1.The conquered in the end conquering the conqueror .
修辞方法 alliteration , pun , repetition ,metonymy
2. The Elizabeth blew on it as on a dandelion clock
修辞方法 simile
3.He just stood and stared with mad lust at the coat .
修辞方法 alliteration , antithesis , parallelism , ellipsis
4. What’s Polly to me , or me to Polly?
修辞方法 parody
1. commit : conduct , make , act , perform , carry out , do , perpetrate
2. mammoth : giant , colossal , massive , titanic , copious, huge , great, big
3. surface : emerge , come out , come up , ri up , ari , ri , ari
4. sundry : various , assorted , different, diversified , miscellaneous, many , veral
5. demolish : destroy , damage , dismantle , shatter , wreck ,violate , ruin , break, raze
6. prevent from :stop from , keep from , protect from , save from , hold from , hinder from , forbid from ,
1. Superior--- inferior 阅读答案 DCDBA ACBCA
2. interior----- exterior
3. junior ------ nior
4. posterior----prior anterior
5. professional ---- unprofessional , nonprofessional , amateur
6. moral ----- immoral , amoral , unmoral , non-moral
中信银行 China Citic Bank
花旗银行the First National City Bank of New York
汇丰银行HSBC(Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation)
渣打银行 SCB(Standard Chartered Bank)
德意志银行 Deutsche Bank
法国外贸大众银行Natexis Banques Populaires
摩根银行 Morgan Bank , JPMorgan
三菱银行 Mitsubishi Bank
法兰西银行 La Banque de France The Bank of France
As....... as 句式
1. As busy as a beaver
2. as free as a bird
3. as obstinate as a mule
4. as cheerful as a lark
5. as naked as a jaybird
6. as stubborn as a donkey
7. as dogged as an ass
8. as hungry as a bear
9. as mad as a wet hen
10 . as nimble as a squirrel
11. as vain/pride as a peacock
12. as strong as a hor
13 as mad as a buck
14. as blind as a bat
15. as stupid as a goo
16.as dumb as a ox
17. as merry as a cricket
18. as thin as monkey
1. a bunch of fresh flowers
2. a fleet of ships
3. a herd of cattle 选择题 1. the dog’s ear 答案 A flopped
4. a mass of sand 2. according to the most 答案A
5. a reel of cotton
6. a brood of piglet 3. I insist every 答案 D
7. a litter of kittens
8. a range of mountains
9. a crop of apples
10. a ray of hope
11. a race of alley cats .
12. a squad of cops
13. a school of fish
14. a cluster of grapes
前缀 后缀 中缀
1. –smith : coppersmith ,silversmith , Blacksmith ironsmith, goldsmith , bladesmith, gunsmith, hammersmith, , knifesmith, locksmith
2. –st- : glisten , listen , fasten
3. –stle : castle , wrestle , whistle , bristle , rustle , bustle , hustle
–mans : humans , Normans , Romans , walkmans , Atamans , Germans
4. spr- : spring , spread , sprain , sprang , sprat , sprawl , spray , spree , sprinkler , sprint
5. str- : street , strict , strafe , straight , straighten , straightforward , straightness , strain ,
strait ,
1. The fair weather atheists will turn to God in a pinch .
2. He has one face to God and another to the devil (demon ) .
3. Fish begins to stink at its jill.
4. There is no pot so ugly that cannot find a lid for its make .
5. It is the last straw that break the camel’s back .
6. It is the last feather that breaks the hor’ back .
7. It is the last drop that makes the cup run over
8. All play no work makes Jack a mere boy .
9. Spare the rod and spoil the child .
10. Man propos, God dispos.
11. There is no goo so grey in the lake that cannot find a gander for her mate
12. Beggars must be no choors.
13. A hedge between keeps the friendship green .
14. The grass is always greener on the side of fence.
15. You cannot make an omelette without breaking an egg.
16. You cannot make a silk pur out of a sow’s ear.
17. You cannot expect the leopard to charge its spots .
18. Keep from falling is better than helping up .
19. Lazy youth lousy age .
20.God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb .
21. One man’ s meat(gravy) is another man’s poison .
1. Have an axe to grind
2. start from the very scratch
3. fancy for the moon
4. cry one’ eye out
5. eat one’s head off
6. sob one’ s heart out
7. skin a flea for its hide
8. the finger in the wall?
9. flog the dead hor
10. rake one’s mind over doing
11. Pay somebody back in his own coin .
12. sink into oblivion
13. a promi and a lick
14. give sb a wet blanket
15. be up a stump\between the devil and the deep blue a.