Chromosome misgregation caus colon cancer by APC loss of heterozygosity
期刊名称: Cell Cycle
作者: Baker, Darren J.,van Deurn, Jan M.
年份: 2010年
期号: 第9期
关键词: Animals;Mice;Colonic Neoplasms;Aneuploidy;Chromosomal
Instability;Loss of Heterozygosity;Chromosome Segregation;Genes,
APC;Protein-Serine-Threonine Kinas;Tumor Suppressor Protein p53
摘要:A longstanding hypothesis in the field of cancer biology is that aneuploidy caus cancer by promoting loss of chromosomes that contain tumor suppressor genes. By crossing aneuploidy-prone Bub1 hypomorphic mice onto a heterozygous null background for p53, we provided conclusive evidenc
e for this idea.1
Surprisingly, the tumors that developed in this model had not just lost the
chromosome 11 copy harboring wildtype p53, but had also gained an extra copy of chromosome 11 bearing the p53 null allele. Here we report that a similar
chromosome-reshuffling blueprint drives colonic tumorigenesis in Bub1
hypomorphic mice that are heterozygous for ApcMin, but now involving
chromosome 18. The extended studies highlight that in order for whole
chromosome instability to drive tumorigenesis, it needs to establish tumor
suppressor gene