Unit Ten Fear of Death Carll Tucker

更新时间:2023-05-09 06:59:55 阅读:18 评论:0

Unit Ten  Fear of Death  Carll Tucker
  但依我之见,这种现象背后还有鲜为人知的原因。它背后的驱使力更甚于对死亡的恐惧,那就是资源的匮乏。我们看到土地的流失,河流失去了孕育生命的能力,空气,即使在平流层也存有致命的垃圾。我们看到无法挽回的浪费,感受到意识中那深深的恐惧 ―― 我们正在毁坏赖以生存的地球。同时我们也或多或少的感到无助,并想方设法保护环境。我们重复利用汽水瓶,修复老房子和保护离自己最近的自然资源 --我们的身体健康,希望这种小的举动可以拯救正被破坏的地球。跑步变成了一种为我们贪婪和浪费的一种赎罪。
  这就是我为什么要跑步 ―― 为了赢一场网球赛。
Unit Eleven  Beyond Invalidism, Part One  Norman Cousins
1  The n of being locked into a body that is inadequate for its needs, the n of living under a lowering ceiling, the n of having to parate onelf from vital prospect
s, the n of coming to terms with bleakness — all the are the stuff of invalidism. The person who is put on notice by the physician that he or she has a “bad heart” tends to live a life of reduced expectations, to take slower and fewer steps, and to move tentatively in the outside world.感到被锁定在一个身体,不能满足它的需要,生活在一个低的天花板,有感觉分离自己从生命的前景,意义来与苍凉--这些都是病弱。人是把注意的医生,他或她有一个“坏心”往往生活降低期望,把速度较慢,较少的步骤,并继续尝试在外面的世界。
2.  How does one avoid the feeling of being an invalid when underlying corditions create and indeed em to dictate it? When a physician tells you that your heart is weak and must be spared the strains that other people routinely and joyously bear, how do you go through life without flinching when you approach stairs or hilly streets or children reaching out to be lifted?如何避免感觉是一个无效的基本状态时创建和确实似乎决定了吗?当医生告诉你,你的心是脆弱的,必须不遗余力的菌株,其他人经常和快乐的熊,你怎样去生活毫不畏缩,当你走近楼梯或丘陵的街道或儿童接触被取消?
3  Perhaps the best way to answer the questions is to begin by reflecting on the way the human body works. A weak body becomes weaker in a mood of total surrender.也许最好的方式来回答这些问题是由开始反思的方式对人体作品。思想上先缴了械,身体便会更加孱弱。The mechanisms of repair and rehabilitation that are built into the human system have a natural drive to asrt themlves under conditions of illness, but that natural tendency is deferred or deflected by an erosion of the will to live, or by the abnce of confidence in one’s physician or in one’s own ability to play a vital part in the attack on dia.该机制的修复和重建,建成的系统有一个驱动维护自己的条件下的疾病,但自然倾向推迟或由偏转一个侵蚀的生存意志,或没有在一个信任的医生或在自己的能力,发挥重要的一部分对疾病的袭击。
4  Obviously, it is absurd to suppo that there is no illness or somber circumstance that can’t be reverd. But it is also true that under conditions of extreme illness we need all the help we can get. For the same reason it is necessary to put all our own powers to work in our own behalf. We want to get the most out of whatever is possible. An integral part of this process is respect for the human body — an organism of astounding tenacity,
resiliency, and recuperative capability. And, since the human body tends to move in the direction of its expectations — plus or minus — it is important to know that attitudes of confidence and determination are no less a part of the treatment program than medical science and technology.显然,这是荒谬的假设是没有疾病或不可扭转的情况。但它也确实是极端条件下的疾病,我们需要我们能得到的所有帮助。出于同样的原因,有必要把自己的权力,工作在我们自己的利益。我们想了解什么是可能的。这一进程的组成部分是尊重人体-有机体的惊人的坚韧,弹性,和恢复能力。而且,由于人体移动方向的期望——加上或减去-它是重要的是要知道,态度,信心和决心不那么一部分治疗计划比医疗科技。
5  The day after I came home from the hospital, I arranged with a building contractor to construct a new study and storage facility for all the Saturday Review files and other books and records that had been moved out from the East. The only place available for the new construction was above a steep hill in back of the hou. This meant I would have to climb the equivalent of four flights of stairs every time I wanted to go to the study.当我从医院回到家,我安排一个建筑承包商建立一个新的研究和储存设施的所有星期六审查文件和其他书籍和记录已从东边出来。只有一个地方可用于新建筑是一座陡峭的山在房
6  The building was completed in about three months. I have never felt the slightest hesitation in making the ascent, which I have done at least twice daily. The n of pleasurable anticipations is enough to allow me to endure any strain.建设完成约三个月。我从来没有感到丝毫的犹豫使上升,我每天做至少两次。感觉愉快的期待是足以让我承受任何压力。

本文发布于:2023-05-09 06:59:55,感谢您对本站的认可!



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