1. 考核⽬的
2. 考核⽅式
4. 命题依据
5. 考试要求
6. 笔试试题结构
Unit 1 Language and Culture in Communication 本单元共有5个“Activity”,21个“Task”,及⼀个“Warm-up Activity”,要求学⽣能通过⾃⼰的分析判断,领会到“交际”在⽣活中的作⽤。
human communication; ⼈与⼈的交际
animal communication; 动物之间的交际
human-animal communication; ⼈与动物的交际
human-machine communication; ⼈—物交际
machine-to-machine communication物—物交际
同⽂化交际(mono-cultural language communication);
跨⽂化交际(cross-cultural language communication)。
utterance meaning 字⾯意思
speaker’s meaning说话⼈本⾝的意思
hearer’s meaning听者理解的意思
Unit 2 Culture Shock
本单元共有6个“Activity”, 32个“Task”以及“Warm-up Activity”。本单元以就餐时中外⼈⼠在⾏为⽅式⽅⾯的不同为例,介绍了英语国家⼈⼠在看待中国⼈表达“友好、好客”时会造成的误解和尴尬。并且从中国学⽣的⾓度,介绍了英语国家⼈⼠在表达礼貌和友好时与中国⼈的不同。介绍了在与西⽅⼈交往
时应注意避免的“隐私”和“禁忌”。对Individualism 和Collectivism 这两种⽂化态形态进⾏了理论分析。介绍了在存在⽂化差异的情况下应进⾏的认识上的调整。介绍了不同⽂化之间存在着远近不同的social distance,以及其对语⾔学习和⽂化理解影响。
1. 与西⽅⼈交往时应注意避免的“隐私”和“禁忌”(教材第54—66页)
1. Individualism 和Collectivism两种⽂化形态的区别(教材第72---75页)
Unit 3What’s in a Name?
本单元共有5个“Activity”, 22个“Task”以及“Warm-up Activity”。本单元介绍了中外姓名的不同形式。名字不仅仅是⼀个符号,它含有很多⽂化信息。本单元介绍了西⽅姓名的来历和⽂化内涵,介绍了中西⽅在称呼头衔的异同,以及在运⽤表⽰亲属关系的称呼时中西⽅的异同。最后还介绍了姓名中所反映的性别问题,以及语⾔中所表现出的性别问题。
1. 中西⽅在称呼头衔的异同(教材第109—114页)
2. 运⽤表⽰亲属关系的称呼时中西⽅的异同(教材第115—119页)
Unit 4 Social Interaction
本单元共有6个“Activity”, 21个“Task”以及“Warm-up Activity”。主要介绍在社会交往当中,中西⽅⼈⼠的不同⾏为模式,以及如何避免在社会交往中,由于不同⽂化的⾏为模式不同所带来的误解。本单元介绍了在⾮正式和正式场合下,如何发出邀请,以及约定会⾯时间等。介绍了在请朋友吃饭时,在“付账”中的⽂化差异。介绍了在社会交往中,赠送和接收礼物时的⽂化异同,以及在沏茶倒⽔中体现友好,如何夸赞他⼈,还有如何婉转地拒绝他⼈。
1. “付账”中的东西⽅⽂化差异(教材第147—150页)
2. 赠送和接收礼物时的⽂化异同(教材第151—152页)
3. 夸赞他⼈(教材第161页)
Unit 5 Roles and Relations
本单元共有4个“Activity”, 29个“Task”以及“Warm-up Activity”。本单元主要介绍了⼈们在以不同的⾝份和在不同的社会关系中进⾏交往时可能会出现的问题。介绍了在抚养教育孩⼦⽅⾯不同国家的不同⽅式,介绍了中国传统家庭成员之间的关系,介绍了在社会交往中男⼥的不同特征,介绍了中西⽅对待友情和朋友的态度的异同。
Unit 6Non-verbal Communication
本单元共有5个“Activity”, 26个“Task”以及“Warm-up Activity”。本单元讨论了⾮⾔语信息在交际中的重要作⽤,并结合实例,介绍了⼀些⼿势、表情、眼神以及交往中⼈与⼈之间应保持的适当距离在交际中的运⽤。在交际中,⾮
Unit 7 In Other Words
本单元共有5个“Activity”, 25个“Task”以及“Warm-up Activity”。本单元介绍了在交际中较常见的同义词以及它们在不同情况下的运⽤,此外还介绍了英语中的成语、谚语、⼟语委婉语及禁忌语等。这些都是⾮常有⾊彩的⽤语和表达法,可以使交际过程中的语⾔丰富,但如果运⽤不当,则会适得其反,因此需要着重复习。
1.Idioms 习语
It should not be simply understood from its literal meaning.
Some idioms:
(1).face the music = to accept the criticisms and unpleasant conquences that follow a decision or action of one’s own为⾃⼰的决定或⾏为负责(2)play the game = to obey the rules and behave in a fair or honorable way.
“fair play”Do you remember the words “费厄泼赖”?
(3) It’s raining cats and dogs =It is raining heavily.
(4) lick somebody’s boots 拍某⼈的马屁
(5)sit at somebody’s feet 拜某⼈为师
(6) have a big mouth 夸夸其谈
(7)a piece of cake ⼩菜⼀碟
(8)carry coals to Newcastle 画蛇添⾜
(9)at sixes and vens乱七⼋糟
(10)the pot calling the kettle 五⼗步笑百步
(11)the kiss of death 帮倒忙
(12)an eye for eye 以眼还眼
(13)wash one’s hands 撒⼿不管某事
(14)cast/ throw pearls before swine 对⽜弹琴
(15)the salt of the earth 社会中坚分⼦
(16)爱屋及乌love me ,love my dog
(17)过着⽜马般的⽣活lead a dogs’ life
(18)⽜饮drink like a fish
(19)吹⽜talk hor
(20) 胆⼩如⿏chicken—hearted
(21) 害群之马black sheep
(22)⼀丘之貉birds of the same feather
(23)摸⽼虎屁股twist the lion’s tail
(1)M any hands make light work 众⼈拾柴⽕焰⾼。(2)I t’s no u crying over split milk.覆⽔难收
(3)W here there is smoke, there is fire. ⽆风不起浪。(4)B irds of a feather flock together.物以类聚
(5)I dleness is the root of all evil.⼀懒⽣百邪
(6)A ll good things must come to an end.天下⽆不散之宴席
(7)L ive and let live.得饶⼈处且饶⼈
(8)A s you sow, so you reap.种⽠得⽠,种⾖得⾖
(9)O ther countries, other manners.⼗⾥不同俗
(10)What we lo on the swings, we gain on the roundabouts.失之东隅,收之桑榆
Unit 8 From a Primitive Tribe to a Global Village (本单元只需作⼀般了解)本单元共有5个“Activity”,
20个“Task”以及“Warm-up Activity”。本单元回顾了⼈类交际的历史,并对⼈类交际与动物间的交际进⾏了⽐较,此外,着重介绍了,随着⼈类⽂化与科技的发展,⼈类的交际⼿段不断⾰新,⼈类的交际范围逐渐扩⼤,因此地球变得越来越⼩,阐明了交际对于⼈类的重要意义。
Section I: Language Appropriacy and Accuracy
Instructions: There are altogether 15 statements or questions below. You are offered four choices marked with A, B, C, and D for each statement. Choo the most appropriate one and put it in the Answer Sheet.
1. There are two kinds of cross-cultural communication: unilateral communication and B
A. successful communication
B. bilateral communication
C. verbal communication
D. unsuccessful communication
2. Utterance meaning in a face-to-face communication refers to D
A. what the speaker has intended to convey in what is said
B. the associative meaning words have
C. what the hearer has understood on the basis of what is said
D. what what is said normally means
3. You are invited to a western meal, you're offered a cond helping but you have already had enough. What
would you say?" C
A. Oh, thanks. That tastes awful.
B. No, I don't want that.
C. That was delicious but I've already had plenty, thanks.
D. No, I don't like it.
4. One way of talking about the different stages in getting ud to life in a new country is the distinction of euphoria, depression, __ and acceptance. A
A. adjustment
B. admiration
C. criticism
D. shock
5. The traditional primary relationship in a Chine family is usually that between D
A. husband and wife
B. teacher and students
C. father and children
D. parents and children
6. While many women feel it natural to confer with their partners at every turn, many men feel free to make decisions without such A
A. consultation
B. commitment
C. conclusion
D. congratulation
7. Body language can sometimes lead to since people of different cultures often have different forms of behavior for nding the same message or have different interpretations of the same signal. C
A. effectiveness
B. communication
C. misunderstanding
D. agreement
8. The ring gesture, wbere you form an "O" by holding the tip of your forefinger to the tip of your thumb, means in France thai you think something is __ C
A. good
B. expensive
C. worthless
D. great
9. Sophie went to e her uncle once in a blue moon. D
A. unexpectedly
B. once a month
C. very often