Scoring of atopic dermatitis by SCORAD using a training atlas by investigators from different
期刊名称: Pediatric Allergy & Immunology
作者: Arnold P. Oranje,Jean-Francois Stalder,Alain Taïeb,Chantal Tast,Marc Longueville
年份: 2010年
期号: 第1期
关键词: atopic dermatitis ; SCORAD ; ETAC
摘要:The ETAC (Early Treatment of the Atopic Child) study, a multi-national double-blind placebo-controlled randomized trial, has been in progress since 1994. Fifty-six centers in Europe and Canada participate in this study. A total of 817 children with atopic dermatitis [AD] were recruited. The verity of AD was scored using the SCORAD (objective criteria). Ninety-eight investigators (mostly pediatrician
s) were trained by three members of the European Task Force on Atopic Dermatitis [ETFAD] to standardize their objective SCORAD scoring (system developed by the ETFAD). The experts lected photographs and prepared a training atlas. The percentages of photographs assd by the 98 non-expert investigators below, within and above the range of evaluations by the three experts were calculated. Taking over- and underscoring together,...