Deqen: Beautiful(太苍白,不如考虑西人对它的了解改为“传说中的…… / 人类理想家园 / 乐土”之类,或者干脆不要任何修饰形容。)
Lying(换一个含有“远离尘世、世外桃源”之类意思的词,如hiding / hidden, retreated, cluding / cluded等)in the northwest of Yunnan Province, the Deqen Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture is a place where provinces meet—Yunnan, Tibet, Sichuan. “Deqen”means “good fortune as one wishes for” in the Tibet language.(按英语行文习惯,Deque宜出现在句首,信息方面宜重点突出“人间仙境/理想家
园”,而其地理位置属相对次要信息;因此,全句结构可以这样安排:Deque, a Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture cluded in the northwest of Yunnan Province at the meet of the neighboring Tibet Autonomous Region and Sichuan Province, is the dreamed homeland of “good fortunes to one’s wish” as its Tibetan name suggest.总之,既翻成英文,就要考虑英人的趣味需求所在,而对内容及表达形式作必要调整。以下亦同,不再赘述。)There are 8 ethnic groups who have lived on this vast expan of land generation after generation(考虑与上句的连贯衔接,不妨改为:Inhabited on this … for generations are 8 ethnic groups …). Among them the Tibetan accounts for the majority of the population. This is where the legendary Shangri-la is located(Recognized as the legendary Shangri-la, it …). The Prefecture is rich with the local colors of ethnicity scenic landscapes. Here one can e vast expans of grasslands and lofty mountains with rivers and streams running through this area. The snow-capped and mist-
shroud Kagebo(检查拼写,注意藏语发音。) Peak—the dominant of the Meili Mountain range in the northwest of Deqen—stands aloft 6,740 meters above a level, the highest peak in Deqen and in Yunnan Province as well. The Yangtze River(“扬子江”似乎仅指长江中下游部分,该地区长江该段是否另有名称?), like a dragon(注意文化意象内涵差异) cutting the mountain into two , runs through this area in a great gorge named “Leaping Tiger”—the deepest gorge in the world. Not a trac
e of green can be en in its violent torrents(注意这里是与周围的良好生态即“绿”所形成的强烈反差,译文不要给人周围皆不见绿色的误解。), but the heavy rumbles can be distinctly heard—the sound of life telling one its stories. Separated by a mountain from the Leaping Tiger Gorge(“一山之隔”是“隔了一座山的另一侧的另一条河”还是“该河流过了一座山之后”?), the water from a crystal-clear lake rushes(lake似乎与rush不相容,恐须交代清楚是在湖水出水处rush)down a valley, the mineral deposits in the water forming a ries of terraces of 200 square meters—a geological wonder called “White Water Terraces” by the local people.
With the development of tourism in recent years, Deqen has begun to attract large numbers of tourists, who are especially interested in its multinational cultures and unique natural beauty.(针对外国游客,看如何调整效果更好?)
Located at the junction of Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces and the Tibet Autonomous Region(若属
同一材料,则因前面已有交代,这里无需重复,突出几省区交界即可,再介绍其自然景观秀美、民族众多、文化多样等。), the scenery in picturesque Diqing(?), filled with glaciers, deep canyons, meadows, and lakes, remarkably rembles(从目的、效果考虑,不妨改为“simply the same as”甚或“exactly the same as”之类。)that of the Shangri-la described in Hilton’s novel. Residents here are mainly Tibetans in peace and harmony with over 20 other ethnic groups, including Lili and Naxi groups, thus creating a rich and unique culture.