There are four major types of child maltreatment:
◆Neglect is the failure to provide for a child’s basic needs including physical, medical, educational and emotional needs.
◆Physical abu is physical injury (ranging from minor bruis to vere fractures or death) as a result punching, beating kicking, biting, shaking, throwing, stabbing, choking, hitting, or otherwi harming a child.
◆Sexual abu includes activities such as fondling a child's genitals, penetration,incest, rape, sodomy, indecent exposure, and commercial exploitation through prostitution or the production of pornographic materials.
◆Emotional abu is a pattern of behavior that impairs a child's emotional development or n of lf-worth. This may include constant criticism, threats, or rejection, as well as withholding love, support, or guidance. What is Child Abu?California law defines child abu as any of the following:
◆A child is physically injured by other than accidental means
◆A child is subjected to willful cruelty or unjustifiable punishment ◆A child is abud or exploited xually
◆A child is neglected by a parent or caretaker who fails to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care or supervision.
Any child may be victimized. Child abu cross all socioeconomic, ethnic, cultural, occupational, religious, and age groups.
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