The mirror is made of bronze mirrors in ancient times. In ancient times, there is a clo relationship between the mirror and
the daily life of people, is an indispensable tool of life. The mirror is exquisite handicrafts. It is well produced, beautiful shape, gorgeous figure pattern, rich inscriptions, is the treasure of our ancient cultural heritage. Its materials, including gold, silver, copper, iron and so on, with the most of copper, there are also gold plated, silver, gold or silver, or mosaic of gold and silver wire. Sui and Tang Dynasties, and with a handle, square, all kinds of patterns.
The early Western Han Dynasty to Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty, bronze mirrors gradually thick, more new hemispherical or persimmon shape. The pattern and texture also have new changes, theme decoration simple pattern, simple structure,
changes in the Warring States period that rigorous fine style. The late Western Han Dynasty to the mid Eastern Han Dynasty, the rules become the most exquisite mirror type, ornamentation to Sishen, patterns, animal, birds and Qunxie Sishen, feather like, lively. The layout of the pattern breaks through "the symmetry of the heart" and the new style of "axial symmetry". To the Song Dynasty in economy and science and technology has great progress, reflected in the mirror of technology development and the emergence of a climax. But due to the limited production of copper, the copper can directly lead to relatively strict, copper products are not many, the mirror exquisite is very rare.
此⾯铜镜直径 9 cm 厚 3 cm 极有时代特征。镜形为圆形,取圆满、团圆、吉祥之意。铜镜上的双鱼纹饰,均作旋转对称状,占据了整个镜背的空间。从纹饰造型看,多采取现实主义的⼿法。鱼张⼝⿎鳍,尾鳍翻折,⼤鳞⽚鳍。⾼浮雕的双鱼纹四周⼀般有动感强烈的⽔波纹,浪花团团,层叠有序;⽔⾯宁静;,以虚代⽔。双鱼前后左右装饰的浪花、使得两条头尾相接的鱼⼉充满活⼒,更显亲热,⽣动地再现了双鱼在⽔中畅游的场景。⽔波纹较强的画⾯装饰作⽤使得双鱼纹镜图案更加的⽣动鲜活,⽣动地表现了双鱼在泛波的⽔流中浮游觅⾷的活泼状态。双鱼纹镜以其灵动的⽣活⽓息,⾼超的艺术审美情趣,精湛细腻的铸塑⼯艺,为中国古代铜镜⽂化增添了浓墨重彩的⼀笔,让世⼈为之赞叹不已。双鱼纹镜上的鱼纹,形象写实,丰满⽣动,并与⽔波纹、涟漪、⽔草配映⼀起,使画⾯洋溢着⼀股幸福、吉祥、欢乐的情趣,因⽽格外招⼈喜爱。双鱼纹铜镜更是世⼈祈求多⼦多孙的意愿表达。略有不⾜的是此⾯双鱼镜的纽扣已经去掉了,但其合适的尺⼨,反⽽使其拥有更为⼴泛的⽤途,不在拘泥于装饰收藏。
The early Western Han Dynasty to Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty, bronze mirrors gradually thick, more new hemispherical or persimmon shape. The pattern and texture also have new changes, theme decoration simple pattern, simple structure,
changes in the Warring States period that rigorous fine style. The late Western Han Dynasty to the mid Eastern Han Dynasty, the rules become the most exquisite mirror type, ornamentation to Sishen,
patterns, animal, birds and Qunxie Sishen, feather like, lively. The layout of the pattern breaks through "the symmetry of the heart" and the new style of "axial symmetry". To the Song Dynasty in economy and science and technology has great progress, reflected in the mirror of technology development and the emergence of a climax. But due to the limited production of copper, the copper can directly lead to relatively strict, copper products are not many, the mirror exquisite is very rare.
The early Western Han Dynasty to Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty, bronze mirrors gradually thick, more new hemispherical or persimmon shape. The pattern and texture also have new changes, theme decoration simple pattern, simple structure,
changes in the Warring States period that rigorous fine style. The late Western Han Dynasty to the mid Eastern Han Dynasty, the rules become the most exquisite mirror type, ornamentation to Sishen, patterns, animal, birds and Qunxie Sishen, feather like, lively. The layout of the pattern breaks through "the symmetry of the heart" and the new style of "axial symmetry". To the Song Dynasty in economy and science and technology has great progress, reflected in the mirror of technology development and the emergence of a climax. But due to the limited production of copper, the copper can directly lead to relatively strict, copper products are not many, the mirror exquisite is very rare.
The mirror itlf is a kind of Arts and crafts, the back of the mirror is generally cast with exquisite ornamentation or text, the decoration pattern and inscriptions, often concentrated in different historical periods of social ideology and aesthetic taste, it embodies the production of fine, high production technology level, and has a very high art value.
The bronze mirror was ud for almost 4000 years, it has gone beyond the u of daily life in the face decoration, deeply rooted in social and cultural life of our consciousness, such as people often say "a broken mirror joined together" and "an honest official" and "history" ("ancient Kam" and "mirror" and so on, are often exchange) the mirror reflects the culture has become an integral part of Chine culture. The bronze mirror collection continues to heat up, for the people of the world love.