1. 足球是世界上最受欢迎的运动。最重要的足球比赛是世界杯。世界杯每四年举办一届。2002是第一次在亚洲举办的一届世界杯。同时也是第一次由两个国家举办。这两个国家是韩国和日本。
赢得世界杯是足球最高的成就,但在世界杯的历史上,只有少数几只队伍多次获得这个殊荣。第一届世界杯冠军被乌拉圭夺得,然后1950年又夺得一次。阿根廷也夺得过两次,1978和1986年。西德夺得了1954、1974、1990三届冠军。意大利获得了1934、1938、1982和2006年四届冠军,而最伟大的世界杯队伍是巴西队,巴西已经获得了五届世界杯冠军,分别是1958, 1962 ,1970,1994 and 2002年。
2. Staying healthy 保持健康
Eat right.吃的正确For good health,it's important to eat a balanced diet, which includes a lot of fuits and sugars.为了健康,平衡膳食很重要,它包括许多水果和糖This can help you keep at a healthy weight.这样能保持一个健康的体重
Be active.多活动Children should try to get at least 60 minute of exerci a day.孩子们应该每天至少锻炼60分钟Activities such as riding a bike,jumping rope and using the stairs can help you stay fit.例如骑车,跳绳,爬楼梯可以帮你保持健康。
Drink water.喝水More than half of the human body is made up of water.人体的一般是有水组成的The body needs water to survive,so be sure to drink water when you are thirsty and when it is hot.人有水才能生存,所以当你口渴或感到热时要喝水。
Wash your hands.洗手Washing your hands can stop the spread of dias.洗手可以阻止疾病的传播Always wash your hands with soap and warm water as this can keep you from getting sick.总是用肥皂和温水洗手可以防止你得病。
Get enough sleep.充足的睡眠Children between the ages of 6 and 9 need about 10 hours
of sleep each night while children between the ages of 10 and 12 should have about nine hours of sleep each night 6到9岁的孩子每晚需要睡10个小时,10到12岁的孩子每晚需要睡9个小时
3.Before you can start speaking and writing in English
you must know enough correct English ntences
you can't speak English if you have never en an English ntence in your life
this is obvious.Nor can you speak English well if you have not en a large number of English ntences.
There are two ways to learn correct English ntences:listening and reading
Both are good,but reading is usually much easier than listening
With the help of a good dictionary,you will be able to understand English texts much more easliy than,for exampie, English TV programs or movies.
The key to reading is to learn what to read and how to read.
You should always read English texts,which are at the "right level".
What does this mean? In every new book,there should be some words that you don't know,becau you want to learn something.
However,there should't be too many diffcult words,becau you don't want to u your dictionary 10 times in one ntence
TOday the World Wide Web is very popular.
On the Web you are completely free.
You can read about every subject in the world,whatever interests you
If you spend many hours surfing the Internet,you will also learn a lot of English.
A shoe for all occasions
She liked to walk, so she walked. From years of walking, the bottoms of her feet had become hard and leathery. Even so, there were places she could not go--- where the stones were too sharp or the sand too hot. She came across another who wore curious things on his feet that allowed traversing of the forbidden zones. So, she fashioned shoes of her own and ventured into unfamiliar territory.
The further she walked, the colder it got. It began to snow, which made travel exceeding
ly difficult. She had an idea. With larger extended versions of her shoes, she discovered that she could move across the surface without sinking. So she moved on. Eventually, she came to the edge of a large ocean, and try as she might, she could not get her shoes to prevent her from sinking. She could go no further. As she reflected on this circumstance, she realized that she no longer knew where she had come from or where she was going. So she returned to the snow and walked around becau she liked to walk.
Others came and went, but none could walk on the snow as easily and as gracefully as she. She was content. Then one day, the snow began to melt and the grass began to grow. Soon there was a rich carpet of green. Her shoes hindered her movements, so she took them off. But the bottoms of her feet were now soft and nsitive, and the grass tickled her toes. She reached down to feel the grass with her hands. She lay down to smell the sweetness and she rolled on her back. For the first time, she looked up to e the sky and she wondered “had it been there all along?”