北海老师MBA重点词汇词根词缀串联速忆-- 连载5
31. Assimilation 同化, 同化作用, 吸收
Assimilate v. 使相同,同化,吸收
America has assimilated people from many European countries.
People fear that globalization will assimilate different cultures.
北海:国际化对于文化多样性的冲击,很多人抗议说Globalization 就是Americanization . 美国的语言文化价值观正在强烈地冲击各国的文化。所以中国才有了,抵制过圣诞节的活动。词根:as + simil + ate simil
Simil, simul = alike,same ,表示“相类似,一样”
similar a 同样的;相似的
dissimilar adj. 不同的(dis 不+similar 相同的)
similarity n 类似(similar 相似的+ity)
simile n. 直喻,明喻<> 暗喻metaphor
* 毛主席就像红太阳--- simile
* 看到他,我的心中涌起了爱的潮水
--- metaphor
assimilate v 同化;贯通(as 不断+simil+ate-->不断相同
Dissimilate v. 异化,产生不同
The two brothers gradually dissimilated over time due to different education.
dissimilation n 异化;分化作用(dis+simil+ation)
simulate v. 模拟(simul+ate-->做得相像-->模仿)
simulator n. 模拟器flight simulator 飞行(条件)仿真装
置, 飞行仿真器
Assure v. 保证
accompany 陪伴(ac+ company 伙伴-->陪伴)
affirm v.断言, 确认, 肯定(af+ firm 坚定-->肯定)
accustom 使习惯(ac+ custom 习俗-->习惯习俗)
accelerate 加速(ac+ celer 速度-->一再增加速度)
32.autonomous 自治的
Autonomy n. 自治
an autonomous region 自治区
Tibet Autonomous Region 西藏自治区
前缀:Auto –自己
A TM = Auto Teller Machine 自动取款机teller (银行)出纳员
Autograph 签名
Autobiography n. 自传[自己书写生命]
automatic自动化的,* an automatic washing machine. 全自动洗衣机
America has now adopted more ________ European-style inspection systems, and the incidence of food poisoning is falling.
A) discrete B) solemn
C) rigorous D) autonomous
33.extravagant adj. 浪费,过分的
* Royal families always lead a extravagant life 皇室过着奢侈的
* an extravagant price 过高的价格
词根:V ag = wander,表示“漫游”
vague adj. 含糊的(vag+ue-->说话时漫游而思想不集中-->意思含糊的)
vagabond n. 流浪的人(vaga+bond 倾向与…的-->倾向于流
vagrant adj. 流浪的(vagr+ant-->漫游的-->流浪的)
a vagrant life 流浪生活vagrant thoughts 飘忽不定的思想
extravagant adj. 奢侈的,浪费的[extra 超出的+ vag 游走+ ant , 走的太远了,过分了浪费奢侈]
Mainstream pro-market economists all agree that competition is an ________ spur to efficiency and innovation.
A) extravagant B) exquisite
C) extinguished D) indispensable
34.emit v 发光;发出(味等)
词根: miss,mit= nd,cast,表示“发送,放出”"
committee n 委员会(com+mit+t+ee 一起发送指令)
Committee of the National People's Congress
emit v 发光;发出(味等)(e 出+mit-->送出[气味]等) n. emission
transmit v 寄送;传达(trans 跨越+mit-->跨越送过去-->传
达)* Mosquitoes can transmit dia 蚊子传播疾病
* Iron transmits heat. 铁传热。
区别:The radio can _____ signals. [A]
The sun ______s light. [B]
A.transmit B emit
transmission n. 传播
intermit v. 中断,间歇(inter 在中间+mit-->在中
** The fever intermits. 发烧[热病]间歇地发生
intermittent adj. 间歇的(intermit+t+ent)
omit v. 省去,略去(o 出+mit-->送出-->省略)omission n. 省略
Omit a name from the list.
submit v. 使屈服;递交(sub 下面+mit-->送到下面-->屈服)
(sub 下面+ mit 送到别人眼睛下面,递交)
** 比如在网上填表后递交
I refu to submit to his decision . 我不服从他的决定
submit a ca to the court 向法院提出诉讼
* submissive adj. 服从的(sub+miss+ive)
Dogs are submissive .
premi n. [] 前提(pre 预先+mi-->预先送出-->前提)
We will buy the cell phone bad on the premi that you will give us a 20% discount . promi n 答应;保证(pro 前面+mi-->在做事前送出的话
mission n "派遣;使命(miss+ion,送出-->派遣)
dismiss v 解散;罢免(dis 分开+miss-->分开送-->解散)
解雇:He was dismisd from the company .
35.implicit adj. 含蓄的
implicit adj. 暗含的,含蓄的
反义:explicit adj. 明确的
an implicit answer [threat]含蓄的答复[威胁]
* implicit connt 默许
* Silence means implicit connt . n. 不说话就是默许
词根:ply , plic = fold 表示“重叠,折叠”
implicit 含蓄的,复杂的[把意思折叠在里面]
imply v. 暗示/ implicate v. 含蓄表达
explicit 直接的,直爽的(ex 出+plic+it-->把重叠的东西
explicate v 解释,阐明(ex 出+plic+ate-->把重叠的东西
弄出来-->解释)* explicate the theory
complicate v. 弄复杂(com 全部+plic+ate-->全部重叠起来
-->弄复杂)* His remarks complicated our relationship.
complicated problem >> complex , intricate
duplicate v. 复制[两个du ,两个叠在一起]
= replicate v. 复制[主要用在实验研究中]
(re 重新+plic+ate-->再重叠[一份]-->复制)
* duplicate the keys 配钥匙
*duplicate the mistake 重犯了错误
* replicate an experiment 重复一个实验
Comply = com + ply [叠在一起了—于法律法规重合] 遵从,
遵守comply with = abide by = obey
Reply = 把信折叠起来送回去回答,回信
*选记:Plywood = 叠在一起的木头胶合板
In the late 19th century, Jules V erne, the master of science fiction, foresaw many of the technological wonders that are ________ today.
A) transient B) commonplace
C) implicit D) elementary
36.immer v. 沉入,浸入
词根:merg, mers= sink,表示“沉,没”"
immer v.[有时也写immerge] 沉入,浸入(im 进入merge-->沉
* I immerd mylf in my rearch. = I was involved in my
emerge v 浮现,出现(e 出merge-->沉的东西出现-->浮现)
*She emerged in the competition as a talented singer.
emergence n 浮现,出现(emerge ence)
emergency n 突然事件(emerge ency-->[突然]出现的事情)
submerge v 沉入水下,被淹没(sub 在下面merge-->沉到下面去)
* His talent was submerged by his times
merge v. 合并,融合(沉下-->融为一体-->合并)企业的合并
*Alibaba merges with Yahoo China
Yahoo China was merged into Alibaba
merger n. 企业的并购
I was so ________ when I ud the automatic checkout lane in the supermarket for the first time.
A) immerd B) assaulted
C) thrilled D) dedicated
37.retain v. 保持,保留
Water-Soil Retaining Measures 水土保持措施
学习要去伪存真:eliminate the fal and retain the true 去伪存真
词根:tain ten tin= hold。,表示“拿住”
retain v 保持,保留(re 回+tain-->拿回来-->保留)
obtain v 获得(ob 加强动作+tain-->拿到-->获得)
sustain v. 持续,支持(sus 下面+tain-->在下面拿住[撑住]
-->支持)The financial support from the government will sustain the
poor students in college.
We need food to sustain life . 我们需要食物来维系生命
sustainable development 可持续性发展
attain v 达到,取得(at 加强动作+tain-->稳稳拿住-->取得)
* attain one's goal 达到目的
* attain the age of (年龄)有...岁了
* attain the top of a mountain 到达山顶
attainable adj. 可达到的(attain+able-->获得)attainable goal.
attainment n 成就,造诣(attain 获得+ment-->获得的成就)
contain v 包含,包容(con 全部+tain-->全部拿住-->包容)
entertainment 娱乐,款待(enter+tain+ment)
detain v 阻拦;拘留(de 下+tain-->拿住,拿下-->拘
The police detained veral suspects for questioning.
The disruptive students were detained after school until their parents
had been notified.
maintain v 维持;坚持(main[=man 手]+tain-->用手拿住
-->坚持)maintain good relations. 持良好的关系
maintenance n 维护;坚持(main+len+ance,maintain 的
His arm was ________ from the shark’s mouth and reattached, but the boy, who nearly died, remained in a delicate condition.
A) retrieved B) retained