
更新时间:2023-05-08 18:44:59 阅读: 评论:0

Desperate Houwives S01E04
1--Anybody home?有人在家吗
2--Previously on Desperate Houwives《绝望主妇》前情提要
3--- Susan played - That's not my cup.-苏珊玩火  -那不是我的
4--And could get burned.最终可能会引火上身
5--Go to a spa, go shopping. Find a way to relax.做水疗也好购物也好总之放松放松
- Get here as fast as you can.-加布丽尔  -那尽快过来
7--found herlf a playmate.给自己找了个玩伴
8--Lynette couldn't get her kids to stop playing.勒奈特对调皮的孩子们无计可施
9--Ma'am do you know why I pulled you over?夫人知道我为什么拦你吗
10--I have a theory.我知道
11--If I don't get some sleep, I'll be如果我还是无法入睡
12--forced back upstairs out of exhaustion.我迟早会因为疲劳过度被迫回楼上去睡
13--And Bree played hard ball.而布里耍了狠招
14--Everyone has a little dirty laundry.每个人都有不可告人的秘密
15--When I was alive, I maintained many different identities.我活着的时候有着多重社会角色
16--Lover, wife and, ultimately, victim.爱人妻子最后变成了受害者
18--Yes, labels are important to the living.是的一个人的称谓很重要
19--They dictate how people e themlves.它决定了人们如何给自己定位
20--Like my friend Lynette.比如我的朋友勒奈特
21--She ud to e herlf as a career woman,过去她认为自己是一名职业女性
22--and a hugely successful one.一名非常成功的女强人
23--She was known for her power lunches,她以处理公事时雷厉风行
24--her eye-catching prentations,演示报告时巧舌如簧
25--and her ruthlessness in wiping out the competition.挫败对手时冷酷无情而闻名于圈内
26--But Lynette gave up her career to assume a new label.但勒奈特放弃了事业并换上一个全新的称谓
27--The incredibly satisfying role of full-time mother.无比幸福满足的全职太太
28--Scavo residence. Yes, this is me.斯加沃家对我就是
29--But, unfortunately for Lynette,很不幸对勒奈特而言
30--this new label frequently fell short of what was advertid.这个称谓总是有点名不副实
31--How in the world ?他们究竟...
32--I left the door to the art supply我打开了画具柜
33--cupboard open for five minutes.不过5分钟而已
34--- That's all. - Five minutes.-就变成这样了  -5分钟
35--The little girl, why didn't she say anything?那个小女孩她为什么一声不吭呢
36--Your boys work quickly.你儿子下手太快
37--Well, obviously they will be punished for this verely.我保证他们会得到严厉的惩罚
38--I hesitate bringing this up, since you我本来不想说的
39--got so ugly about it 因为似乎你对此很敏感可我认为...
40--They don't have attention deficit disorder,他们没有多动症
41--and I won't drug my boys我不会为了减轻你的工作负担
42--just to make your job easier.而让我的孩子吃药
43--I'd rather change teachers.我宁愿给他们换老师
44--The boys are in my class becau I'm the他们之所以在我的班级里
45--only teacher who can handle them.因为这所学校只有我能对付他们
46--What if we parate the twins,把双胞胎分开
47--put them in different class?放在不同的班级如何
48--They're much calmer when they're not bouncing off one another.他们不待在一起就会安分许多49--We can try that, but if it doesn't work,我们不妨试试如果还是不奏效
50--we may no longer be able to accommodate them.我们只好让他们转学
51--It suddenly occurred to Lynette,勒奈特发现
52--her label was about to change yet again.在之后的几年
53--And for the next few years, she would be known as她将多一个称谓
54--the mother of the boys who painted Tiffany Axelrod blue.那就是蓝魔爪的妈妈
55--It looked to be an interesting afternoon on Wisteria Lane.紫藤郡今天下午会很热闹
56--A mysterious castte tape had因为在我朋友布里手上
57--been discovered by my friend Bree.有一盘关于我的神秘磁带
58--She had stolen it from her marriage counlor.那是她从婚姻咨询师那里偷来的
59--A counlor I'd once spoken to in strictest confidence.可怜我曾经是那么坚信秘密绝不会泄露60--So how have you been?最近你感觉如何
61--I had the nightmare again.我又做恶梦了
62--It's weird to hear Mary Alice.听到玛丽·艾莉丝的声音感觉怪怪的
63--- Still the same one? - Yes.-还是之前那个吗  -是的
64--But this time I was standing in a river不过这次我站在河里
65--and I saw the girl under the water.水下有个女孩
66--She kept screaming "Angela" over and over again.她不停地叫着"安吉拉"
67--What do you think the significance of the name "Angela" is?这个名字有什么特殊意义吗
68--Actually, that's my real name.事实上那是我的真名
69--Her real name?她的真名
70--That doesn't make any n.这不可能
71--I've en her driver's licen. I did not say Angela.我看过她的驾照没什么安吉拉
72--Bree, what does it say in the rest of the tape?布里带子里还说了什么
73--Just more about her nightmares,全是关于她的恶梦
74--and this girl she was afraid of.和这个令她不安的女孩
75--So what the hell do we do now?我们该怎么办呢
76--I think we should show Paul the note.是时候把字条给保罗看了
77--Are you sure? He's gonna freak.你确定吗他会抓狂的
78--It's now or never.不然以后就没机会了
79--I saw what he's asking for the place.我看到他为房子开的价
80--It's gonna ll quickly.很快就能卖出去
81--Can I say something?我想说
82--- I'm glad Paul's moving. - Gaby.-保罗总算要搬走了  -加布
83--I'm sorry. He's just always given me the creeps.抱歉可他总是让我毛骨悚然
84--Haven't you guys noticed, he has this dark thing going on?不觉得他给人感觉阴森森的吗
85--Something about him 他就是挺...
86--- Malignant?  - Yes.-邪恶  -没错
87--We've all sort of felt it.看来我们都有同感
88--That being said, I do love what he's done with that lawn.话虽如此他打理草坪倒是很在行89--Mom, the dish is clean.妈碟子刷得够干净了
90--I still don't understand why you don't just我不明白你干嘛
91--ask him out on an official date date.不直接约他出去来个正式约会
92--I'm trying a new strategy. I'm playing hard to get.我在尝试一种新战术吊他胃口
93--How long do you think you can keep that up?你觉得自己能撑多久呢
94--Maybe until noon.也许只能撑到中午
95--Then I'm going to have to run over there然后我就会跑去
96--and beg him to love me.求他爱上我
97--Uh, mom, I don't think you're妈妈看来
98--gonna be able to wait that long.你等不了那么久
99--You got to be kidding. She washed her car yesterday.搞什么她昨天才洗过车
100--Oh, no, she's not.不是吧真不要脸
101--Yep, she's bringing out the big guns.很好不择手段的女人
102--You better get over there. She's wearing cotton.你最好赶紧过去不然她就要脱光了103--What am I suppod to say? "I saw you half-naked难道要说"看你快脱光光了
104--and I thought I'd drop by"?所以我来打个招呼"
105--What's that?这是什么
106--A piece of Mike's junk mail we got by mistake.寄给麦克的广告传单投错了
107--I held onto it in ca of an emergency.我留着以备不时之需
108--God bless you.上帝保佑你
109--Hey, Susan.苏珊
110--We got this by mistake.这个寄错了
111--Oh, thanks.多谢
112--I hope it's not important.但愿不是很要紧的信
113--No, it's just a promotion for the Rialto Film Festival.不只是里亚尔托电影节的宣传单114--Well, I guess I've done my good deed for the day.我想我已经日行一善了
115--I'll just head back home.我这就回去了
117--- Hey, you like old movies? - I love old movies.-你喜欢老电影吗  -简直爱死了
118--I hate Susan Mayer.我讨厌苏珊·梅尔
119--Every time I e tho big doe eyes of hers,每次看到她母鹿般的大眼睛
120--I swear to god I just want to go out and shoot a deer.我就想出去打死一只鹿
121--What has she done this time?她又做了什么
122--She is out there throwing herlf at Mike Delfino,她在外面勾引麦克·德尔非诺
124--Susan likes Mike?苏珊喜欢麦克
125--Where the hell have you been, Martha?你没看出来吗玛莎
126--She's been lusting after him ever since he moved in.从他一搬进来她就盯上他了
127--I got your message. What's going on?我收到留言出了什么事
128--The boys refu to be parated.双胞胎不愿意分班
129--They refu? They're six years old. Make them.不愿意他们才6岁来硬的啊
130--The school regulations are pretty strict学校可不准
131--about me wrestling with the boys.我对孩子们动粗
132--But if you want to give it a shot, be my guest.不过你想试试的话请便
134--Oh, which one goes and which one stays?哪个走哪个留
135--You pick.随你便
136--Come on now. Stop it! No. No.听话住手别这样
137--I'm gonna take the whole table. That's right.我要把桌子一起搬走就这样
138--Come on now. I mean it.快点放开我是认真的
139--I love taking baths. Especially with you.我喜欢泡澡尤其是跟你一起
140--It's like taking a vacation from the world.简直像在世外桃源
141--I hated taking baths when I was a kid.我小时候很讨厌洗澡
142--Of cour, back then,因为当时
143--the only thing I had to play with was my rubber ducky.我只有橡皮鸭可玩
144--Who's that?谁
145--It's Mr. Solis.是索利斯先生
146--Relax. Carlos is at work and he doesn't ring the doorbell.放心卡洛斯在上班而且他有钥匙147--It's the cable guy. He's three hours late.是有线电视修理工他迟了3小时
148--U the side entrance.你从侧门走吧
149--Gabrielle knew her vacation from the world had ended.加布丽尔知道世外桃源的假期结束150--What she didn't know was John had left behind a souvenir.可她不知道约翰留了个纪念品151--I'm telling dad didn't come home last night.爸爸昨晚没回家
152--- They had a fight. A bad one. - How bad?-他们吵得惊天动地  -有多严重
153--Like divorce court bad.离离婚不远了
154--Listen to her.看看
155--She always overcompensates when she's worried.她心情不好时总爱忙家务
156--If dad moves out and leaves us with her,如果爸爸搬了出去把我们留给她
157--I'll lo my mind.我还不如死了算了
158--Dinner is on the table.晚饭好了
159--Mom, where did dad go last night?妈爸爸昨晚去哪了
160--He got a last minute call to speak at他接到了紧急通知
161--a medical conference in Philadelphia.要去费城的一个医学研讨会演讲
162--Take your ats.坐下吃饭吧
163--This marriage is so over.他们的婚姻完蛋了
165--Again sorry I was late.非常抱歉我迟到了
166--The scheduler overbooked me.我把日程安排得太满了
167--- How long are you going to be? - Almost done.-你还要修多久  -马上就好
168--What is that scent? Is that sage and citrus?这是什么味道是鼠尾草和柑橘吗
169--That's amazing.挺好闻
170--Try to hurry. I have stuff to do.快点我还有事
171--Come on.快点
172--What's happening?出什么事了
173--The cable guy fell.修理工摔了一跤
174--He hit his head on the tub. He may have a concussion.头撞到了浴缸上有脑震荡的可能175--- It's almost eight. - He was late.-现在快八点了  -他来晚了
176--Mrs. Huber.胡博太太
177--Hello, Susan. I made you a pie.苏珊我给你做了个派
178--Oh, wow! Why?今天是什么日子吗
179--Do I need a motive to do something nice?做好事还需要什么理由吗
180--I can't wait for you to try this.快尝尝我都等不及了
181--It's mincemeat.这是个肉馅派
182--Actually, I just had dinner.事实上我刚吃过晚饭
183--That's ok. You can save it for later.没关系你可以留着以后吃
184--What's so funny?你笑什么呢
185--I was just thinking of that expression,我在想那句话
186--"I'll make mincemeat out of you"."我给你做了肉馅派"
187--Mincemeat ud to be an entrap of mostly chopped meat,肉馅派从前是指切碎的肉
188--so it was like saying,所以就像是在说
189--"I'll chop you up into little bits.""我要把你碎尸万段"
190--but that was centuries ago.但这种表达方式早就过时了
191--Today, mincemeat is mostly made of现在肉馅派里面主要是
192--fruit, spices and rum.水果香料和朗姆酒
193--There's no meat in it and still people say,里面已经没有肉了可人们还是说
194--"I'll make mincemeat out of you.""我给你做了个肉馅派"(我要用你来做肉馅派)
195--I don't know that people really say that anymore.我想现在没人这么说了
196--I do.除了我
197--So, Susan, how are you?苏珊最近过得怎么样
198--I'm fine.还不错
199--Good. You know, I have a confession to make.很好有件事我想表示一下歉意
200--I've always wish I'd been more supportive when Karl left you.卡尔离开的时候我应该多关心关心你
201--Oh, you don't have to apologize about Karl.你没必要因为卡尔的事跟我道歉
202--Really, Karl and I are over.都是过去的事了
203--- I've moved on. - Yes, I know.-我已经开始新的生活了  -我知道
204--You've moved on to that nice Mike Delfino.你已经开始了和麦克·德尔非诺的新生活
205--He's quite a catch, isn't he?他可是个抢手货是吧
206--You like him, don't you?你不是喜欢他吗
207--Ah, sure, as a friend.当然是很好的朋友
208--Oh, Susan.苏珊拜托
209--Being coy is a strategy best employed只有涉世未深的小姑娘
210--by virgins at their first dance.才会扭扭捏捏
211--For women of our age,我们都是成年人了
212--it's just annoying.再这样就太幼稚了
213--You sure you don't want pie?你真的不想吃吗
214--No, thank you.不想谢了
215--I hope it works out with you and Mike.我希望你和麦克能在一起
216--You've been so desperate to land him.你拼了命地想把他搞到手
217--What? I am not desperate.你说什么我才没有
218--Good lord, Susan,天啊苏珊
219--you burned your rival's hou down.你把你情敌的房子都烧掉了
220--If that isn't desperate,如果这都不算拼命
221--I don't know what is.我还真不知道怎么样才算

本文发布于:2023-05-08 18:44:59,感谢您对本站的认可!



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