1)以发音的元音字母结尾的单节。 例:be,he。
2)以辅音字母(r 除外)+不发音的e结尾的音节。 例:make,like。
* 在重读的开音节中元音字母按字母名称读音。
以一个或几个辅音字母(r 除外)结尾而中间只有一个元音字母的音节,
* 在重读的闭音节中元音字母读做短元音。
Aa [ei] 在单词中的发音
1. 在重读开音节中发字母音[ei]
a age able ache bake cake snake wake lake make take ca cable age save ba tape wave date race face name same game frame gate hate male pale sale taste shave shade race plane plate place page space safe slave state table stable stage skate paste trace trade waste (注意have[] ,ate []和 va的英国发音)
2. 在重读闭音节中发[æ]
at act ash bag bad bat cap cat can dad fact hand jam black thank rabbit glad chat van vat sad
3. 在非重读音节中发[ә]
a'go a'wake a'live a'lone a'long a'side a'board a'broad a'round a'bout a'bove a'ccept a'djust a'like American a'mount a'sleep a'ware a'way a'part 'panda 'cinema
4. 在重读-r音节中发[α:]
car star start far arm army hard farm party card part pardon March farther farthest garden harvest market large apart parking (注意"[w]+ar" ,ar发[ɔ:] warm war toward quarter [] ; 在非重读-r音节中发[ә] 'sugar)
5. 在-re音节中发 [e]
care hare careful parent (注意are[α:] )
6. 在重读闭音节中,"a+age"字母组合中,发[ei]
dange dangerous strange stranger change exchange (注意orange [] )
7. 在重读闭音节中,"a+ss, a+st, a+sp, a+sk, a+th, a+f, a+n" 中的a 发[α:]
glass class classmate grass pass pasr-by last fast past grasp ask mask basketball rather father after afternoon dance answer France plant can't
8. 在重读闭音节中,a前是w时,a常发 []
want wash washer watch was (注意water [] )
Aa 的字母组合音节在单词中的发音
<al> - [ɔ:] all call ball wall walk<al>有时发 [] also salt always almost…
<aw> - [ɔ:] saw law draw
<au> - [ɔ:] autumn August (注意laugh [] aunt [] )
<augh> - [ɔ:] taught daughter
<ai> - [ei] train tailor (注意said [] )
<ay> - [ei] day play today (注意says [] ; Monday 等词中,ay为非重读音节发[])
<air> - [e ] air hair chair
Ee [i:] 在单词中的发音
1. 在重读开音节中,发字母音 [i:]
be he she we key the me
2. 在重读闭音节中发 [e]
bed beg bet cell nd rent tent debt egg ten neck let desk yes yellow
3. 在重读-r音节中发[ә:]
her hers term person certain certainly prefer perform Germany rerve
4. 在非重读-r音节中发[ә]
under teacher winter summer better cover water sister mother father supper leader ladder Peter wonder player
5. 在重读-re音节中发[ɪə] here
[e] there where
Ee [i:]的字母组合在单词中的发音
<ea> - [i:]] tea eat read team meat a jeans pea peach wheat reach
- [e] head bread health dead deaf sweat heavy breath heaven
<ee> - [i:] bee e meet sheep tree three jeep feet teeth knee fee
<ei> - [i:]] receive (<ie> - [i:] piece field believe 或 [] quiet science)
<ew> - [ju:] new few w
- [u:] blew threw flew (r+ew, l+ew)
<eer>- [ɪə] pioneer volunteer
<ear>- [ɪə] ear near hear dear clear
- [e] pear bear
<eigh>- [ei] eight weight
Ii [aɪ] 在单词中的发音
I hi bike time rice tidy die lie tie (元音字母加不发音字母e视为开音节)注意 give live
2.在闭音节中 []
is it milk fish pig ship big
3.在-nd -ld和gh前 [ai]
find child light high
4.在-r音节中 []
bird girl shirt skirt first dirty thirsty firm third thirty birthday birth
5.在-re音节中 []
tire fire hire
<ig> - [] sign
<igh> - [] light night bright right fight flight (gh 不发音)
<ia> - [] diary dialogue
<ie> - [] quiet science
- [i:] piece field believe
<io> - [] toilet
Oo [] 在单词中的发音
no toe zero hero potato tomato photo piano kilo tobacco hello home note hope whole role no ro vote pole mode bone zone tone code joke Rome cope sole owe own (注意:[u:] do to who shoe move ; [ ] come done )
2. 在重读闭音节中发[ɔ]
not nod rob hot cost off lot job stop doctor honest Tom dot got shop box lost most from
3. 在非重读音节中发[ә]
to'day o'clock 'pilot com'puter o'ccur o'btain 'opposite
4. 在重读-r音节发 [ : ]
or for morning forty born hor sport report north northern nor order fork pork corner record report normal important cord force (注意:[w]+or, or 发[ : ] word work wor worst world workplace )
5. 在非重读-r音节中发 [ ]
for'get 'doctor 'color 'actor
6. 在重读-re音节中发 [ɔ:]
more before score
7. 在重读闭音节中,o+st 或 o+ld,o发[]
most post (注意[] cost lost ) old cold hold told
8. 在重读音节中,o+m, o+n, o+v, o+th时,o发 []
come some become sometimes
son one front month monkey among none ton done once won done Monday wonder wonderful (注意only [ 'nl ] gone [ gn] )
love above cover (注意over []
mother brother other another (注意both []
Oo 字母组合音节在单词中的发音
<oa> - [] boat coat (注意broad[] board [] )