1. 他因急性阑尾炎住院治疗,结果连期末考试都没参加。 (with the result that )
He was hospitalized with acute appendicitis, with the result that he misd the final examination.
2. 前来听讲座的人数远远超出原来的计划,分发给大家的讲义不够了。(go round )
As many more people came to the lecture than expected, there were not enough handouts to go round.
3. 不管一天工作有多忙,他在睡觉前总要看一下电子信箱里有没有新邮件。
No matter what a long / busy day he may have, he makes a point of checking his e-mail inbox before going to bed.
4。世界各国都有失业问题,但各国政府处理这个问题的方法不尽相同。( handle ) Unemployment is found in all countries in the world, but governments vary in their way to handle the problem.
5。第一次来到异国的人往往会感到自己周围的一切既陌生,又有趣。(be apt to) Anyone who has come to a foreign country for the first time is apt to find everything around him both strange and interesting.
6. 球迷们对这场足球比赛中双方球员场上的表现都感到十分失望。( disappointed at ) The football fans were very disappointed at the performance of the players of both teams.
7. 他的话,你得好好想一想,千万不要他说什么你就信什么。( take at face value )
Never take what he says at face value. Think it over yourlf.
8. 医生的一番话消除了他对手术的恐惧感。 ( remove )
The doctor ' s words removed his fears about the operation.