导体 conductor
接地线 grounding conductor
导线绞距 Lay of twisted conductors
全铝导体 all aluminium conductor
铝合金线 aluminium alloy conductor
裸线车间 workshop for bare conductor
零线 zero conductor
波形同心中性线 wave-form concentric neutral conductor
双芯电缆 two-conductor cable
分层绞线 twsit conductor
地下引出线 underground rvice conductor
单向导线 unidirectional conductor
单向导线 unilateral conductor
裸导线 uninsulated conductor
非绝缘导线 uninsulated conductor
浸漆玻璃丝编织铜线 varnish-bonded glass-braided copper conductor
深漆玻璃丝包铜线 varnish-bonded glass-lapped copper conductor
交叉线芯 transpod conductors
换位线芯 transpod conductors
自承式三芯导线 triplex lf-supporting conductor
双股导线 twin conductor
热导体 thermal conductor
耐热钢芯铝金绞线 thermal resistant aluminium alloy steel-reinforced conductor
第三类导线 third-class conductor
三芯电力软线 three conductor power cord
三芯电缆 three-conductor cable
硬铝导体 hard qluminium conductor
镀锡导体 tinned conductor
箔导线 tinl conductor
带包绝缘导体 tape wrapped conductor
测试线 testing conductor
导体的拉伸 stretching of the conductor
带状导体 strip conductor
剥除导体绝缘 stripping of the conductor
辅助导线 subconductor
超细丝导线 super-fine wire conductor
超导体 superconductor
超导同导电缆 superconductor coaxial cable
超临界氦冷却电缆超导体 supercritical helium cooled cable superconductor
表面处理导体 surface treated conductor
分裂导体 split conductor
分割导体 split conductor
分股电缆 split-conductor cable
方形排列分割导线 square bundle conductor
钢芯铝绞线 steel-cored alluminium conductor
绞合导体 stranded conductor
扁编织导线 strap braided conductor
小号导体 small-gauge conductor
光滑导体电缆 smooth-conductor cable
钠导体 sodium conductor
钠导体电缆 sodium conductor cable
实心铝导体 solid aluminum conductor
实心铝导体电缆 solid aluminum conductor cable
实心导体 solid conductor
螺旋芯软线 spiral-conductor flexible cord
成型导体 shaped conductor
成型绞线 shaped stranded conductor
屏蔽导体 shielded conductor
导体屏蔽电缆 shielded conductor cable
屏蔽导体 shielding conductor
丝包铜线 silk-covered copper conductor
镀银铜包钢线 silver-plated copperweld conductor
单芯 single conductor
单束束绞线 single-bunch bunch conductor
单芯电缆 single-conductor cable
单芯热塑性塑料绝缘线 single-conductor thermoplastic-insulated wire
有护套的单芯导线 single-core sheathed conductor
单屏蔽导体 single-screened conductor
单股绞线 single-strand conductor
表层导体 skin conductor
屏蔽电缆 screened conductor cable
扇形导体 ctor shaped conductor
扇形导体 ctor-shaped conductor
扇形实心铝导体 ctor-shaped solid aluminium conductor
分裂导体 gment conductor
扇形线芯电缆 gment conductor cable
扇形铜导体 gment copper conductor
自阻尼导线 lf-damped conductor
自阻尼导线 lf-damping conductor
半退火铝导体 mi-annealed aluminium conductor
半导体 mi-conductor
半导体层 mi-conductor layer
半电导电层 mi-conductor layer
半成品 mi-cylindrical conductor
半圆形导体 micircular conductor
半导体材料 miconductor material
用户引入线 rvice conductor
用户引入线 rvice entrance conductor
外导体 return conductor
回路线 return conductor
带状导线 ribbon conductor
硬导体 rigid conductor
环形抗积雪导线 ring-type snow-resistant conductor
复绞导体 rope-lay conductor
同心螺绞导线 rope-lay stranded conductor
复绞导线 rope-lay stranded conductor
圆导体 round conductor
圆导体带状电缆 round conductor cable
并列圆导体扁电缆 round conductor flat cable
橡皮绝缘电缆 rubber-insulated conductor
电阻线 resistive conductor
有阻电缆 resistive conductor cable
纯铝基质超导体 pure aluminium matrix conductor
四路导线 quadruple conductor
人造丝包铜线 rayon-covered copper conductor
粉末涂敷导线 powder coated conductor
铝芯电力电缆 power cable with aluminium conductors
预成型导线 pre-form conductor
预扭压缩型导线 prespiralled compacted conductor
预扭线芯 prespiralled conductor
主导体 prime conductor
印刷导线 printed conductor
保护接地导线 protective conductor
监视线芯 pilot conductor
无镀层导体 plain conductor
塑料绝缘线芯电缆 plastic-insulated conductor cable
阳极导线 plate conductor
聚乙烯绝缘线芯 polyethylene insulated conductor
铜芯聚乙烯绝缘通信配线电缆 polyethylene-insulated copper-conductor telecommunication distribution cable
不良导体 poor conductor
正导体 positive conductor
平行导体 parallel conductor
平行接地的连接导体 parallel earth continuity conductor
次导线 partial conductor
全导体 perfect conductor
相导线 pha conductor
相线电缆 pha-conductor cable
光电导体 photo conductor
光敏电阻 photoconductor
外导体 outer conductor
椭圆形导体 oval conductor
架空导线 overhead conductor
纸包铜线 paper-covered copper conductor