MEL 11/4/2002 Mi tsubi shi M ELSEC I/ODrive r
MI E 3/28/2002 Mit subis hi Me lc-A Eth ernet
MIT 3/28/2002 Mits ubish i A S eries
MQE 3/29/2002 Mits ubish i Q-s eries Ethe rnetI/O d river
MSX 3/29/2002 Mits ubish i Eth ernet I/ODrive r
ME U 3/29/2002 Mit subis hi FX/485Multi dropIO Dr iverMFX3/29/2002Mitsu bishi FX S eries I/OCOM D river
MIN 11/5/1997 Mits ubish i Ele ctric Inve rterI/O D river
A30 11/14/2002ABB K ent T aylor Mod30
A BC 10/31/2002 A llen-Bradl ey Cy berLo gic D HX Dr iverABD7/3/2002 A llen-Bradl ey DF1 Hal f Dup lex
ABH 5/3/2002 Al len-B radle y Dat a Hig hway
ABR1/9/2003 A llen-Bradl ey RS Linxv7.28
ADM 3/28/2002 Azon ix 1050, 1060,6000
APX3/28/2002Moore APAC S
BR3 3/28/2002 Bri stolBabco ck
E GD 11/19/2002 E thern et Gl obalData
EIM3/28/2002Honey well/EIM 620
E UR 3/28/2002 Eu rothe rm 800 Ser ies
FSH 3/28/2002 F isher CHIP S (UN IVOX& PRO VOX)
G903/28/2002GE-Fa nuc-S NP
G E6 3/28/2002 GE-Fanu c- CC M2
G E9 10/17/2002 G E-Fan uc-Et herne t v7.17
G EF 12/28/2002 G E Fan uc
G IO 3/28/2002 GE Fanu c-Gen ius
HIT 3/28/2002 H itach i S10 Driv er
I3E 11/7/2002 IE EE 488.2 I/O Dr iver
IGS11/25/2002 Inte lluti on Ga teway Serv er fo r All en-Br adley IPC 3/28/2002 Hone ywell IPC620
ITM 3/28/2002 I nterm ec Ba rcode Read ers
JYC 3/28/2002 J ohnso n-Yok ogawa YS 100 Se ries
M3211/7/2002M32 M ycro352/382
M B1 11/22/2002 M odico n Mod bus I v7.15
MB E 1/6/2003 Modb us Et herne t ver sion7.17
MBR3/28/2002Modic on MO DBUSRemot e
M MP 12/9/2002 Mo dicon Modb us Pl us
M OA 11/4/2002 Kl ockne r-Moe llerMOA-S eries
MSA 3/28/2002 Mine Safe ty
M T1 3/28/2002 Me t One I/ODrive r
MT L 3/28/2002 Met tlerWeigh ing T ermin als
MX1 11/4/2002 L eedsand N orthr up Ma x1
O MF 3/28/2002 Om ron F ins
OMR 3/28/2002 O mronHostLink
OP23/28/2002Opto22 OP TOMUX
OPC 10/21/2002 OPC Clie nt Dr iver
OPM3/28/2002Opto22 Mis tic
OPX 3/28/2002 O pto 22 Mis tic
PDN 3/28/2002 P LC Di rectn et DL405 I/O
R AM 3/28/2002 Re lianc e Ele ctric Auto-Max
REA3/28/2002Relia nce E lec.Autom ate 15/20/30/40
ROC 10/22/2002 Fis her R emote Oper ation s Con troll er
S2G 12/11/2002 S ECS11/GEMI/O D river
SDE 3/28/2002 Squa re DPLC's
SH1 5/31/2002 Siem ens H1
SI7 10/18/2002 Si emens Sima tic S7 (300 & 400)
SIE 3/28/2002 S iemen s 3964r
S L4 10/18/2002 S iemen s Lay er 4
SM26/7/2002 S imula tion2 Dri ver
SQD 3/28/2002 S quare D SY/MAX300,400,500,700
SYL 3/28/2002 Squa re DSylin k
TB P 3/28/2002 Tex as In strum entsTrans paren t Byt e Pro tocol
TIA 3/28/2002 Texa s Ins trume nt Un ilink PC A dapte r
TI D 8/15/2002 Tex as In strum ent D irect
TIE 11/27/2002 Tex as In strum ents
TIH3/28/2002Texas Inst rumen t Hig hway(TIWA Y)
T TS 3/28/2002 To shiba Pros ec T-Serie s I/O Driv er
T UT 3/28/2002 Te lemec aniqu e Uni-Telw ay I/O Dri ver
UDC 3/28/2002 H oneyw ell U DC Co ntrol lers
WDE3/28/2002Woodw ard M odbus Ethe rnetDrive r
WI M 3/28/2002 Wes tingh ouIMPAC C
YK G 3/28/2002 Joh nson-Yokog awa D ARWIN
600 3/31/2002 Land is &Staef a APO GEE S ystem 600Datab a D ynamo s
AB B 10/16/1997 AB B P4000 I/O Ser ial D river
ABO 3/29/2002 Alle n Bra dleyOPC S erver
AD4 3/29/2002 Adam 4000 Seri es Da ta Ac quisi tionModul es
A D5 3/29/2002 Ad am 5000 Se riesDataAcqui sitio n Mod ules
AEO3/29/2002Aeoni c Gau gingSyste m
AN D 5/15/2002 AND VOVER - 256
AP C 3/29/2002 App licom FIXI/O D river
ARC 3/29/2002 ARCN et Dr iverfor S iemen s SIM ATICS5 an d FC-50
A S9 6/20/2002 Ac cu-so rt Mo del 9000 B arcod e
AS E 6/5/2002 ABBExcom forMaste rpiec e 2xx & Ad vantContr oller 4xxAST3/29/2002AST T elepe rm MI/O D river
ATI 3/29/2002 ATIBetaGauge
ATN 3/29/2002 Athe na XT / AT Cont rolle rs
A VR 3/29/2002 Av ery L105 W eighBridg e
AX3 11/14/1998 An si X-3 I/O SERI AL DR IVER(Fiel d 1000 mod ule d river) B90 3/29/2002 Bai ley I NFI 90 / N ETWOR K 90/ Com mandSerie s OPC Serv er
B AC 6/20/2002 BA Cnet(OPC)
BCM 3/29/2002 Barb er Co leman MAQPID C ontro ller
BDL6/20/2002Baile y Fis cherand P orter Data link
BEL3/29/2002Foxbo ro 761 Con troll ers
BIO 3/29/2002 B ailey Infi90 se mAPIOPC S erver
C43 3/29/2002 Siem ens T CP/IP I/ODrive r
CE N 3/29/2002 Joh nson-Yokog awa C entum CS
CHI 6/5/2002 Cu tlerHamme r D300
CI U 3/29/2002 ABB/Bail ey Co mmand Seri es OP C Ser ver a nd Co nsole
CIU 3/29/2002 ABB/Baile y Net 90 & Infi 90 D CS vi a Ser ial C onnec tion
CM43/29/2002Zellw eger- MDA Scie ntifi c CM4 Mult ipoin t Gas Anal yzer
CNN6/5/2002 C onlog/Omni FlexConet Netw ork w ith S ER Fe ature
CNT 3/29/2002 John son-Y okoga wa Ce ntumV
CT D 3/29/2002 Con trolTechn iques DC D riveMento r II
CTU3/29/2002Contr ol Te chniq ues U ni-Dr ive
CVM 3/29/2002 C VM El ectri cal N etwor k Ana lyr
CYD 3/29/2002 John son-Y okoga wa Mi cro-X L DCS andCentu m XLDCS
D25 3/29/2002 D ANIEL 2500 Flow Comp uter
DGH3/29/2002DGH 1000/2000/3000/4000 M odule s
DL C 3/29/2002 Chi no-La xsons DLC
DS710/1/1998Datas can 7000
EMC 3/29/2002 E micon EC-2000 I/O dr iver
FB73/29/2002Foxbo ro 760, 761, 762 Loo p Con troll er
F BR 6/20/2002 Be ta MF G1001XY Fi bre G auge
FCI6/5/2002 F estoComma nd In terfa ce fo r 405, 202, 101
FCN 6/14/2002 Fuji N Se riesContr oller
FFK 6/14/2002 Fuji Micr ex -F 60/ 80/ 100 / 120 / 80H /120H
FIA3/29/2002Foxbo ro IA
G2T 3/29/2002 Comp uterProdu cts G2 TCP/IP D river
GAS 6/20/2002 AirProdu cts G as Gu ard
GAU 3/29/2002 G augep ort
GEM 10/1/1998 G EM80Esp I/O Se rialDrive r
GE N 3/29/2002 GEN IBusCentr al Co ntrol Unit (CU3) and Sens or Mo dule(SM100) G EX 6/5/2002 GEC GEM80
G PI 3/30/2002 Se rialASCII Driv er
G W5 3/29/2002 Ho neywe ll IP C620on Ga teway 500
HDC3/29/2002Honey wellUDC 1000,1500
HG510/16/1997 Hone ywell Gate way 500 I/O dri ver f or FI X DMA CS /MMI.
HIT7/10/2002Hitac hi S10/2aand S10/4a PLC's
I87 6/10/2002 IEC 870-5-103 & 101 Sta ndard Prot ocoldrive r
I90 3/29/2002 Bai ley I nfi90 mA PI
I BU 8/16/2000 Ph oenix Inte rbus-S
IC I 3/29/2002 Moo re 320 and 352Singl e Loo p Con troll ers
IMC 3/28/2002 I MC VB Driv er fo r the Wind Turb ine C ontro ller
IMS3/29/2002Brook s Pet roCou nt IM S Mod el 0501D E lectr onicBatch Pres et
I NC 6/10/2002 Cu tlerHamme r / W estin ghous e Inc om Vi a EPO NI/EM INT
IRI 8/16/2000 I ngers ol-Ra nd Co mpres sors
JCI3/29/2002Johns on Co ntrol s Met asysI/O D river
JYR 3/29/2002 John son-Y okoga wa Re corde r
KM4 6/10/2002 Moe llerSucom A
L FE 3/29/2002 LF E Pro fitma ster
LNI3/29/2002Lonwo rks N etwor k Dri ver
LOM 3/29/2002 L omico nt I/O dri ver
M42 8/16/2000 M etter/Tole do Di gital Scal es
M AS 3/29/2002 Ma sibus 8030 Data Logg er
M CN 3/30/2002 MC NET I O Dri ver
MES 3/29/2002 M essun g XMP8-40PLC
MGA 3/29/2002 Lect otekMicro genie Anal og Sc anner
MGE 3/29/2002 Lecr otekMicro genie Cont rolle r
MG S 3/29/2002 Lec trote k Mic rogen ie Di gital Scan ner
MGT 3/29/2002 M otoro la MD LC Ga teway Ethe rnetDrive r
N M4 3/29/2002 Az onixMicro MAC-4000
MP2 3/29/2002 M iconP200Contr oller
MPI 3/29/2002 MPIDrive r for Siem ens S IMATI C S7
MTS 3/29/2002 Tele therm MTS- 64
MTW3/29/2002Mettl er To ledo9411-E
MX L 3/29/2002 Joh nson-Yokog awa M icroXL DC S
NG4 3/29/2002 Nex Gen 4000 S eries PLC
NUM8/17/2000Westi nghou Nu ma-Lo gic P C-700
OSG 3/29/2002 Land is &Staef a APO GEE S ystem 600I/O D river OSV 6/13/2002 Desc artes Omni Serve r
OV H 8/16/2000 Omr on SY SMACNet (Res D river)
P2K 3/29/2002 Wes tingh ouW2500, P2000
P BK 11/18/2002 P rofib us Ko mbi S oftin g
PC X 10/16/1997 Mi croso l PCX2000MODBU S Dri ver
PHL 3/29/2002 P hilip s 1592/02Batch Cont rolle r
PM M 3/29/2002 Vec tra 3720 A CM Po wer M easur ement Mete r PM T 3/29/2002 LAS AIR & HSLI S Par ticle Coun tingInter facePRO5/8/2002 F isher-Rose mount PROV OX OP C Ser ver
PWT 3/29/2002 S iemen s Pow er Tr ak Me ter
RAX 3/29/2002 R elian ce El ectri c Aut omax
REM3/29/2002Remic ont R-130I/O D river
RNI 3/29/2002 Fish er Ro mon t RS/3 RNI TCP/IP Dr iver
RT56/10/2002ABB S pider RP570 & 571 Se rialEvent Reco rding S7A 4/30/2002 Siem ens S7 TCP/IP
S7B 6/3/2002 Si emens S7 M PI se rial
S7M3/29/2002Sieme ns S7-MPI-Bus
SBS 11/5/1997 S att B us 1I/O R ES Dr iver
SCI3/29/2002Fishe r Ros emoun t RS/3 SCI Driv er
S CR 3/29/2002 SI XNETContr ol Ro om
S CS 3/29/2002 AB B/Bai ley N et 90 & In fi 90 DCSvia S CSI C onnec tion
SCS3/29/2002Landi s & S taefa Cont rol S ystem NCRS I/ODrive r
SD G 3/29/2002 SCA DA Da ta Ga teway
SDR 3/29/2002 Siem ens S ipart DR19, 20, 24 C ontro ller
SFA3/29/2002STAEF A HVA C Ser ial I nterf ace
SIS 8/20/2002 S iemen s Ser ial M PI
S IX 6/10/2002 Si emens Indu stria l Eth ernet
SNI 3/31/2002 Land is &Staef a Con trolSyste ms NI TEL I/O
S PA 6/5/2002 ABB SPARelay Cont rolle r Bus
SPM 8/16/2000 Siem ens P owerMeter s
SR M 3/30/2002 RKC Inst rumen ts, I nc. F AREXSR Mi ni (O PC)
TBA 6/10/2002 T oshib a T S eries
TDC 7/16/2002 Hone ywell TDC2000/3000
TEC 3/29/2002 T oshib a EC300 Se riesContr oller
TIB 3/29/2002 TIBC O - R endez vousMessa ge Bu s Int erfac e
TI E 3/29/2002 Tex as In strum entsTI/5CTI o r Sie mensDrive r
TI G 6/5/2002 Amde l Thi ckner Inte rface Gaug e
TI O 3/29/2002 Tex as In strum entsTI/5OPC S erver
YMO 3/29/2002 Tele permFIX I/O Dr iver
YSD3/29/2002Toshi ba TO SDIC211DMiniS ystem
U01 3/30/2002 SMAR LD-301 In telli gentPress ure T ransm itter (OPC)
U15 8/17/2000 Yok ogawa UT15L - L imitContr oller (OPC)
U41 3/30/2002 Ind ustri al Co ntrol Link s ICL-4130 RTU(OPC)
U51 7/10/2002 Fisc her-R omo unt M odel1151Smart Pres sureTrans mitte r
U558/17/2000Yokog awa U P550- Pro gramContr oller (OPC)
U56 6/20/2002 Bar ber-C olema n 560 Micr oproc essor Cont rolle rs (O PC)
U7F 6/20/2002 B arber-Cole man 7EF/7H F Tem perat ure C ontro ller(OPC)
UA5 3/30/2002 US D igita l Cor porat ion's Quad ratur e Enc oderto SE I Ada pter(OPC)
UAD 6/20/2002 Adva ntech ADAM 4000 Seri es (O PC)
UEM 7/10/2002 E uroth erm E M-1 P roces s Con troll er (O PC)
UET 3/30/2002 N obelSyste ms E1TAD (OPC)
UFC3/30/2002Senti nal 500 Ga s Ori ficeFlowCompu ter (OPC)
UFG7/10/2002FujiChipPlace r CP-6, Mu lti-F uncti on Mo unter IP-I II
U GS 7/10/2002 GS C Mod el 2700 RT U (OP C)
U H3 7/16/2002 Ho neywe ll UD C3000 Cont rolle r (OP C)
U HB 7/16/2002 Ho neywe ll BD I Pro tocol (OPC)
UL P 3/30/2002 Sar torio us LP 6200 S Ba lance (OPC)
UL S 3/30/2002 Sym bol L S 4071 Sca nner(OPC)
UM6 3/30/2002 Part low M IC 6000 Pr ofili ng Co ntrol ler (OPC)
UMB11/9/2001Modbu s RTU (OPC)
UM I 3/30/2002 Mea surem ent S ystem s Int ernat ional, Inc. MSI-6260 Tran s-Wei ght (OPC)UML6/19/2002MLC 9000 s ystem
UMN 11/9/2001 Micr oscan Syst ems,Inc.MS-710 Bar codeScann er (O PC)