
更新时间:2023-05-08 13:31:15 阅读: 评论:0

Shakespeare Dictionary Accompt:  agreement
affeered:  afraid
amazement:  confusion
Anon:  soon
Aroin thee:  go away, get lost
aught:  something
beldams:  hags
blanched:  pale
bodkin:  a dagger
brainsickly:  warped
carou:  drink, to drink a toast
chasti:  nag, criticize, reprimand
cleave to:  stick to
credit:  belief
dignities:  honors
dispatch:  management
distempered:  diad
ecstasy:  madness
enkindle:  encourage, tempt
ere:  before
fantastical:  imaginary, not real
fell:  deadly, evil
Fie:  shame on you
Fly:  flee, run away
fond:  foolish
forsworn:  gone against one’s word, sworn a falhood
Gadooks!:  Holy Cow!
Gall:  bitterness
God dild us:  God reward us
God dild you:  God reward you
Grimalkin:  gray cat
haply:  perhaps
hence:  away, there
hent:  a cut with a sword
hold!:  Stop!
homely:  plain, simple
Hurlyburly:  a ruckus, a disturbance
husbandry:  economy as applied to houkeeping
in fine:  in short
kerns:  Irish soldiers
knave:  creep, untrustworthy person
knell:  a ringing of a bell to indicate a death
loo:  immoral
mammering:  hesitating
marry:  indeed
maw:  mouth
mettle:  strength
mettlesome:  troublesome
naught:  nothing
nigh:  near
nunnery:  convent or brothel
Odsbodkin!:  Holy Cow! (Literally, “God’s little body”)  owing to:  due to, becau of
paddock:  toad
pageant:  a fal show, a preten
petard:  bomb
plight:  sorry condition, fate
Pray:  plea
Prithee:  Plea
probal to:  provable by
pronounce:  say, announce
proper:  handsome
protest:  declare publicly
rump-fed:  fat butt
runnion:  skag, mangy woman
salute:  greet
lfsame:  same
vennight:  a week
snipe:  a person not worth consideration, a pain   springe:  trap
Stand:  wait
Stay:  wait
stoup:  a two quart mug for ale or wine
Swounds!:  Holy Cow! (literally, “God’s wounds”)  tempest:  storm
the golden round:  crown
to charge:  to command
to credit:  to believe
to dally:  to have x with, to fool around with
well bethought:  a good idea, a timely reminder  whence:  where
wherefore:  why
whitehearted:  cowardly
wholesome:  healthy, nsible
wight:  person
withal:  with
wrack:  ruin
Abjects:  outcasts, rvile persons
Abram:  auburn
Abrook:  to endure, to put up with
Absolute:  resolved
Acknown:  aware, cognisant of
Acture:  performance
Addition:  title, quality
Affectioned:  affected
Affined:  related
Affront:  to confront, meet
Agnize:  to acknowledge, confess
Agood:  much
Aim:  guess
All amort:  completely dejected, depresd
Allow:  to approve
Allowance:  acknowledgement, approval
Ancient:  ensign, standard bearer
Angel:  gold coin, worth about 10 shillings
Antic:  crazy
Antick:  to make a fool of
Apple-john:  a shriveled winter apple
Argal:  therefore
Argo:  therefore
Articulate:  to make a treaty of peace, to t forth the articles of peace  Assured:  betrothed
Atone:  to reconcile, to agree
Attorneyed:  done by proxy
Attribute:  reputation
Avail:  profit
Avi:  to inform
Awful:  with great regard for authority
Awkward:  contrary
Baby:  doll
Baccare:  go back
Back-trick:  a backwards jump in dancing
Baffle:  to disgrace
Bale:  evil, mischief
Ballow:  cudgel, club
Ban:  a cur
Band:  bond
Bank:  to sail along the banks of
Bare:  to shave
Basilisk:  a rpent who glance turns people to stone; a large cannon  Bate:  fighting
Bate:  to abate, to weaken
Bawbling:  trivial, insignificant
Baw-cock:  a fine fellow
Beadsman:  one hired to pray for another
Bear in hand:  to decieve with fal hopes
Becoming:  graceful
Beetle: a mallet
Beetle-headed: stupid
Behave: to control
Behest: command
Behove: suits, is appropriate to
Bench-hole: the hole of a privy
Beshrew: to cur (but not ud riously)
Besort: to fit, to suit
Bestraught: distraught
Beteem: to permit, grant
Biggen: a nightcap (a literal one, not a drink)
Bilbo: a spanish rapier
Bilboes: stocks ud for punishment on ships
Bisson: dim sighted
Blank: the white mark in the center of a target
Bank: to blanch
Blistered: padded, puffed out
Blood-boltered: clotted with blood
Blow: a coar beauty
Bob: a sharp rap, a joke
Boggle: to swerve, to hesitate
Bolt: to sift, to refine
Bombard: a leather skin for wine or liquor
Bona-robas: flashily dresd sluts
Boot: profit
Bots: small worms in hors
Brabble: quarrel, brawl
Brabbler: a brawler
Brach: a female hound
Braid: treacherous, lying
Braid: to chasti, to yell at
Brain: to think of
Broken mouth: a mouth missing some teeth
Buckle: to fight with hand to hand
Bugbear: a monster, a terrifying thing
Bully: an arrogant, swaggering person
Bully-rook: a swaggering cheater
Bung: a pickpocket
Caitiff: slave, wretched person
Callet: a drab, a trull
Capable: nsible,aware of, able to posss
Carlot: a peasant
Ca: the skin of an animal
Cashiered: discarded, discharged from rvice without pay  Catlings: catgut strings for musical instruments
Cautel: deceit, trick
Censure: opinion, judgment (usually negative)
Certify: to inform, to make certain of
Channel: gutter
Chapless- without jaws
Chapfallen: depresd
Check: to rebuke, to stop
Choppy: chapped
Chuff: a boor, an obnoxious person
Cipher: to figure out, to decipher
Citizen: a person of the town, an effeminate fellow
Cittern: guitar
Clack dish: a begging bowl
Clapper-claw: to beat, to thrash
Clepe: to call, to name
Cloly: cretly
Codding: lecherous
Codling: an unripe apple; also slang for testicles
Cot: to cheat
Collection: inference
Colt: to make a fool of
Complexion: temperament
Composition: agreement, consistancy
Con: to study, to learn
Condolement: grief, lamentation
Confound: to waste, to destroy
Connt: agreement, plot
Constant: consistent
Constantly: firmly, surely
Conster: to construe, to interpret
Convince: to overcome
Cope: to encounter
Corky: age shrivelled
Costard: an apple, slang for the head
Cote: to meet with, to pass on the way
Cot-quean: a man who occupies himlf with women’s business  Court holy-water: flattery
Cross-row: alphabet
Cullion: a lower class man
Curst: bad tempered
Customer: a prostitute
Daff: to take off, to thrust aside
Dash: a mark of disgrace
Debosht: debauched
Defeat: to destroy
Dern: cret, dismal
Determinate: decided upon
Diminutives: the smallest coins
Doubt: fear, apprehension
Down-gyved: hanging down
Drumble: clumsy or slow
Dry-beat: to beat
Dudgeon: a dagger handle
Dup: to open
Eche: to eke out
Eftest: readiest
Eftsoons: immediately
Egal: equal
Egally: equally
Eil: vinegar
Elf: to tie hair into knots
Embarquemnet: restraint, hindrance
Embowelled: emptied, exhausted
Emulation: jealous competition, rivalry
Enlargement: freedom, libarty
Enamed: defiled, dirty, fouled with men
Enar: to wither, to dry up by heat
Entreatment: invitation

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