扬州是中国历史上最繁华的城市之一,又是中国四大菜系之一淮扬菜系的发源地。 淮安、扬州、镇江三地位于长江南北,紧挨京杭大运河,从地理上看是连接南北西东的重要交通枢纽,且自古以来就是富庶的鱼米之乡。淮安、扬州早在隋、唐时期就已经相当繁华,当时的淮安、扬州不仅仅是文化交流上的发达,更可以理解为淮安、扬州在那个时候便已是消费集中地带!从文献记载中淮扬菜的闻名名可以追溯到一千多年以前;和淮安以及扬州的文化交流发展、鼎盛过程一样,历唐、清两个时期,且也是在清代康熙、乾隆年间达到巅峰,借势于两代皇帝的频频南巡期间,屡屡逗留淮安、扬州。到乾隆年间,淮扬菜系已经成为全国四大菜系之一。
淮扬菜英语介绍:Huai-Yang Cuisine
Huai-Yang Cuisine originated from the Pre-Qin Period (221-206BC), became famous during the Sui (581-618) and Tang (618-907) Dynasties, and was recognized as a distinct regional style during the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) Dynasties. This cuisine includes dishes from Huai'an, Yangzhou, Suzhou, and Shanghai.
Raw materials of Huai-Yang dishes include fresh and live aquatic products. The carving techniques are delicate, of which the melon carving technique is especially well-known. The flavor of Huai-Yang cuisine is light, fresh and sweet. If Shandong cuisine is characterized by stirring and frying over a hot fire, Huai-Yang cuisine is characterized by stewing, braising, and steaming over a low fire for a long time. Famous dishes cooked this way are chicken braid with chestnuts, pork steamed in lotus leaf, duck stewed with eight treasures, meatballs with crab meat in Yangzhou style, and butterfly a cucumber (a cucumber cut into butterfly shapes and cooked with flavorings). Other famous dishe
s include stewed crab with clear soup, long boiled dry shredded meat, crystal meat, squirrel with mandarin fish, Sauteed Eel Shreds and Liangxi crisp eel.
The vegetarian banquet is a special feature of Huai-Yang cuisine, and the vegetarian dishes in Beijing cuisine are mostly variants of Huai-Yang cuisine.
Huai-Yang snacks and refreshments are exquisite, such as boiled, shredded, dried bean curd; steamed dumplings with minced meat and gravy; steamed meat dumplings with dough gathered at the top.