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4 point system
Inspect each product for conformity to client's requirements (approved samples, product specifications, color standards, pictures, etc.)
General Appearance - Check if product is same style, material, design, pattern, and color as specified.
Workmanship - Inspect and grade the lected samples in accordance with the 10 POINT SYSTEM or the 4 POINT SYSTEM below, or as specified in the SOF or contract. The primary goal of the inspection systems is to grade fabric rolls/pieces as "First Quality" or "Second Quality" (also referred to as "A" or "B" Quality). The importance of the systems is to determine the abnce of knitting or weaving defects and dyeing or printing defects. A fabric may be acceptable as far as width, length, weight, color, etc., but the number of manufacturing defects may make it unsuitable for the instended purpo.
Color - Check for color shading differences within a product and between products of the same style/co
Touch and Feel - Check if the fabric and other materials have the same feel or "hand" as the approved samples.
Product Labels - Check that the correct roll labels/hangtags are prent in the specified locations and are attached in the specified manner.
Classify, count and record all defects. Mark all defects with arrow stickers and prent tho products to the supplier/factory reprentative
Roll Measurements - Check the actual versus the stated length, width, and weight of each roll inspected.
Finished goods should be examined in units of one complete roll or piece and may be examined by machine or over a perch.
The machine or perch shall be placed perpendicular to the rays of light and the material shalll run at an angle of 45o to vertical.
Inspection shall be made usingnorth daylight free from reflections and shadows, or an approved type of indoor lighting.
Unless otherwi agreed upon by buyer and ller fabric is to be exmined for defects only on the face side.
All fabrics should be inspected full width.
For each roll/piece to be inspected, the number and type of Penzlty Points are assigned as summarized below.
Upon completion fo the inspection, the total Penalty Points are calculated per roll/piece and for the cntire shipment.From the totals and the length of fabric inspected, the grading of “First Quality” or “Second Wuality” is computed.
4. Imperfections and irregularities
Imperfections are defects, which can be prevented under normal conditions with reasonable
Irregularities are defects beyond the reasonable control of the manufacturer or tho natural to any particular quality or construction of fabric. For the purpo of grading, such irregularities should not be considered as imperfections.
Classification of imperfections
Vertical imperfections or tho running parallel to the warp thread.
Horizontal imperfections or tho running parallel to the filling thread.
Penalty points for imperfections
Vertical or warp defects
Horizontal or filling defects
10 to 36 inches
10 points
Full width
10 points
5 to 10 inches
5 points
5 inches to half width
5 points
1 to 5 inches
3 points
1 to 5 inches
3 points
Up to one inch
1 point
Up to one inch
1 point
No single yard should be penalized more than 10 points.
A combinaion of both warp and filling defects when occurring in a single yard should not be penalized more than 10 points.
Any warp or filling defects occurring repeatedly throughout the entire roll/piece automatically makes it “Second Quality”.
Imperfections appearing within one-half inch of either edge should be disregarded.
The following dyeingand/or printing conditions, if prevalent in a roll/piece, will make it a “Second”:
- Calendar Marks
- Chafe
Clip Marks (if further than 1/2 of an inch from the lvage)
Dye Streaks
Embossing Roller Marks/Damage
Finishing Dirt
Rope Marks
Side to Side Shading
Tears along Selvage
Weak or Tender Places
“First Quality”–A roll/piece is graded a”First”if the total Penalty Points do not exceed the total yardage of the piece. Similarly, the Average number of Penalty Points may not exceed the total shipment length ofr an entire shipment to be considered First quality.
“Second Quality”– A roll/piece is graded a “Second” if the total Penalty P oints exceed the total yardage of the piece.
An increa of notmore than 10% in Penalty Points is allowed on First Quality fabrics that are over 50 inches wide.
Total yardage in order: 7,500 yards
Total yards inspected:693 yards(refer to Sec 2.2)
ACCEPTABLE Penalty Points: Not to exceed 693
Total Penalty Points found:442 Points
Calculation: 442 does not exceed 693
Reslt: First Quality (Acceptable)
Similar to the 10 Point System, The 4 Point System provides a means of defining defects according to their verity by assigning demerit or penalty points. All types of fabrics, whether grey or finished, knit or woven can be graded by this system. Visible defects are scored in proportion to the size of the defect.
0 - 3 inched / 0 - 7.5 cm.
3 - 6 inched / 7.5 - 15 cm.
6 -9 inches / 15 - 22.5 cm.
Over 9 inches / 22.5 cm.
Unless otherwi agreed upon by buyer and ller, fabric is to be examined for defects only on the face side.
All holes are scored 4 points regardless of size.
No single yard shall bepenalized more than 4 points.
Any defect of a continuous nature such as dye streaks, barre, needle lines etc. is penalized four (4) points for each linear yard.
Defects appearing within 1 inch / 2.5 cm of either edge shall be disregarded.
Color shading within a dye lot may not vary within a roll/piece or between rolls/pieces. The shade must match the approved sample standard (swatch card).
Irregularities normal to the existing state of the art or beyond reasonable control of the maufacturer or inherent in any specified type of construction shall not be classified as "defects" and shall not be assigned any penalty points.
The following conditions are not acceptable if prevalent in a roll/piece:
- Misprints
- Dirt
- Rope Marks
- Torn Selvage
- Dye Streaks
Thick/thin Places
- Fly
- Weak/Tender Places
- Wavy Cloth
Regardless of the length of the fabric, the quality of a roll/piece of fabric shall be expresd in the number of Penalty Points that the fabric would have in a 100 linear yard length (e.g. if 6 points occur in a piece of 40 yards in length, it should be rated as 15 points per 100 yards).
"First Quality" - A roll/piece is graded a "First" if the total penalty points per 100 yards do not exceed 40.
Similarly, the Average number of points per 100 linear yards may not exceed 40 for an entire shipment to be considered First quality.
"Second Quality" - A roll/piece is graded a "Second" if the total Penalty Points per 100 yards exceed 40.
Total yardage in order: 2,400 yards
Total yards inspected: 392 yards (refer to Sec 2.2)
Acceptable Penalty Points: Not to exceed 40 Points per 100 yards
Total Penalty Points found: 192 Points
Calculation: 197/392 x 100 = 50 Points per 100 yards.
Result: Second Quality (Unacceptable)

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