plus就是加(大)的意思,手机一般指屏幕大小了,比如iphone7的屏幕是 4.7英寸,那plus就比4.7寸大,比如5.5寸。配置上因为屏幕大耗电多,所以电池容量也会大些。
1. the arithmetic operation of summing
calculating the sum of two or more numbers
e.g. the summation of four and three gives ven
four plus three equals ven
Synonym: summationaddition
2. a uful or valuable quality
Synonym: ast
1. involving advantage or good
e.g. a plus (or positive) factor
Synonym: positive
2. on the positive side or higher end of a scale
e.g. a plus value
temperature of plus 5 degrees
a grade of C plus
1. Kyungin Korean company's high-Series Light reactive, colors K - HL Red Yellow Blue, plus two monochrome high-Light gray and purple, a total of five varieties.
2. Plus we have players on the sideline waiting to come in - Ole since he`s come back, and who`s been scoring again; Gaby too.
3. And dye. The results from the whole experiments and nsitometric results from the emulsions showed: 1 that nsitization of Zn-EDTA or Cd-EDTA on silver bromide emulsion was affirmed; 2 That a cooperation nsitization of Zn-EDTA or Cd-EDTA, sulfur plus gold, and dye could be carried out to make a higher level of nsitization; 3 That a cooperation nsitization of Zn-EDTA or Cd-EDTA, on the basis of and dye, with oxalate-
doped was carried out to make a higher level of nsitization without any increa in the level of fog.
4. 5 Negotiable insurance policy/certificate in duplicate by People`s Insurance Co. of China incorporating their ocean marine cargo claus and war risks from China to Waterloo Ontario for 110% of invoice value, plus 23% for duty, additional cost of insurance is for buyer`s account and to be drawn under this credit.
5. Synergy of Recombinant Enhancin of Trichoplusia ni Granulovirus; 2. The synergy of honey and cabbage filtrate on Autographa Californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus and Bacillus thringiensis against the larvae of plus agnate was studied.
室内以蜂蜜和新鲜小白菜汁分别添饲银纹夜蛾幼虫,测定了其对AcNPV和Bt的增效作用,结果表明:在中低浓度AcNPV时,蜂蜜和新鲜小白菜汁液刺激银纹夜蛾幼虫初期取食,其感染后前3 d的粪便量比只有AcNPV处理的增加34。
6. Inevitably there will be scars and discoloration, plus a lot of pain.