Section 311-01: Basic terms
1测量结果(result of a) measurement
t of values attributed to a measurand
2(测量)不确定度uncertainty (of measurement)
parameter, associated with the result of a measurement, that characterizes the dispersion of the values that could reasonably be attributed to the measurand
particular quantity subject to measurement
4(量的)真值true value (of a quantity)
value consistent with the definition of a given particular quantity
5绝对误差absolute error
algebraic difference between the indicated value and a comparison value
6(量的)约定真值conventional true value (of a quantity)
value attributed to a particular quantity and accepted, sometimes by convention, as having an uncertainty appropriate for a given purpo
value given by a measuring instrument
8校准示值indicated value
value of the measurand given directly by a measuring instrument on the basis of its calibration curve
9校准calibration [,kæli'breiʃən]
t of operations which establishes, by reference to standards, the relationship which exists, under specified conditions, between an indication and a result of a measurement
10校准图calibration diagram
portion of the coordinate plane, defined by the axis of indication and the axis of results of measurem
ent, which reprents the respon of the instrument to different values of the measurand
11校准曲线calibration curve
curve which gives the relationship between the indicated value and the value of the measurand
12测量仪表常数constant of a measuring instrument
slope of a calibration curve when it is a straight line passing through zero
13(校准的)检定verification (of calibration)
t of operations which is ud to check whether the indications, under specified conditions, correspond with a given t of known measurands within the limits of a predetermined calibration diagram
14(测量)兼容性(measurement) compatibility [kəm,pætə'biliti]
property satisfied by all the results of measurement of the same measurand, characterized by an adequate overlap of their intervals
15溯源性traceability [,treisə'biləti]
property of the result of a measurement or of the value of a standard such that it can be related to stated references, usually national or international standards, through an unbroken chain of comparisons all having stated uncertainties
16引用值fiducial [fi'dju:ʃjəl] value
clearly specified value to which reference is made in order to define the fiducial error
17相对误差relative error
ratio of the absolute error to a comparison value
18引用误差fiducial error
ratio of the absolute error to the fiducial value
19相对不确定度relative uncertainty
ratio of the uncertainty to the value of the measurand
20引用不确定度fiducial uncertainty
ratio of the uncertainty to the fiducial value
21偏差(关于校准的检定) deviation[,di:vi'eiʃən] (for the verification of calibration)
difference between the indication of a measuring instrument undergoing verification of calibration and the indication of the reference measuring instrument, under equivalent operating conditions
Section 311-02: Methods of measurement
1直接测量(法) direct (method of) measurement
method of measurement in which the value of a measurand is obtained directly, without the necessity for supplementary calculations bad on a functional relationship between the measurand and other quantities actually measured
2间接测量(法) indirect (method of) measurement
method of measurement in which the value of a quantity is obtained from measurements made by direct methods of measurement of other quantities linked to the measurand by a known relationship
3比较测量(法) comparison (method of) measurement
method of measurement bad on the comparison of a measurand with a known quantity of the same kind
4替代测量(法) substitution (method of) measurement
comparison method of measurement in which a measurand is replaced by a known quantity of the same kind, chon in such a manner that the effects of the two values on the m easuring instrument are the same
5互补测量(法) complementary [,kɔmpli'mentəri] (method of) measurement
comparison method of measurement in which the measurand is combined with a known quantity chon in such a manner that the sum of their values is equal to a predetermined comparison value
6差值测量(法) differential (method of) measurement
comparison method of measurement, bad on comparing the measurand with a quantity of the same kind having a known value only slightly different from that of the measurand, and measuring the algebraic difference between the values of the two quantities
7零值测量(法) null (method of) measurement
differential method of measurement where the difference between the value of the measurand and the known value of a quantity of the same kind, with which it is compared, is brought to zero
8差拍测量(法) beat (method of) measurement
differential method of measurement which us the phenomenon of beating between the two frequencies related to two compared quantities, one being the measurand and the other being the reference quantity 9谐振测量(法)resonance (method of) measurement
comparison method of measurement in which a known relationship between the compared values of a quantity is established by means of the attainment of a condition of resonance or near resonance Section 311-03: Measuring instruments
1测量仪器仪表measuring instrument
device intended to be ud to make measurements, alone or in conjunction with supplementary devices 2显示(测量)仪器仪表指示(测量)仪器仪表indicating (measuring) instrument displaying (measuring) instrument
measuring instrument which displays an indication
3实物量具material measure
device intended to reproduce or supply, in a permanent manner during its u, one or more known values of a given quantity
4电测量仪器仪表electric measuring instrument
measuring instrument intended to measure an electric or non-electric quantity using electric or electronic means
5测量设备measuring equipment
asmbly of measuring instruments intended for specified measurement purpos
6测量系统measuring system
complete t of measuring instruments and other equipment asmbled to carry out specified measurements
7测量链measuring chain
ries of elements of a measuring instrument or system that constitutes the path of the measurement signal from the input to the output
8固有误差基本误差intrinsic error
error of a measuring instrument when ud under reference conditions
9固有不确定度基本不确定度intrinsic uncertainty
uncertainty of a measuring instrument when ud under reference conditions
smallest change in the measurand, or quantity supplied, which caus a perceptible change in the indication
11灵敏度(关于测量仪器仪表) nsitivity (of a measuring instrument)
quotient of the change in the indication to the corresponding change in the value of the measurand
12测量范围量限measuring range
range defined by two values of the measurand, or quantity to be supplied, within which the limits of uncertainty of the measuring instrument are specified
algebraic difference between the values of the upper and lower limits of the measuring range
14(标称) 范围(nominal) range
range of indications obtainable with a particular tting of the controls of a measuring instrument
15细调范围fine control range
range of values of a quantity covered by the fine control around the value pre-t by the main control for that quantity
16调整(关于测量仪器仪表)adjustment (of a measuring instrument)
t of operations carried out on a measuring an instrument in order that it provides given indications
corresponding to given values of the measurand
17用户调整(关于测量仪器仪表)ur adjustment (of a measuring instrument)
adjustment, employing only the means at the disposal of the ur, specified by the manufacturer
18预热时间warm-up time
duration between the instant after which the power supply is energized and the instant when the measuring instrument may be ud, as specified by the manufacturer
19预处理时间preconditioning time
duration between the instant after which a specified value of the measurand is applied to the internal
measuring circuit and the instant when the measuring instrument should comply with the accuracy requirements
20电零位electrical zero
the equilibrium [,i:kwi'libriəm] position towards which the indicating device of a measuring instrument
which needs an auxiliary supply tends, when the instrument is in rvice and the value of the measurand is zero
Section 311-04: Standards
1(测量)标准(measurement) standard
material measure, measuring instrument, reference material or measuring system intended to define, reprent physically, conrve or reproduce a unit of a quantity, or a multiple or sub-multiple thereof (for example, standard resistance), or a known value of a quantity (for example, standard cell), with a given uncertainty
2基准原级标准primary standard
standard that is designated or widely acknowledged as having the highest metrological qualities and who value is accepted without reference to other standards of the same quantity
3次级标准condary standard
standard who values and uncertainties are determined by direct or indirect comparison with a primary standard
4参考标准(器) reference standard
standard, generally having the highest metrological quality available at a given location or in a given organization, from which measurements made there are derived
5工作标准(器)working standard
standard which, usually calibrated against a reference standard, is ud routinely to cal ibrate or check material measures, measuring instruments or reference materials
6国际标准(器) international standard
standard recognized by an international agreement to rve internationally as the basis for fixing the values and uncertainties of all other standards for the given quantity
7国家标准(器) national standard
standard recognized by an official national decision as the basis for fixing the values and uncertainties, in a country, of all other standards for the given quantity
8比对标准comparison standard
standard intended for the comparison, among themlves, of standards of the same order of accuracy ['ækjurəsi]
Section 311-05: Constructional elements
measuring element
part of a measuring instrument, or measuring chain, which is directly affected by the measurand and which generates a signal related to the value of the measurand
2显示器件(用于测量仪器仪表) indicating device (of a measuring instrument)
displaying device (of a measuring instrument)
t of components of a measuring instrument intended to indicate the value of the measurand
3调节器adjustment device
device ud to perform adjustment
4零标度标记zero scale mark
mark or other sign associated with the zero of the scale numbering
5机械零位mechanical [mi'kænikəl]zero
equilibrium position to which the indicating device tends to return, due only to mechanical restoring forces, when the measuring element is not energized
6机械零位调节器mechanical zero adjuster
mechanism by means of which the mechanical zero can be t to the required position
7图表驱动机构chart driving mechanism
device for moving a recording chart in a way which is a function of a variable quantity, generally time
8数字显示digital display
prentation of the values of the measurand by means of numerals appearing discontinuously and forming a number which directly indicates each of tho values
9模拟数字双显示dual analogue-digital display
prentation of the values of the measurand by the combination of a digital display and an indication by a scale and index
10记录装置recording device
asmbly of parts of a recording instrument which records the measured value on the recording medium Section 311-06: Factors affecting performance
1影响量influence quantity
quantity which is not the subject of the measurement and who change affects the relationship between the indication and the result of the measurement
2参考条件参比条件reference conditions
t of specified values and/or ranges of values of influence quantities under which the uncertainties, or limits of error, admissible for a measuring instrument are the smallest
3(阶跃变化的)过冲overshoot (for a step change)
for a step change, the difference between the extreme transient indication and the steady-state indication, expresd as a percentage of the steady-state indication
4阶跃响应时间step respon time
duration between the instant when the measurand (or quantity supplied) is subjected to a specified abrupt change and the instant when the indication (or quantity supplied) reaches, and remains within specified limits of, its final steady-state value
5(测量仪器仪表的)线性度linearity [lini'ærəti] (of a measuring instrument)
ability of a measuring instrument to provide an indication having a linear relationship with a defined quantity other than an influence quantity
6(测量结果的)重复性repeatability (of results of measurements)
cloness of agreement between the results of successive measurements of the same measurand, carried out under the same conditions of measurement, i.e.:
– by the same measurement procedure,
– by the same obrver,
– with the same measuring instruments, ud under the same conditions,
– in the same laboratory,
– at relatively short intervals of time.
7(测量的)复现性reproducibility (of measurements)
cloness of agreement between the results of measurements of the same value of a quantity, when the