•论著• Original Article •近视眼脉络膜厚度和血管变化.中华眼视光学与视觉科学杂志,2021,23(3): 171-178.
DOI: 10.3760/l 15909-20200807-00325.
第一作者:王一益(ORCID: 〇〇〇〇-〇〇〇1-8710-6198),Email: ****************
通信作者:厲佳(0R C ID: 〇〇〇〇-〇〇〇3-1678-966X),E m ail:jqu@
目的:利用扫频光源光学相干断层扫描研究病理性近视眼脉络膜厚度(C T)和血管的变化。方法:
VG200 0C T对受试者右眼以黄斑中心凹为中心12 mm扫描区进行成像,然后利用实验室自行编写的
软件对黄斑中心凹为中心的直径6 mm范围内CT进行测量,并对图像二值化,计算出脉络膜血管指
数(CVI)。采用独立样本/检验和Mann Whitney 检验进行2组间差异的比较,并进行相关性分析。
结果:相较于高度近视眼,病理性近视眼以黄斑为中心6 m m范围内的CT及CVI均有所下降。高度
近视组和病理性近视组6 m m范围内CT在垂直方向分别为(171 ± 54 ) nm和(92 ± 37 ) nm (f=5.269,
尸<0.00丨),水平方向上分别为(丨49±47)叩1和(81±34)nm(/=5.132, /^O.OOl)。2组中央1mm范围
内CT在垂直方向(/=4.386,户<0.001)和水平方向(f=4.468, P<0.001)差异均有统计学意义;丨~3m m
P<0.001)、鼻侧(f=4.747, P cO.001)的CT在2组间差异均有统计学意义;在3~6m m范围内,垂直
方向上方(/=5.149, P<0.001 )、下方(/=5.390, P<0.001),水平方向颞侧(i=4.999,户<0.001 )、鼻侧
(<=5.646, P<0.001 )的CT在2组间差异均有统计学意义。同时在直径6 mm范围内,2组间垂直方向
CVI 分别为 0.593±0.030 和 0.535 士 0.069,水平方向分别为 0.595±0.025 和 0.M5±0.073;中央 1mm
范围内CVI的在垂直方向(Z=-2.353,P=0.0丨9 )和水平方向(r=3.丨09, P=0.004 )差异有统计学意义;
l~3m m范围内,垂直方向上方(/=3.339,尸=0.002)、水平方向鼻侧U=-2.029, P=0.042)的CVI在
2组间差异有统计学意义;3~6m m范围内,垂直方向上方(Z=-3.1I1,户=0.002 )、水平方向鼻侧
(Z=-2.083, P=0.037)区域2组间CVI差异有统计学意义。相关性分析结果表明,随着眼轴的增长,
垂直方向(r=-0.814,户<0.001)、水平方向上(r=-0.798, P<0.001 )在直径6〇1111范围内(:1'明显变薄;
垂直方向(f_0.603 , PC0.001 )、水平方向上(f-0.506, P<0.001 )CV丨明显减小。随着近视程度的增加,
垂直方向(^=0.724, PC0.001 )、水平方向上(/=0.742, PC0.001 )直径6 _范围内C T明显变薄;垂直
方向(/=0.588, P<0.001)、水平方向上(r=0.520, P<0.001)CVI明显减小。结论:与高度近视眼相比,
基金项目:浙江省重点研发项目(2019C03045 );温州市重大科技创新攻关项目(2018ZY016 );浙江
DOI: 10.3760/ 115909-20200807-00325
Changes in Choroidal Thickness and Blood Vesls in Pathological Myopia
Using Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography
Yiyi Wang, Jue Lin, Riyan Zhang, Sisi Chen, Yilei Shao, Meixiao Shen, Jia Qu
Eye Hospital, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou 325027, China
Corresponding author: Jia Qu, Eye Hospital, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou 325027, China (Email: *********)
Objective: To investigate the changes in the choroidal thickness (CT) and blood flow in pathologically myopic eyes using swept-source optical coherence tomography. Methods: Using a cross-ctional design, a total of 40 subjects who visited the Eye Hospital, Wenzhou Medical University from September 2019 to June 2020 were included and divided into two groups: 20 cas of high myopia and 20 cas of pathological myopia, which were imaged with VG200 OCT in the 12 mm scan area of the subjects' right eyes centered on the central macular fovea. Then custom-built software was ud to measure the CT of the macular central concavity within a diameter of 6 mm, and the images were binarized to calculate the choroidal vascular index (CVI). Results: Compared to highly myopic e
yes, pathologically myopic eyes had decread CT and CVI in the 6 mm range centered on the macula. CT in the 6 mm range was 171±54 and 92±37 jim in the vertical direction (/=5.269, P<0.001) and 149±47 and 81 ±34 |xm in the horizontal direction (^=5.132, P<0.001). There were statistically significant differences between the two groups in the central 1mm range of CT, both vertically (/=4.386, P<0.001) and horizontally (/=4.468, P<0.001). There was a statistically significant difference in CT on the nasal side (/=4.747, P<0.001) in the 1-3 mm range of the vertical superior (/=4.836, P<0.001), inferior (t=4.452,P<0.001), horizontal temporal areas (/=4.001, /^〈O.OOl) and nasal (/=4.747, P<0.001). There was a statistically significant difference between the two groups in the 3-6mm areas of the vertical superior (/=5.149, P<0.001) and inferior (/=5.390, P<0.001), and horizontal temporal (户4.999, P<0.001) and nasal (/=5.646, P<0.001). At the same time, within the diameter of 6 mm, the vertical CVI between the 2 groups was 0.593土0.030 and 0.535土0.069, and the horizontal CVI was 0.595土0.025 and 0.545±0.073, respectively. Within the central 1mm area,the CVIs in the vertical (Z=-2.353, P=0.019) and horizontal (r=3.109, P=0.004) directions were 0.595±0.025 and 0.545±0.073, respectively, and there was a statistically significant difference between the 2 groups. In the 1-3 mm range, there was a significant difference in CVI in the upper vertical direction (f=3.339, P=0.002) and in the horizontal nasal direction (Z=-2.029, Z^O.042). In the upper vertical direction (Z=-3.111, P=0.002), there was a significant difference in CT on the nasal sid
e (/=4.747, ^O.OOl). There was a statistically significant difference in CVI between the simple high myopia and pathological myopia groups in each region of the horizontal nasal side (Z=-2.083, P=0.037). The results of correlation analysis showed that CT and CVI decread with an increa in the degree of myopia and an increa in the ocular axis. Conclusions: Compared with high myopia, the CT and blood flow of pathological myopia show a significant decrea, and the changes have correlations with axial elongation and the decrea in spherical equivalent.
Key words: pathological myopia; swept-source optical coherence tomography; choroidal thickness; choroidal vascularity index
Funding: The Key Rearch and Development Program of Zhejiang Province (2019C03045); Wenzhou Municipal Science and Technology Bureau (2018ZY016); The Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (LQ17H180004)
DOI:10.3760/cma.j 115909-20200807-00325
目前,近视已成为全球性的公共卫生问题,预 汁到2050年,近视发病率将高达50%,其中高度近 视占27%~ 30%,而每3例高度近视患者中会有2例 发展为病理性近视[u。在过去60年里,中国年轻人 近视患病率从10% ~ 20%发展到90%,约19.5%为 高度近视,近视已成为中国成年人视力损害的第二 位
近年来,大量基于光学相干断层扫描成像(OCT)的研究发现脉络膜厚度(Choroidal thickness,CT)随着近视程度的加深而逐渐变薄[2'u_l4],由于 脉络膜是一个血管性的组织,其主要功能是为视网 膜外层供血,即为感光细胞供血,因此,我们猜想 在病理性近视眼中,CT变薄可能伴随脉络膜血流 的改变。
脉络膜血管层主要分为脉络膜毛细血管层、中血管层和大血管层[”]。临床上对脉络膜血管成像 的金标准为吲哚菁绿血管造影。但由于其有创性,并且对于比较小的血管成像质量不佳,近年来开
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始不断有研究者利用OCT 及光学相干断层扫描血 管造影(Optical coherence tomography angiography ,
OCTA )对脉络膜血管进行成像[16]。本研究拟用 扫频光源光学相干断层扫描(Swept-source optical
coherence tomography , SS -OCT )对脉络膜进行成 像,通过实验室自行编写的程序定量分析CT 和
脉 络膜血管参数,探索病理性近视眼脉络膜结构与血 管的变化,为临床上病理性近视的诊断和治疗提供 新的思路。
收集2019年9月至2020年6月在温州医科大 学附属眼视光医院就诊的患者40例(40眼)纳人本 研究,其中单纯高度近视组20例(20眼),病理性 近视组20例(20眼)。纳入标准:①单纯高度近视 组为等效球镜度(SE )矣-6 D 或眼轴长度(Axial
length , AL ) 5:26.5 mm ; ©病理性近视组SE $ -6 D 或AL &26.5 mm ,并伴有眼底病理性改变。病理
性近视的眼底诊断是根据2015年提出的PM-META 分级标准,该标准认为眼底表现为弥散性萎缩或 更严重的近视性眼底病变即可诊断为病理性近 视[8]。排除标准:①年龄<18岁;②眼压&21 mmHg (1 mmHg =0.133 kPa );③患有其他影响眼底的眼部 或全身性疾病;④有眼部外伤史或手术史。本研究 遵循赫尔辛基宣言,并经温州医科大学附属眼视光 医院伦理委员会(批号:2019-078-K -77)批准,所 有受试者均签署知情同意书。
每名被检者均进行包括视力、屈光度、前置镜 眼底检查、眼底照相、AL 测量等临床眼科检查,并 完成SS -OCT 的检查(VG 200,河南视微影像科技 有限公司)。扫频OCT 采用的扫频光源,中心波长 1 050 nm ,扫频速率为200 000A -scan 每秒,轴向分 辨率为6.3 nm 。对过黄斑中心凹直径为12 _范围
(见图1 一2),并对这2张图进行下一步分析。
图1.单纯高度近视眼SS-OCT 拍摄图
女性,27.6岁,高度近视患者,右眼屈光度为-8.5 0.眼轴为26.26111〇1,水平方向8祝〇11(八),垂直方向8^311(8)
Figure 1. SS-OCT image of the eye of a patient with simple high myopia.
Figure 1. Photographies are from the right eye of a 27.6 year-old female patient with high myopia, with -8.50 diopters and an axial length of 26.26 mm. The horizontal direction B-scan (A), and the vertical direction B-scan (B). SS-OCT, swept-source optical coherence tomography.
图2.病理性近视眼SS-OCT 拍摄图
Figure 2. SS-OCT image of the eye of a patient with pathological myopia.
Figure 2. Photographies are from the right eye of a 26.5 year-old male patient with pathological myopia. The refractive error is -17.38 D and the axial length is
30.89 mm.The horizontal direction B-Scan (A), and the vertical direction B-Scan (B). SS-OCT, swept-source optical coherence tomography.
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应用Matlab软件和实验室自行编写的程序处理 图像,得到CT和脉络膜血管指数。CT定义为视网 膜色素上皮层外界到脉络膜和巩膜交界之间的距 离。本研究认为OCT的截面图上的灰白色部分是 基质,暗区是血管腔[8]。先半自动识别脉络膜的范 围,得到CT,然后利用自适应阈值法分离出脉络 膜血管和非血管[17],对图像进行二值化处理,最终 得到脉络膜血管指数(Choroidal vascularity index, CVI)(见图3)。对以中央凹为圆心、直径6 mm范 围内的CT及CV丨进行分析,并将区域划分为中央 凹区(
直径矣1mm范围)、中央凹旁区(1<;直径名3 mm的圆环)、旁中心凹区(3<;直径矣6mm的圆环)。
系列病例研究。采用SPSS 22.0统计学软件进 行数据分析。CT和CVI值符合正态分布以均数± 标准差进行描述。2组之间差异的统计分析中,性 别这一分类变量采用卡方检验;各连续变量则先 利用Shapiro-Wilk检验对是否符合正态分布进行检 验,符合正态分布的参数采用独立样本【检验;不 符合正态分布,则采用Mann-Whitney t/检验对2组数据进行比较。利用线性回归分析CT、CVI与SE、AL的相关性。以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2.1 2组间基本信息对比
在高度近视组和病理性近视组中,SE(?=4.235, P<0.001 ),BCVA(Z=-3.191, P=0.001 ),A L(Z= -7.151, P<0.001)在2组间的差异均有统计学意义;而在年龄(Z=—1.174, P=0.241)、性别(/=0.440, P=0.507)方面的差异无统计学意义。见表1。
相较于高度近视组,病理性近视组以黄斑为 中心6 mm范围内的CT及CVI均下降。高度近视组 和病理性近视组6 mm范围内CT在垂直方向分别为 (171 ±54)nm和(92±37)叫1(/=5.269, PcO.OOl ),水平方向上分别为(149 ±47)nm和(81 ±34)nm (戶5.132, P<0.001 )。2组中央1mm范围内的CT在 垂直方向(?=4.386,户<0.001 )和水平方向(戶4.468, 尸<0.001 )差异均有统计学意义;1 ~ 3 mm范围内,垂直方向上方(f=4.836, P<0.001)、下方(/=4.452,
Figure 3. Diagram of choroidal image binarization.
A: Original drawing: Fundus image without any treatment; B: Choroidal region; C: Choroidal image binarization; D: Corresponding area of choroidal blood
vesls from the original image.
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图4.高度近视组和病理性近视组不同区域脉络膜参数比较(每组20眼)A :垂直方向脉络膜厚度;B :垂直方向脉络膜血管指数;C :水平方向脉络膜厚度;D :水平方向脉络膜血管指数。H M :高度近视组;P M :病理性近视 组 0 'PcO.05
Figure 4. Comparison of choroidal parameters in different regions between the high myopia and pathological myopia groups (20 eyes in each group).A: Vertical CT. B: Vertical CVI. C: Horizontal CT. D: Horizontal CVI. HM, high myopia group; PM, pathological myopia group. CVI, choroidal vascularit
y index; CT, choroidal thickness; T, temporal; N, nasal.a , P<0.05.
戶<0.001 ),水平方向颞侧 U =4.001, /^O .O O l )、鼻 侧(M .747, P C O .O O I )的CT 差异有统计学意义;在 3~6腿范围内,垂直方向上方(戶5.149,户<0.001)、 下方(/=5.390, PcO .OOl ),水平方向颞侧(?=4.999, 尸<0.001)、鼻侧U =5.646,尸<0.001)等各区域的
CT 在2组间差异有统计学意义。同时在直径6 mm 范围内,2组间垂直方向CVI 分别为0.593 ± 0.030 和0.535 ± 0.069,水平方向分别为0.595 ± 0.025 和0.545 ± 0.073;中央1 mm 范围内CVI ,在垂直 方向(Z =-2.353,尸=0.019)和水平方向(^=3.109,
P =0.004 )在2组差异均有统计学意义;1 ~ 3 mm 范 围内,垂直方向上方(f =3.339, P =0.002)、水平方 向鼻侧U =-2.029, P =0.042)的CVI 在2组间差异 有统计学意义;3 ~ 6 mm 范围内,垂直方向上方 (Z =-3.111, P =0.002)、水平方向鼻侧(Z =-2.083, 尸=0.037)在2组间差异有统计学意义。见表2。相 关性分析结果表明,CT 和脉络膜血管指数均随着
近视度数的增加和AL 的增长而下降,见图4。2.3 CT、CVI 与AL 、SE 的相关性
高度近视组和病理性近视组的AL 、SE 与CT 和
CVI 均存在相关关系。随着AL 的增长,病理性近视
组相较于单纯性高度近视组的CT 明显变薄(—0.814,尸<0.001;/•水平=-0.798, P <0.001),CVI 明显减小(a * 垂直=-0_603, P <0.001; /•水平=-0.506,
P <0.001)o SE 与CT(r 垂直=0.724, PcO -OOl ; r 水平= 0.742,户<0.001)、CVI (r 垂直=0.588, PcO.OOhr 水平= 0.520,尸<0.001)均呈正相关关系。见图5—6。3
本研究首次利用SS-OCT 对高度近视及病理 性近视眼以黄斑中心凹为中心的眼底直径12 mm 范围内进行成像,并选取以黄斑中心凹为中点的
Table 1. Basic characteristics of the high myopia and pathological myopia groups
Gender (Male/Female)
Age, year SE, D BCVA (LogMAR)IOP, mmHg AL, mm High myopia
206/1432.3±5.1-9.57±2.080.032±0.08713.16±5.027.10±1.02Pathological myopia 20
8/1237.2 土 9.7-15.44 土 4.19
0.217 士0.21614.23 土 4.430.42土 1.810.440-1.174 4.235-3.191-0.530
”,number of cas and eyes: data are expresd as mean 土standard deviation. AL,axial length; SE,spherical equivalent.
6 5 5 4 4
(E a r d I 31A
a u
o z -c O