1、a-/an- :no;without;lack;加强意义
①asocial 不好社交的:a(no) +social(社交的)→asocial 不好社交的
Are you asocial or do you just enjoy living in the Antarctic?
②acentric 无中心的:a(without)+centric中心的→acentric 无中心的
At first, the thesis describes the fluid and acentric narrative mode.
首先, 文章阐述的是流动性、去中心的叙事方式.
③aright 正确地:a(表加强意义)+right(正确的)→aright正确地
When I pray, I must ek to know God aright.
2、a- :in;on;at;by;with;to
①asleep 在熟睡中:a(in)+sleep(睡觉)→asleep 在熟睡中
He soon fell asleep with weariness.
②abed 在床上:a(on)+bed(床上)→abed 在床上
I always think of many things abed .
③aside 在一边:a(at)+side旁边→aside在…旁边即在一边
We turned aside from the main road.
④abreast 肩并肩地:a(by)+breast胸部→abreast胸部于胸部相邻引申为肩
The four of them walked abreast.
3、ab- :from;away from
①absorb 吸收:ab(from)+sorb(吸附、吸收)→absorb(sorb from从…吸
Dry sand absorbs water.
②abnormal 不正常的:ab(away from)+normal正常的→abnormal(away from normal即远离正常→不正常)
We were very surprid at his abnormal behavior.
4、ac- :at;to,或表示加强意义
①accustom 使习惯:ac(to)+custom(风俗、习惯)→accustom(使…慢慢成为习惯→使习惯)
He soon gets accustom to dormitory life and make two or three friends.
②account 计算,算帐:ac(to)+count(数数、计算)→account(to count the number of sth数…的数量即计算、算账)
He figured up the balance in their checking account.
③accredit 信任:ac(表强调,加强意义)+credit(相信、信任)→accredit (信任)
We accredit the invention of the electric light bulb to Edison. accredit …to 把…归功于某人
5、ad- :to;toward;forward
①admixture 混杂:ad(to)+mix(动词:混合+ure名词后缀→mixture名词:混合、混杂)→admixture(to mix sth混合某物→混杂)
Our club was compod principally of students, with an admixture of young clerks.
②adjoin临近:ad(toward)+join(链接、联结)→adjoin(to join sth together to make them clor→临近)
The two hous adjoin.
③adventure 冒险:ad(forward表倾向性行为)+venture(冒险)→adventure (去冒险)
But Jules was not eager for classroom learning, he hungered for adventure.
6、af- :at;to,或表示加强意义
①affix 附加,贴上:af(to)+fix(固定、使牢固)→affix(to fix one thing on another→附加、贴上)
Plea affix your name to my homework.
②affirm 肯定,确实:af(表加强意义)+firm(确定的)→affirm肯定、确实
Scientists cannot affirm the existence of life on other planets.
③affright 震惊,恐惧:af(表加强意义)+fright(恐怖、惊吓)→affright (震惊、恐惧)
"Who are you?" he again asked in affright.
7、ag- :at;to,或表示加强意义
①aggrandize 增大:ag(表加强意义)+grand(宏大的;宏伟的) +ize(动词词根)→aggrandize(增大)
Indeed, it should be pointed out that although women status were greatly improved, we can not aggrandize the improvement.
②aggravate 加重:ag(表加强意义)+grav(=heavy重)+ate(动词词根)→aggravate加重
This will aggravate the current scarcity of natural resources caud by environmental degradation.
③aggrieve 使悲痛:ag(表加强意义)+grieve(悲伤)→aggrieve(使悲痛)
I hope I didn't aggrieve her feeling.
8、amphi- :两、双
①amphicar 水陆两用车:amphi(两、双)+car(车)→amphicar水陆两用车
A German - made amphicar is making quite a splash in New Bern, North Carolina.
②amphibian 水陆两栖的:amphi(两、双)+bi(两)+an(表名词和形容词,"……地方,……人或动物等")→amphibian水陆两栖的
Some famous amphitheaters were built by the Romans.
9、ante- :before
①antetype 先型,原型:ante(before)+type(类型)→antetype(原型)Reporter asked the writer who is the antetype of the character in his article.
②anteroom 前室,接待室:ante(before)+room(房间)→anteroom(接待室)Leaving the elevator on the tenth floor,they stepped into the
windowless anteroom.
③antedate 比实际早的日期;先于、早于:ante(before)+date(日期)→antedate(before the date of …在…日期之前→先于、早于)
10、anti- :against对抗、反对
①antifreeze 防冻:anti(against)+freeze(冰冻)→antifreeze(make sth against freeze使…抗冻→防冻)
Fill the cooling system with antifreeze as a protection against frost.
②antiwar 反战的:anti(对抗、反对)+war(战争)→antiwar(反对战争→反战的)
John and Yoko played key roles in the anti - war movement in the 1970 s.
③antiageing 防衰老的:anti(对抗、反对)+ageing(变老、老化)→antiageing 防衰老的
How much faith should we put in anti-ageing products?
11、ap- :加强或引申意义
①appoint 指定,任命:ap(表引申)+point(表明、指向)→appoint(指定、任命)
"Why didn't you appoint Ron twelve months ago?"—"Good question."
②apprai 评价:ap(表引申)+prai(赞扬、赞美)→apprai(评价)An employer should apprai the ability of his men.
12、ap-/apo- :离开
①apogee 远地点(远离地球之处)、最高点、最远点
The Alliance for Progress reached its apogee during the first half of the decade.
②apostasy 脱党,叛教: