1. | [G43] | 偏头痛(Migraine) |
1.1 | [G43.0] | 无先兆偏头痛(Migraine without aura) |
1.2 | [G43.1] | 先兆偏头痛(Migraine with aura) |
1.2.1 | [G43.10] | 典型先兆偏头痛(Typical aura with migraine headache) |
1.2.2 | [G43.10] | 典型先兆伴非偏头痛性头痛(Typical aura with non-migraine headache) |
1.2.3 | [G43.104] | 典型先兆不伴头痛(Typical aura without headache) |
1.2.4 | [G43.105] | 家族性偏瘫性偏头痛(Familial hemiplegic migraine ,FHM) |
1.2.5 | [G43.105] | 散发性偏瘫性偏头痛(Sporadic hemiplegic migraine) |
1.2.6 | [G43.103] | 基底动脉型偏头痛(Basilar-type migraine) |
1.3 | [G43.82] | 儿童周期综合症-常为偏头痛的先驱(Childhood periodic syndromes that are commonly precursors of migraine) |
1.3.1 | [G43.82] | 周期性呕吐(Cyclical vomiting) |
1.3.2 | [G43.820] | 腹型偏头痛(Abdominal migraine) |
1.3.3 | [G43.821] | 儿童良性阵发性眩晕(Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood) |
1.4 | [G43.81] | 视网膜偏头痛(Retinal migraine) |
1.5 | [G43.3] | 偏头痛并发症(Complications of migraine) |
1.5.1 | [G43.3] | 慢性偏头痛(Chronic migraine) |
1.5.2 | [G43.2] | 偏头痛持续状态(Status migrainosus) |
1.5.3 | [G43.3] | 持续性先兆不伴脑梗死(Persistent aura without infarction) |
1.5.4 | [G43.3] | 偏头痛性脑梗死(Migrainous infarction) |
1.5.5 | [G43.3] | 偏头痛触发癫痫发作(Migraine-triggered izure)[G40.x or G41.x] |
1.6 | [G43.83] | 可能偏头痛(Probable migraine) |
1.6.1 | [G43.83] | 可能无先兆偏头痛(Probable migraine without aura) |
1.6.2 | [G43.83] | 可能先兆偏头痛(Probable migraine with aura) |
1.6.5 | [G43.83] | 可能慢性偏头痛(Probable chronic migraine) |
| | |
2. | [G44.2] | 紧张型头痛 (Tension-type headache,TTH) |
2.1 | [G44.2] | 少发复发性紧张性头痛(Infrequent episodic tension-type headache,TTH) |
2.1.1 | [G44.20] | 少发复发性紧张性头痛伴颅周压痛(Infrequent episodic tension-type headache associated with pericranial tenderness) |
2.1.2 | [G44.21] | 少发复发性紧张性头痛不伴颅周压痛(Infrequentepisodic tension-type headache not associated with pericranial tenderness) |
2.2 | [G44.2] | 频发复发性紧张性头痛(Frequent episodic tension-type headache) |
2.2.1 | [G44.20] | 频发复发性紧张性头痛伴颅周压痛(Frequent episodic tension-type headache associated with Pericranial tenderness) |
2.2.2 | [G44.21] | 频发复发性紧张性头痛不伴颅周压痛(Frequent episodic tension-type headache not associated with pericranial tenderness) |
2.3 | [G44.2] | 慢性紧张型头痛( Chronic tension-type headache) |
2.3.1 | [G44.22] | 慢性紧张型头痛伴颅周压痛(Chronic tension-type headache associated with pericranial tenderness) |
2.3.2 | [G44.23] | 慢性紧张型头痛不伴颅周压痛(Chronic tension-type headache not associated with pericranial tenderness) |
2.4 | [G44.28] | 可能紧张型头痛(Probable tension-type headache) |
2.4.1 | [G44.28] | 可能少发复发性紧张性头痛(Probable infrequent episodic tension-type headache) |
2.4.2 | [G44.28] | 可能频发复发性紧张性头痛(Probable frequent episodic tension-type headache) |
2.4.3 | [G44.28] | 可能慢性紧张型头痛(Probable chronic tension-type headache) |
| | |
3. | [G44.0] | 丛集性头痛和其他三叉自主神经性头痛 (Cluster headache and other trigeminal autonomic Cephalalgias) |
3.1 | [G44.0] | 丛集性头痛(Cluster headache) |
3.1.1 | [G44.01] | 复发性丛集性头痛(Episodic cluster headache) |
3.1.2 | [G44.02] | 慢性丛集性头痛(Chronic cluster headache) |
3.2 | [G44.03] | 阵发性半侧颅痛( Paroxysmal hemicrania) |
3.2.1 | [G44.03] | 复发性阵发性半侧颅痛(Episodic paroxysmal hemicrania) |
3.2.2 | [G44.03] | 慢性阵发性半侧颅痛(Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania ,CPH) |
3.3 | [G44.08] | 短暂单侧神经痛样头痛伴结膜充血和流泪Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform headache attacks with Conjunctival injection and Tearing ,SUNCT) |
3.4 | [G44.08] | 可能三叉自主神经性头痛(Probable trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia) |
3.4.1 | [G44.08] | 可能丛集性头痛(Probable cluster headache) |
3.4.2 | [G44.08] | 可能阵发性半侧颅痛(Probable paroxysmal hemicrania) |
3.4.3 | [G44.08] | 可能SUNCT (Probable SUNCT) |
| | |
4. | [G44.80] | 其他原发性头痛 (Other primary headaches) |
4.1 | [G44.800] | 原发性刺痛性头痛(Primary stabbing headache) |
4.2 | [G44.803] | 原发性咳嗽头痛(Primary cough headache) |
4.3 | [G44.804] | 原发性奋力头痛(Primary exertional headache) |
4.4 | [G44.805] | 原发性性活动伴随的头痛(Primary headache associated with xual activity) |
4.4.1 | [G44.805] | 性高潮前头痛(Preorgasmic headache) |
4.4.2 | [G44.805] | 性高潮头痛(Orgasmic headache) |
4.5 | [G44.80] | 睡眠头痛(Hypnic headache) |
4.6 | [G44.80] | 原发性霹雳头痛(Primary thunderclap headache) |
4.7 | [G44.80] | 连续性半侧颅痛(Hemicrania continua) |
4.8 | [G44.2] | 新症每日持续性头痛(New daily-persistent headache ,NDPH) |
| | |
5. | [G44.88] | 头痛由于头和/或颈部外伤(Headache attributed to head and/or neck trauma) |
5.1 | [G44.880] | 急性外伤后头痛(Acute post-traumatic headache) |
5.1.1 | [G44.880] | 急性外伤后头痛由于中度或严重的头损伤(Acute post-traumatic headache attributed to moderate or vere head injury) [S06] |
5.1.2 | [G44.880] | 急性外伤后头痛由于轻度头损伤(Acute post-traumatic headache attributed to mild head injury) [S09.9] |
5.2 | [G44.3] | 慢性外伤后头痛(Chronic post-traumatic headache) |
5.2.1 | [G44.30] | 慢性外伤后头痛由于中度或严重的头损伤(Chronic post-traumatic headache attributed to moderate or vere head injury [S06] |
5.2.2 | [G44.31] | 慢性外伤后头痛由于轻度头损伤(Chronic post-traumatic headache attributed to mild head injury) [S09.9] |
5.3 | [G44.841] | 急性头痛由于颈椎甩鞭损伤(Acute heada che attributed to whiplash injury) [S13.4] |
5.4 | [G44.841] | 慢性头痛由于颈椎甩鞭损伤(Chronic headache attributed to whiplash injury) [S13.4] |
5.5 | [G44.88] | 头痛由于外伤性颅内血肿(Headache attributed to traumatic intracranial haematoma) |
5.5.1 | [G44.88] | 头痛由于硬膜外血肿(Headache attributed to epidural haematoma) [S06.4] |
5.5.2 | [G44.88] | 头痛由于硬膜下血肿( Headache attributed to subdural haematoma) [S06.5] |
5.6 | [G44.88] | 头痛由于其他头和/或颈部外伤(Headache attributed to other head and/or neck trauma )[S06] |
5.6.1 | [G44.88] | 急性头痛由于其他头和/或颈部外伤(Acute headache attributed to other head and/or neck trauma)[S06] |
5.6.2 | [G44.88] | 慢性头痛由于其他头和/或颈部外伤(Chronic headache attributed to other head and/or neck trauma) [S06] |
5.7 | [G44.88] | 开颅术后头痛(Post-craniotomy headache) |
5.7.1 | [G44.880] | 急性开颅术后头痛(Acute post-craniotomy headache) |
5.7.2 | [G44.30] | 慢性开颅术后头痛(Chronic post-craniotomy headache) |
| | |
6. | [G44.81] | 头痛由于颅脑和颈部血管疾病 (Headache attributed to cranial or cervical vascular disorder) |
6.1 | [G44.810] | 头痛由于缺血性中风或TIA(Headache attributed to ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack) |
6.1.1 | [G44.810] | 头痛由于缺血性中风〔脑梗死〕(Headache attributed to ischaemic stroke 〔cerebral infarction〕) [I63] |
6.1.2 | [G44.810] | 头痛由于TIA( Headache attributed to transient ischaemic attack ,TIA) [G45] |
6.2 | [G44.810] | 头痛由于非外伤性颅内出血(Headache attributed to non-traumatic intracranial haemorrhage [I62] |
6.2.1 | [G44.810] | 头痛由于颅内出血(Headache attributed to intracerebral haemorrhage) [I61] |
6.2.2 | [G44.810] | 头痛由于蛛网膜下腔出血(Headache attributed to subarachnoid haemorrhage ,SAH) [I60] |
6.3 | [G44.811] | 头痛由于未破裂的血管畸形(Headache attributed to unruptured vascular malformation)[Q28] |
6.3.1 | [G44.811] | 头痛由于囊性动脉瘤(Headache attributed to saccular aneurysm) [Q28.3] |
6.3.2 | [G44.811] | 头痛由于动静脉畸形(Headache attributed to arteriovenous malformation ,AVM) [Q28.2] |
6.3.3 | [G44.811] | 头痛由于硬膜动静脉瘘(Headache attributed to dural arteriovenous fistula )[I67.1] |
6.3.4 | [G44.811] | 头痛由于海绵窦血管瘤(Headache attributed to cavernous angioma) [D18.0] |
6.3.5 | [G44.811] | 头痛由于脑三叉神经或软脑膜血管瘤病(Headache attributed to encephalotrigeminal or leptomeningeal angiomatosis ,Sturge Weber syndrome) [Q85.8] |
6.4 | [G44.812] | 头痛由于动脉炎(Headache attributed to arteritis )[M31] |
6.4.1 | [G44.812] | 头痛由于巨动脉炎(Headache attributed to giant cell arteritis ,GCA) [M31.6] |
6.4.2 | [G44.812] | 头痛由于原发性中枢神经系统血管炎(Headache attributed to primary central nervous system (CNS) angⅡtis) [I67.7] |
6.4.3 | [G44.812] | 头痛由于继发性中枢神经系统血管炎(Headache attributed to condary central nervous system angⅡtis) [I68.2] |
6.5 | [G44.810] | 颈动脉或锥动脉疼痛(Carotid or vertebral artery pain) [I63.0, I63.2, I65.0, I65.2 or I67.0] |
6.5.1 | [G44.810] | 头痛、面痛或颈痛由于夹层动脉瘤(Headache or facial or neck pain attributed to arterial Disction) [I67.0] |
6.5.2 | [G44.814] | 内膜剥脱术后头痛(Post-endarterectomy headache)[I97.8] |
6.5.3 | [G44.810] | 颈动脉血管成型术头痛(Carotid angioplasty headache) |
6.5.4 | [G44.810] | 头痛由于颅内血管内操作(Headache attributed to intracranial endovascular procedures) |
6.5.5 | [G44.810] | 动脉造影头痛(Angiography headache) |
6.6 | [G44.810] | 头痛由于脑静脉血栓形成(Headache attributed to cerebral venous thrombosis ,CVT) [I63.6] |
6.7 | [G44.81] | 头痛由于其他颅内血管疾病(Headache attributed to other intracranial vascular disorder) |
6.7.1 | [G44.81] | 脑常染色体显性遗传动脉病伴皮层下梗塞和白质脑病(Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy,CADASIL) [I67.8] |
6.7.2 | [G44.81] | 线粒体脑病,乳酸酸中毒和中风样发作(Mitochondrial Encephalopathy, Lactic Acidosis and Strokelike episodes ,MELAS) [G31.81] |
6.7.3 | [G44.81] | 头痛由于良性中枢神经系统血管病(Headache attributed to benign angiopathy of the central nervous system) [I99] |
6.7.4 | [G44.81] | 头痛由于垂体中风(Headache attributed to pituitary apoplexy) [E23.6] |
| | |
7. | [G44.82] | 头痛由于非血管性颅内疾病 (Headache attributed to non-vascular intracranial Disorder) |
7.1 | [G44.820] | 头痛由于脑脊液压力增高(Headache attributed to high cerebrospinal fluid pressure) |
7.1.1 | [G44.820] | 头痛由于自发性颅内压增高(Headache attributed to idiopathic intracranial hypertension,ⅡH) [G93.2] |
7.1.2 | [G44.820] | 头痛由于继发于代谢、中毒或内分泌病因的颅内压增高( Headache attributed to intracranial hypertension condary to metabolic, toxic or hormonal caus) |
7.1.3 | [G44.820] | 头痛由于继发于脑积水的颅内压增高(Headache attributed to intracranial hypertension condary to hydrocephalus) [G91.8] |
7.2 | [G44.820] | 头痛由于脑脊液压力低下(Headache attributed to low cerebrospinal fluid pressure) |
7.2.1 | [G44.820] | 腰穿(硬膜穿刺)后头痛(Post-dural puncture headache) [G97.0] |
7.2.2 | [G44.820] | 脑脊液瘘头痛(CSF fistula headache) [G96.0] |
7.2.3 | [G44.820] | 头痛由于自发性或原发性低颅压(Headache attributed to spontaneous or idiopathic low CSF pressure) |
7.3 | [G44.82] | 头痛由于非感染性炎性疾病(Headache attributed to non-infectious inflammatory dia) |
7.3.1 | [G44.823] | 头痛由于神经类肉瘤病(Headache attributed to neurosarcoidosis) [D86.8] |
7.3.2 | [G44.823] | 头痛由于非化脓性,或非感染性脑膜炎(Headache attributed to aptic (non-infectious) meningitis)[按特定病原编码] |
7.3.3 | [G44.823] | 头痛由于其他非感染性炎性疾病(Headache attributed to other non-infectious inflammatory dia)[按特定病原编码] |
7.3.4 | [G44.82] | 头痛由于淋巴细胞性垂体炎(Headache attributed to lymphocytic hypophysitis) [E23.6] |
7.4 | [G44.822] | 头痛由于颅内新生物(Headache attributed to intracranial neoplasm) [C00-D48] |
7.4.1 | [G44.822] | 头痛由于新生物造成的颅内压增高或脑积(Headache attributed to incread intracranial pressure or hydrocephalus caud by neoplasm)[按特定新生物编码] |
7.4.2 | [G44.822] | 头痛直接由于新生物所致(Headache attributed directly to neoplasm)[按特定新生物编码] |
7.4.3 | [G44.822] | 头痛由于癌性脑膜炎( Headache attributed to carcinomatous meningitis) [C79.3] |
7.4.4 | [G44.822] | 头痛由于下丘脑、垂体的高-或低分泌( Headache attributed to hypothalamic or pituitary hyper- or hypocretion) [E23.0] |
7.5 | [G44.824] | 头痛由于鞘内注射( Headache attributed to intrathecal injection) [G97.8] |
7.6 | [G44.82] | 头痛由于癫痫发作(Headache attributed to epileptic izure [G40.x or G41.x to specify izure type] |
7.6.1 | [G44.82] | 癫痫半颅痛( Hemicrania epileptica )[G40.x or G41.x 按特定发作类型编码] |
7.6.2 | [G44.82] | 癫痫发作后头痛(Post-izure headache) [G40.x or G41.x按特定发作类型编码] |
7.7 | [G44.82] | 头痛由于I型Chiari畸形(Headache attributed to Chiari malformation type I,CM1)[Q07.0] |
7.8 | [G44.82] | 暂时性头痛和神经功能缺损伴脑脊液淋巴细胞增高(Syndrome of transient Headache and Neurological Deficits with cerebrospinal fluid Lymphocytosis ,HaNDL) |
7.9 | [G44.82] | 头痛由于其他非血管性颅内疾病(Headache attributed to other non-vascular intracranial Disorder) |
| | |
8 | [G44.4 or G44.83] | 头痛由于物质或物质的的戒断 (Headache attributed to a substance or its withdrawal) |
8.1 | [G44.40] | 头痛由于物质的急性应用或暴露(Headache induced by acute substance u or exposure) |
8.1.1 | [G44.400] | 头痛由于一氧化氮(NO)原料物质诱发( Nitric oxide (NO) donor-induced headache) [X44] | | [G44.400] | 头痛由于即刻性一氧化氮原料物质诱发Immediate NO donor-induced headache) [X44] | | [G44.400] | 头痛由于拖延性一氧化氮原料物质诱发(Delayed NO donor-headache) [X44] |
8.1.2 | [G44.40] | 头痛由于磷酸二酯酶抑制剂(Phosphodiestera ,inhibitor-induced headache) [X44] |
8.1.3 | [G44.402] | 头痛由于一氧化碳诱发(Carbon monoxide-induced headache) [X47] |
8.1.4 | [G44.83] | 头痛由于酒精诱发(Alcohol-induced headache)[F10] | | [G44.83] | 头痛由于即刻性酒精诱发(Immediate alcohol-induced headache) [F10] | | [G44.83] | 头痛由于拖延性酒精诱发(Delayed alcohol-induced headache) [F10] |
8.1.5 | [G44.4] | 头痛由于食物成分和附加物诱发(Headache induced by food components and additives) | | [G44.401] | 头痛由于谷氨酸单钠盐(味精)诱(Monosodium glutamate-induced headache)[X44] |
8.1.6 | [G44.83] | 头痛由于可卡因诱发(Cocaine-induced headache) [F14] |
8.1.7 | [G44.83] | 头痛由于大麻诱发(Cannabis-induced headache)[F12] |
8.1.8 | [G44.40] | 头痛由于组织胺诱发(Histamine-induced headache) [X44] | | [G44.40] | 头痛由于即刻性组织胺诱发(Immediate histamine-induced headache) [X44] | | [G44.40] | 头痛由于拖延性组织胺诱发(Delayed histamine-induced headache) [X44] |
8.1.9 | [G44.40] | 头痛由于降钙素基因相关多肽诱发(Calcitonin gene-related peptide [CGRP]-induced headache)[X44] | | [G44.40] | 头痛由于即刻性CGRP诱发( Immediate CGRP-induced headache) [X44] | | [G44.40] | 头痛由于拖延性CGRP诱发(Delayed CGRP-induced headache) [X44] |
8.1.10 | [G44.41] | 头痛由于药物的急性不良反应(Headache as an acute adver event attributed to medication ud for other indications [code to specify substance]) |
8.1.11 | [G44.4 or G44.83] | 头痛由于其他物质急性应用或暴露(Headache induced by other acute substance u or exposure [code to specify substance]) |
8.2 | [G44.41 or G44.83] | 头痛由于药物过度使用(Medication-overu headache ,MOH) |
8.2.1 | [G44.411] | 头痛由于麦角胺过度使用(Ergotamine-overu headache) [Y52.5] |
8.2.2 | [G44.41] | 头痛由于曲普坦过度使用(Triptan-overu headache) |
8.2.3 | [G44.410] | 头痛由于止痛药过度使用(Analgesic-overu headache) [F55.2] |
8.2.4 | [G44.83] | 头痛由于类鸦片过度应用(Opioid-overu headache) [F11.2] |
8.2.5 | [G44.410] | 头痛由于复合制剂过度应用(Combination medication-overu headache) [F55.2] |
8.2.6 | [G44.410] | 头痛由于其他药物的过度应用(Headache attributed to other medication overu [按特定物质编码] |
8.2.7 | [G44.41 or G44.83] | 头痛由于可能药物应用过度(Probable medication-overu headache) [code to specify substance] |
8.3 | [G44.4] | 头痛由于慢性用药的不良反应(Headache as an adver event attributed to chronic medication )[按特定物质编码] |
8.3.1 | [G44.418] | 头痛由于外源性激素诱发(Exogenous hormone-induced headache) [Y42.4] |
8.4 | [G44.83] | 头痛由于物质戒断(Headache attributed to substance withdrawal) |
8.4.1 | [G44.83] | 头痛由于咖啡戒断(Caffeine-withdrawal headache) [F15.3] |
8.4.2 | [G44.83] | 头痛由于类鸦片戒断(Opioid-withdrawal headache) [F11.3] |
8.4.3 | [G44.83] | 头痛由于雌激素戒断(Oestrogen-withdrawal headache) [Y42.4] |
8.4.4 | [G44.83] | 头痛由于慢性应用其他物质的戒断(Headache attributed to withdrawal from chronic u of other substances) [按特定物质编码] |
| | |
9. | | 头痛由于感染 (Headache attributed to infection) |
9.1 | [G44.821] | 头痛由于颅内感染(Headache attributed to intracranial infection) [G00-G09] |
9.1.1 | [G44.821] | 头痛由于细菌性脑膜炎(Headache attributed to bacterial meningitis) [G00.9] |
9.1.2 | [G44.821] | 头痛由于淋巴细胞性脑膜炎(Headache attributed to lymphocytic meningitis) [G03.9] |
9.1.3 | [G44.821] | 头痛由于脑炎(Headache attributed to encephalitis) [G04.9] |
9.1.4 | [G44.821] | 头痛由于脑脓肿(Headache attributed to brain abscess) [G06.0] |
9.1.5 | [G44.821] | 头痛由于硬膜下积脓(Headache attributed to subdural empyema) [G06.2] |
9.2 | [G44.881] | 头痛由于系统感染( Headache attributed to systemic infection) [A00-B97] |
9.2.1 | [G44.881] | 头痛由于系统细菌感染(Headache attributed to systemic bacterial infection) [按特定病原编码] |
9.2.2 | [G44.881] | 头痛由于系统病毒感染( Headache attributed to systemic viral infection )[按特定病原编码] |
9.2.3 | [G44.881] | 头痛由于其他系统感染(Headache attributed to other systemic infection [按特定病原编码] |
9.3 | [G44.821] | 头痛由于HIV/AIDS(Headache attributed to HIV/AIDS) [B22] |
9.4 | [G44.821 or G44.881] | 慢性感染后头痛(Chronic post-infection headache) [按特定病原编码] |
9.4.1 | [G44.821] | 慢性细菌性脑膜炎后头痛(Chronic post-bacterial meningitis headache) [G00.9] |
| | |
10. | [G44.882] | 头痛由于内环境稳定失调疾患 (Headache attributed to disorder of homoeostasis) |
10.1 | [G44.882] | 头痛由于缺氧和/或高碳酸血症(Headache attributed to hypoxia and/or hypercapnia) |
10.1.1 | [G44.882] | 高海拔头痛(High-altitude headache) [W94] |
10.1.2 | [G44.882] | 潜水头痛(Diving headache) |
10.1.3 | [G44.882] | 睡眠呼吸暂停性头痛(Sleep apnoea headache) [G47.3] |
10.2 | [G44.882] | Dialysis headache [Y84.1] |
10.3 | [G44.813] | 头痛由于动脉高血压(Headache attributed to arterial hypertension) [I10] |
10.3.1 | [G44.813] | 头痛由于嗜络细胞瘤(Headache attributed to phaeochromocytoma [D35.0 (良性) or C74.1 (恶性)] |
10.3.2 | [G44.813] | 头痛由于无高血压脑病的高血压危象(Headache attributed to hypertensive crisis without hypertensive encephalopathy) [I10] |
10.3.3 | [G44.813] | 头痛由于高血压脑病(Headache attributed to hypertensive encephalopathy) [I67.4] |
10.3.4 | [G44.813] | 头痛由于先兆子痫(Headache attributed to pre-eclampsia) [O13-O14] |
10.3.5 | [G44.813] | 头痛由于子痫(Headache attributed to eclampsia)[O15] |
10.3.6 | [G44.813] | 头痛由于外源性制剂造成的血压增高反应(Headache attributed to acute pressor respon to an exogenous agent)[按特定病原编码] |
10.4 | [G44.882] | 头痛由于甲状腺低下(Headache attributed to hypothyroidism) [E03.9] |
10.5 | [G44.882] | 头痛由于禁食(Headache attributed to fasting)[T73.0] |
10.6 | [G44.882] | 心源性头痛(Cardiac cephalalgia) [code to specify aetiology] |
10.7 | [G44.882] | 头痛由于其他内环境稳定失调疾患(Headache attributed to other disorder of homoeostasis)[按特定病原编码] |
| | |
11. | [G44 84] | 头或面痛由于头颅、颈部、眼、耳、鼻窦、牙、口腔或其他面部或头颅构造疾患 (Headache or facial pain attributed to disorder of cranium,neck,eyes,ear, no,sinus,teeth, mouthor other facial or cranial structures) |
11.1 | [G44.840] | 头痛由于颅骨疾病(Headache attributed to disorder of cranial bone) [M80-M89.8] |
11.2 | [G44.841] | 头痛由于颈部疾病(Headache attributed to disorder of neck) [M99] |
11.2.1 | [G44.841] | 颈源性头痛(Cervicogenic headache) [M99] |
11.2.2 | [G44.842] | 头痛由于咽后腱炎(Headache attributed to retropharyngeal tendonitis) [M79.8] |
11.2.3 | [G44.841] | 头痛由于颅颈部肌紧张不全(Headache attributed to craniocervical dystonia )[G24] |
11.3 | [G44.843] | 头痛由于眼疾患(Headache attributed to disorder of eyes) |
11.3.1 | [G44.843] | 头痛由于急性青光眼(Headache attributed to acute glaucoma) [H40] |
11.3.2 | [G44.843] | 头痛由于屈光不正(Headache attributed to refractive errors) [H52] |
11.3.3 | [G44.843] | 头痛由于隐斜视或斜视(Headache attributed to heterophoria or heterotropia,latent or manifest squint) [H50.3-H50.5] |
11.3.4 | [G44.843] | 头痛由于眼的炎性疾病(Headache attributed to ocular inflammatory disorder) [按特定病原编码] |
11.4 | [G44.844] | 头痛由于耳疾患(Headache attributed to disorder of ears) [H60-H95] |
11.5 | [G44.845] | 头痛由于鼻-鼻窦炎(Headache attributed to rhinosinusitis) [J01] |
11.6 | [ G44.846] | 头痛由于牙齿、颌以及相关结构的疾病(Headache attributed to disorder of teeth, jaws or related structures [K00 K14] |
11.7 | [G44.846] | 头或面痛由于颞下颌关节疾病(Headache or facial pain attributed to temporomandibular joint ,TMJ) disorder) [K07.6] |
11.8 | [G44.84] | 头痛由于其他头颅、颈部、眼、耳、鼻、鼻窦、牙、口腔、或其他面部或颈部构造疾病(Headache attributed to other disorder of cranium, neck, eyes, ears, no, sinus, teeth, mouth or other facial or cervical structures) [code to specify aetiology] |
| | |
12. | [R51] | 头痛由于精神疾病(Headache attributed to psychiatric disorder) |
12.1 | [R51] | 头痛由于躯体化疾病(Headache attributed to somatisation disorder)[F45.0] |
12.2 | [R51] | 头痛由于精神疾病(Headache attributed to psychotic disorder) [按特定病原编码] |
| | |
13. | [G44.847,G44.848 orG44.85] | 颅神经痛和中枢源性面痛(Cranial neuralgias and central caus of facial pain) |
13.1 | [G44.847] | 三叉神经痛(Trigeminal neuralgia) |
13.1.1 | [G44.847] | 典型三叉神经痛(Classical trigeminal neuralgia)[G50.00] |
13.1.2 | [G44.847] | 症状性三叉神经痛(Symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia [G53.80] + [按特定病原编码] |
13.2 | [G44.847] | 舌咽神经痛(Glossopharyngeal neuralgia) |
13.2.1 | [G44.847] | 典型舌咽神经痛(Classical glossopharyngeal neuralgia) [G52.10] |
13.2.2 | [G44.847] | 症状性舌咽神经痛(Symptomatic glossopharyngeal neuralgia )[G53.830] + [按特定病原编码] |
13.3 | [G44.847] | 中间神经痛(Nervus intermedius neuralgia) [G51.80] |
13.4 | [G44.847] | 喉上神经痛(Superior laryngeal neuralgia) [G52.20] |
13.5 | [G44.847] | 鼻睫神经痛(Nasociliary neuralgia) [G52.80] |
13.6 | [G44.847] | 眶上神经痛(Supraorbital neuralgia) [G52.80] |
13.7 | [G44.847] | 其他终末支神经痛(Other terminal branch neuralgias)[G52.80] |
13.8 | [G44.847] | 枕神经痛(Occipital neuralgia )[G52.80] |
13.9 | [G44.851] | 颈-舌综合症(Neck-tongue syndrome) |
13.10 | [G44.801] | 外源压挤性头痛(External compression headache) |
13.11 | [G44.802] | 冷刺激头痛(Cold-stimulus headache) |
13.11.1 | [G44.8020] | 头痛由于外源应用冷刺激(Headache attributed to external application of a cold stimulus |
13.11.2 | [G44.8021] | 头痛由于吸入冷刺激(Headache attributed to ingestion or inhalation of a cold Stimulus) |
13.12 | [G44.848] | 持续性疼痛由于构造性病变压迫、激惹或扭曲颅神经或上颈神经根(Constant pain caud by compression, irritation or distortion of cranial nerves or upper cervical roots by structural lesions) [G53.8] + [code to specify aetiology] |
13.13 | [G44.848] | 视神经炎(Optic neuritis) [H46] |
13.14 | [G44.848] | 眼糖尿病性神经病(Ocular diabetic neuropathy)[E10-E14] |
13.15 | [G44.881 or G44.847] | 头或面痛由于带状疱疹(Head or facial pain attributed to herpes zoster) |
13.15.1 | [G44.881] | 头痛或面痛由于急性带状疱疹(Head or facial pain attributed to acute herpes zoster) [B02.2] |
13.15.2 | [G44.847] | 带状疱疹后神经痛(Post-herpetic neuralgia )[B02.2] |
13.16 | [G44.850] | Tolosa-Hunt 综合症(Tolosa-Hunt syndrome) |
13.17 | [G43.80] | 眼肌麻痹性“偏头痛”(Ophthalmoplegic ‘migraine’) |
13.18 | [G44.810 or G44.847] | 中枢源性面痛(Central caus of facial pain) |
13.18.1 | [G44.847] | 痛性感觉缺失(Anaesthesia dolorosa) [G52.800] + [code to specify aetiology] |
13.18.2 | [G44.810] | 中枢性中风后疼痛(Central post-stroke pain) [G46.21] |
13.18.3 | [G44.847] | 面痛由于多发硬化(Facial pain attributed to multiple sclerosis) [G35] |
13.18.4 | [G44.847] | 持续性原发性面痛(Persistent idiopathic facial pain) [G50.1] |
13.18.5 | [G44.847] | 烧灼性口腔综合症(Burning mouth syndrome)[code to specify aetiology] |
13.19 | [G44.847] | 其他颅神经痛或其他中枢介导的面痛(Other cranial neuralgia or other centrally mediated facial pain [按特定病原编码] |
| | |
14. | [R51] | 其他头痛、颅神经痛、中枢性或原发性面痛 (Other headache, cranial neuralgia, central or primary facial pain) |
14.1 | [R51] | 以上未分类的头痛(Headache not elwhere classified) |
14.2 | [R51] | 非特殊性头痛(Headache unspecified) |
| | |