
更新时间:2023-05-09 22:02:29 阅读: 评论:0

1 / 1 剧本:刘关张桃园三结义
旁白 黄巾反党接近幽州,太守刘焉招募兵马。
刘焉 (贴出招募榜)
刘备(看着榜文)  唉——
张飞(声如巨雷)大丈夫不与国家出力,何故长叹?(站在刘备身后)  What u is just sighing, whihout a man ’s devotion to his country?
刘备 壮士说的是。请问尊姓大名? Grandeur  is right.May I have your name, plea  张飞 我姓张,名飞,字翼德。世居涿郡,颇有庄田,卖酒屠猪,专好结交天下豪杰。恰才见公看榜而叹,故此相问。I ’m Zhang Fei and my livelihood is lling wine and slaughtering hogs. One of my favorites is making friends with world ’s hero. Just saw you sigh when you e the royal edict to recruit solders , so to ask.
刘备 我乃汉室宗亲,近闻黄巾倡乱,恨自己不能效力,故长叹耳。I’m Liu Bei .I
do want to devote mylf to the country ,but how can I help if I ’m empty hand.
张飞 这没关系,我愿意变卖家产,和你一起招募乡兵去投军You need n’t worry, I ’m willing to give up my fortune to build an army and embark on this new career with you. 旁白 刘备一听,高兴万分两人兴致勃勃地来到酒店前,正谈话间,只见一
大汉 快拿酒来喝,我待赶入城来投军。Take wine to drink ,quality! I am hurried to join the army.
小二  酒来也!Wine is coming.
旁白 这大汉威风凛凛,卧蚕眉,丹凤眼,刘备邀他同坐,问其姓名。 刘备 Plea,sit down together.(对大汉说)
请问尊姓大名?May I have your name?
大汉 吾乃山东解良人,姓关名羽字云长,因杀此处豪强,已逃难五六年矣。
今特来应募。I ’m Guan Yu .As I had upheld justice by killing a local tyrant,and
had fied home and wandered about for many years. Today to join the army
specially 。 张飞 我的庄后有一桃园,花开正浓,明天,我三人一块去桃园结为生死兄弟,共图大事。My village has a peach garden ,Flowers are open ,tomorrow ,we all go to the peach garden together to swore brotherhood
刘备 关羽:如此甚好!That ’s good!
旁白 次日,张飞叫人杀猪宰羊,办了一桌丰盛的酒菜,刘备、关羽、张
三人齐念 刘备、关羽、张飞,虽然异姓,结为兄弟则同心协力,救困扶危;上报
后土,实鉴此心,背义忘恩,天人共戮!thought we are in diffrernt family,day to swore brotherhood,devotion to our country, Don't beg born  on the same day, only willing to die on the same day.
旁白 誓毕,拜刘备为兄,关羽次之,张飞为弟。三人在桃园中痛饮起来。

本文发布于:2023-05-09 22:02:29,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:桃园   兄弟   大汉
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