Unit 7 What’s the matter?
Story time
Teaching contents 教学内容
Story time
Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标
1. 能听懂,会读,会说单词:happy, hungry, ill, thirsty, tired, dear。
2. 能听懂,会读,会说句子:What’s the matter?、Are you …?、I’m …、Can I have …?、Here you are./Come and have …/I want to …/Good night.。
3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述并表演课文。
4. 能初步运用所学单词和日常用语关心帮助他人。
Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点
Teaching procedures 教学过程
Step 1 Greeting & Warm up
1. Greeting
T: Hello, boys and girls.
S: Hello, …
2. Play a game
T: First, what clothes do you know?
S: Dress, shirt, sweater, gloves … What food do you know?
S: Hamburger, sandwich, noodles, rice …
T: What about drinks? (PPT呈现drinks,让学生联想关于饮料的英文单词)
S: Milk, juice, tea, coffee …
T: Do you know the words about animals? (PPT呈现animals)
S: Dog, cat, bird …
T: Look! This is a bear and a dog.
Here’s a song about them. Let’s listen.
3. Sing a song
Step 2 Prentation
T: What’s the matter with them in the song? (板书What’s the matter?并带读)
S: They are hungry and thirsty. (板书hungry、thirsty并带读)
T: Today we will learn Unit 7 What’s the matter? (揭示课题并带读)
T: They are hungry. And what can they do?
S: Have some pizza/cake.
T: He is thirsty. And what can he do?
S: Have some water/tea.
【设计意图:通过歌曲渗透句型和单词,帮助学生理解并引出课题What’s the matter?。由此进入Story time的学习。】
Step 3 Story time
1. Look and say
T: Look at this picture. This is Liu Tao. Is he happy?
S: No, …
T: What’s the matter? Let’s guess!
S: He is … (学生猜测刘涛怎么了)
2. Listen and choo
T: What’s the matter with Liu Tao? (板书tired、ill并带读)
Let’s listen and choo. (播放课文动画)
S: He’s thirsty and hungry.
T: Yes.
3. Read and find
T: He’s thirsty and hungry. How do you know that? Try to find the ntences in your book. (学生自读课文,划出相关句子)
S: I’m thirsty./ No, but I’m tired.
4. Let’s imagine
T: Liu Tao is thirsty and hungry. If you are Liu Tao, what would you say? Plea discuss in pairs. (两人一组讨论,并反馈)
Step 4 Read the story
1. Listen and read. (听录音读)
2. Read it together. (打开书,全班齐读)
3. Read in groups. Three students a group. (三人一组,分角色朗读或表演)
4. Act in groups. Three students a group. (请两至三组学生上台表演)
Step 5 Consolidation
T: How is Liu Tao next morning? What would Dad and Mum say?
Can you imagine? Let’s make a dialogue.
T: Who wants to be Liu Tao? (请一位同学上台和老师合作表演)
T: Wake up, Taotao.
S: OK.
T: How are you today?
S: Not so good.
T: What’s the matter?
S: I’m hungry/thirsty.
T: Would you like some eggs/milk?
S: Yes, I’d like some …, too.
T: Here you are.
Practi in groups.
Homework 家庭作业
1. 听磁带,跟读课文五遍。
2. 和朋友们分享你的新故事。
3. 了解更多关于感觉的单词。
Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)
Unit 7 What’s the matter?
在本节课的开始,以游戏的形式复习学过的衣服、食物和动物类单词,激发学生的学习兴趣。接下来通过歌曲中的情境,使本节课的新句型What’s the matter?和新单词hungry、thirsty自然地呈现出来,帮助学生更好地理解。在课文学习部分,我设计了Listen and choo的任务,让学生带着任务观看动画,引导学生理解对话内容。接下来又设计了Look and find环节,让学生关注课文的细节信息,找出刘涛表达感受的句子。接着提出问题:如果你是刘涛会怎么做?让学生自己讨论出新的建议,拓展学生的思维。在朗读表演环节,
1. 关注学生对文本的整体感知和细节信息的获取。
2. 关注文本的理解,指导学生如何用正确的语音、语调朗读。
3. 关注学生在活动中体验用英语做事情的乐趣。