Vol. 36 No. 6Dec. 2222第36卷第6期
哈尔滨商业大学学报(自然科学版)2020 年 12 月 Journal of Harbin University of Commerce (Natural Sciences Edition )UPLC-MS/MS 法同时测定黄5 -甘草药对8个有效成分
王晶萍2,董微微2,赫志强6,董林争2,赵丽珠2 *
(2.哈尔滨商业大学药学院,哈尔滨150076 ; 2.鹤岗市检验检测中心,黑龙江鹤岗154122 ; 3.谱尼测试有限公司,哈尔滨150228)
摘 要:建立UPLC - M/M/方法同时测定黄C -甘草药对中毛蕊异黄酮葡萄糖P 、甘草P 、芒柄花P 、甘草素、毛蕊异黄酮、黄CUP 、芒柄花素、甘草酸8种主要成分.采用 色谱柱为Acquity BEH C 18(54 mm x2. 3 mm ,1.3 p,m )柱,流动相为乙睛-体积分数2.2%乙酸水溶液洗脱系统,流速为2. 3 mL • min -1,采用E/I 离子源,MRM 模式检测.结 果显示,所测8种主要成分在测定范围内线性关系良好,相关系数均大于2.999 2;精密 度、重复性和稳定性良好;平均加样回收率为96.63% -9964% ,RSD w3.48% .首次建 立可同时测定黄C -甘草药对中8种主要成分的UPLC - M/M/方法,该法操作简便, 灵敏度高,专属性好,分析速度快,为解析黄C -甘草药对的临床应用提供科学依据. 关键词:黄C;甘草;黄CUP;毛蕊异黄酮葡萄糖P;UPLC-MS/MS 中图分类号:R284 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672 -2946(2222)26 -2665 -26
Simultanerus determination of eighi active componentu in Astragali Radix and Glycyrrhizae Radix by UPLC - MS/MS WANG Jing-ping 2, DONG Wei-wei 2, HE Zhi-qiang 6, DONG Lin-zheng 2, ZHAO Li-zhu 2*(1. School of Pharmacy, Harbin University of Commerce, Harbin 154276, China ;. Inspection and Testing Center
of Hegang , Heeang 154122 , China ;. Pony Testing International Group , Harbin 154228 , China)Abstraci :To estatlisP a metiocl fos the simultayeoui deermindtioa of eight active compoaeei (celycosin-P -glucosine , liquiritin , oyosin , liquiritihein , celycosin , astragalosine IV , form- onoaetin , ang hycyrrbizinie acid ) in the Astragali Radix - Glycyrrhizae Radix herb pais. The eeermiatioii was pebormee cm aa Acyuity BEH C^ (54 mm x 2. 3 mm , 2.6 ^m ) , ang the mobin pPasi was compo of 2. 2% aetie atn in wateb ang acetoaitale in aranieei elu- tioa ang at 2. 3 mL • min -2 flow rate. Mas spehomeeb with electrb spray ioaizatioa (ESI) soarce was opcdan in MRM moOe. All of the dglytes showd -ooS lineebty (M2. 9992 ) in the testee ibnges. The precisios , reneatanility ang stdaility of the were gooS for the 收稿日期:2222 -22 - 26.
(221812240214);哈尔滨商业大学博士科研启动金项7(2219DS122);黑龙江省博士后基金(LBH-Z12166) 作者简介:王晶萍(1997 -),女,研究方向:中药质量标准.通信作者:赵丽珠(1989 -),女,博士,讲师,研究方向:中药质量标准.