors prohibited?多功能插头适配器是否禁止使用? Criteria: Multiple plug adapters (often called power taps) are not permitted unless manufactured as part of an extension cord asmbly. 多功能插头适配器(常称为插头切换器)不准使用,除非延长线自带的。 | ||||
008 | Are portable lights or temporary lighting ud properly?是否正确使用手持照明和临时照明装置。 Criteria: Portable lights (drop lights, spotlights, multi-fixture light asmblies) must only be ud for temporary task lighting, and removed after u. Halogen lights become extremely hot during u, and must be isolated from all flammable and combustible materials. Cords and lights must be protected from damage and exposure to damp or wet conditions during u. Portable lights must not be hung from any moveable source: i.e. elevator hoist ropes, crane hoist etc.手提灯(落灯、射灯、多光源照明组合装置)只能用于临时照明,用完后立即移除。卤素灯使用过程会产生大量热量,所以安装位置需要远离易燃、可燃物质,在室外及潮湿环境中使用,灯和线路必须设有安全防护,避免损坏和漏电,手提灯不能悬挂在任何可移动的物体上,例如:电梯提升钢丝绳和起重机吊索上。 | ||||
A | B | ID | Inspection Point | Visual Criteria | Obrvation Notes |
009 | Are electrical panels, cabinets, and disconnects free from obstruction? 配电设施前是否畅通无阻? Criteria: Electrical panels, cabinets, switchgear, and disconnects must have a minimum unobstructed space 36 inches (1 M) in front of the panel and 36 inches (1 M) wide to permit safe access to open and work inside of electrical panels and boxes.配电箱、配电柜、开关柜前需要保持一个最小安全距离为电柜前1m宽1m,保证能够安全的打开电柜操作电柜内面板。 | Example of an electrical panel free of obstructions: 30” wide working clearance and 36” front working clearance | |||
010 | Are all disconnects and circuit breakers labeled to indicate their u or equipment rved?开关是否有状态标识牌,标明开合状态? Criteria: Disconnects and circuit breakers must be labeled to identify the equipment, lighting, or circuit the switch or circuit breaker controls.断路器和开关上必须标识清楚指示灯或短路设备通路和断路状态标识。 | ||||
011 | Are all electrical cabinets, junction boxes, outlets, and switches fully enclod?所有电柜、电箱、接线盒是否都是密封良好的? Criteria: No openings exposing the interior of the electrical enclosure are permitted on any surface of the enclosure. All unud holes and openings must be blocked or filled with fittings or block-off plates designed for this purpo. Unud knock-out and twist-out tabs must be tight and cure. Covers must be screwed curely to device or box. Tape is not permitted as a cover for openings.不允许在任何密封跌电气外壳随意开孔,所有未使用的开孔必须用专门设计挡板封堵,未使用的和淘汰的开孔必须密封和确保安全,电箱、设备的门必须盖紧安全防护门,不准使用胶带代替密封装置。 | ||||
A | B | ID | Inspection Point | Visual Criteria | Obrvation Notes | |
012 | Are clamps or other curing means provided on flexible cords or cables at plugs, receptacles, tools, equipment, panels and junction boxes, etc., and is the cord jacket curely held in place?在插头、插座,工具,设备,面板和接线盒的电缆进口处是否装有线夹和其他安防装置用于防止电缆磨损? Criteria: Flexible cords must have a strain relief device installed on or manufactured as part of the cord asmbly to prevent wear and extreme bends or cracking of the insulating jacket and conductors. The strain relief also prevents the cord conductors from pulling out of the device. Overhead bus drops must be curely clamped and strain relieved at the overhead box and at the floor-level point of connection. If plug ts are ud, they must be locking connectors with strain relief. A cable support grip must be ud at the transition from overhead to vertical drop.移动电缆必须安装有防止极端变形和弯曲情况下绝缘保护和导体破损的应力消除装置和组件,应力缓解保护装置还可以防止电线受力从设备接口抽出,架空总线向下悬挂的绝缘端子必须使用插销与夹住电线的应变消除装置固定使用,并与接地端连接,若使用集成插头必须自带应变缓冲装置,电缆的应力缓冲装置支撑能力必须满足其从上到下落差产生的重量。 | |||||
013 | Are rubber mats placed on the floor in front of electrical enclosures and equipment if work is performed on live circuitry? 带电作业的电柜和设备前是否有绝缘地垫? Criteria: Authorized personnel working on live circuitry must stand on an insulating rubber mat to prevent electrocution if the worker comes into bodily contact with an energized component or conductor.带电作业必须有持证的电工进行操作,作业时站在绝缘脚垫上预防作业时碰到带电部位导致触电。 | |||||
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