TITLE:Printed Wiring Boards Fab. Specification For Double/Multilayer DOC. NO.:SC830215321050-R05
i.更動記錄(Updated Records)10.孔洞(Holes)
2.參考文獻(Applicable Documents)12.鍍層厚度(Plating/Coating)
3.適用範圍(General Requirements)13.金手指(Gold Fingers)
4.規範引用順序(Order of Precedence)14.止銲膜(Solder Mask)
5.原材料(Raw Materials)15.切片檢查(Microction)
6.基板結構(Constructions)16.印字符號(Silk Screen & Marking)
7.成品板厚(Finished Board Thickness) 17.外觀(Appearance)
9.銲墊,環墊(Pads & Annular Rings) 19.V-CUT及折斷孔(V-CUT & Routing Tab)
更動項目(Updated items)。
1:13.1 節變更。
Item 13.1 changed.
更動項目(Updated items)。
1:2 節變更。
Item 2 changed.
2:10.6, 10.10 節變更。
Item 10.6, 10.10 changed.
3:12, 12.2, 12.3 節變更。
Item 12, 12.2, 12.3 changed.
4:12.5 節增加。
Item 12.5 added.
5:13.1, 13.2, 13.4, 13.5, 13.6, 13.7 節變更。
Item 13.1, 13.2, 13.4, 13.5, 13.6, 13.7 changed.
6:14.4 節變更。
Item 14.4 changed.
7:15.3 節變更。
Item 15.3 changed.
8:19.1 節變更。
Item 19.1 changed.
1.1 本規範制定之目的在於:
The purpo of this specification is to establish acceptance criterias for:
(1) 印刷電路板製作之規範。
PWB manufacturing standard.
(2) 進料檢驗之依據。
IQC standard.
1.2 本規範未列舉之規格項目,除另有規定外,概以IPC規範為標準。
For the items not specified in this spec. or engineering drawing shall refer to IPC standard.
(1) IPC-ML-950C:Performance Spec. for Rigid Multilayer PCB's
(2) IPC-TM-650:Test Methods
(3) IPC-A-600F:Acceptability of Printed Circuits Boards
(4) MIL-P-55110D:Military Spec. PWB General Spec.
3.1 商用雙面及多層之硬板。
Commercial double side / multilayer rigid board.
3.2 商用SMT硬板(凡至少有一個零件是SMT之PC板;概以SMT板稱
Commercial SMT boards.(A SMT board is defined that at least"one SMC" on the board.)
3.3 軍用板:請參考 MIL-P-55110D 或中山科學院所制定之各項規範。
Military boards:Plea refer MIL-P-55110D or related documents specified by CSIST.
3.4 單面硬板未列入本規範內。
This document does not apply for single side rigid board.
3.5 軟板之規範未列入本規範內。
This document does not apply for flexible board.
Boards specified herein shall conform to the requirements of this specifi-cation. In ca of conflict be
tween the requirements of this specification and other documents referenced herein, the following order of procedence shall apply.
Engineering drawings supplied by MITAC.
This specification.
IPC documents.