初级美国文学 2008年 童明版期末考试知识点
1、features of Puritanism请教主义
(1)Predestination:God decided everything before things occurred.
(2)Original sin:Human beings were born to be evil,and this original sin can be pasd down from generation to generation.
(3)Total depravity
(4)Limited atonement:Only the“elect”can be saved.
2、American Puritanism XX请教主义的Basic Puritan Beliefs
(1)Total Depravity-through Adam and Eve's full,every person is born sinful-concept of Original Sin.
(2)Unconditional Election-God saves tho he wishes-only a few are lected for salvation-concept of predestination.
(3)Limited Atonement-Jesus died for the chon only,not for everyone.
(4)Grace-God's grace is freely given,it cannot be earned or denied.Grace is defined as the saving and transfiguring power of God.
(5)Perverance of the saints - tho elected by God have full power to interpret the will of God,and to live uprightly. If anyone rejects grace after feeling its power in his life,he will be going against the will of God-something impossible in Puritanism.
3、Influence on American Literature对XX文学影响定义:
America literature is in good measure a literary expression of the pious idea of the American Puritanism bequest.ALL literature is bad on a myth of garden of Eden.