Valuation, price, MMVAL, BSX, WRX, KDM, AUM
Cau and prerequisites
The valuation during goods movements is documented in the valuation guide of materials management.Nevertheless, many special cas are only described in notes.This collective note should help make this information accessible.
Key words for note arch: MMVAL
Value of goods movement:
With most goods movements, a corresponding value flow also aris with the quantity flow. This value of the goods movement corresponds in most cas to the value of the stock posting (for example, for consumption). However, the value can also be determined by a purcha order price (goods receipt for purcha order), can come from plan credit of a production order (goods receipt for production order) or can simply be entered externally as a local currency amount (for example, for an initial entry of stock balances at production startup).
Stock posting:
The stock posting is determined according to the current price control and the current stock situation.
If the value of goods movement deviates from stock posting, the current stock situation must be taken into account.
Example: You want to clear the complete stock of a material.A value of 100 USD is predefined externally.However, the stock has only a value of 50 USD, thus, a price difference must be posted.
For materials controlled by moving average price, the stock posting always corresponds to the value of the goods movement if the current stock situation allows this.Vice versa, the stock posting always determines the value of goods movement if the value of goods movement is not determined differently (purcha order price, plan credit / production order, external amount in local currency).The stock posting is always determined in proportion to the value for materials controlled by moving average price.
For materials controlled by standard price, receipts are posted with proportion to the price but issues are posted with proportion to the value.
Formula for the value determination with proportion to value:
Value of stock posting =
(Total value of stock * quantity) / entire valuated stock
Formula for value determination with proportion to price:
Value of stock posting =
(Standard price * quantity) / price unit
Key words for note arch: BSX and MMVAL
Revaluation postings:
If you post goods movement to the previous period, the stock posting amount determined for the current period can deviate from the previous period.If this is the ca, a revaluation document must be created in the current period.
Most important Notes: 0196505
Key words for note arch: UMB and MMVAL
Negative stocks:
For negative valuated stocks, a special posting logic must be followed for determining the stock posting for moving average price.
Most important Notes: 0196505
Key words for note arch: BSX and MMVAL
Price differences and exchange rate differences:
If the value of the goods movement deviat
es from the value of the stock posting, the difference is posted to a difference account independent of whether a moving average price or a standard price material exists.
Key words for note arch: BSX and MMVAL
Exchange rate differences can be posted during the goods receipt for a foreign currency purcha or
Most important Notes: 0191927
Key words for note arch: KDM and MMVAL
Transfer postings:
For transfer postings, the value of the goods movement is calculated from the stock posting of the stock issued.
Most important Notes: 0071124, 0180503
Key words for note arch: AUM and MMVAL
Calculation of clearing entry during goods receipt to purcha order:
During the goods receipt to the purcha order, the value of the goods movement is calculated with the clearing of the GR/IR clearing account.If a quantity is already calculated during goods receipt, the GR/IR clearing account is cleared proportionally, thus, the value of goods movement is determin
ed by the invoice value. If there is no invoice for the quantity of goods received, the goods receipt is valuated with the net purcha order value / purcha order price.
The same clearing logic is also ud to calculate delivery costs during goods receipts.However, the clearing posting is executed on a parate account.
Most important Notes: 0049995, 0191927
Key words for note arch: WRX and MMVAL
Determination of the debit entry during the goods receipt for an assigned purcha order item:
The account assignment of the purcha order item is posted to the total of the amount posted for the GR/IRclearing account and the provisions for delivery costs (if available).
Determination of credit posting to order during the goods receipt for production order
During goods receipt for the production order, the value of goods movement is determined by the credit of the production order.If a quantity of goods received is not yet calculated, credit posting to order is calculated from plan credit.If the quantity of goods received is already calculated, the order is credited for actual costs.
1. The return delivery or reversal of a goods receipt for a purcha order,
scheduling agreement, or production order is valuated differently than the original
goods receipt.
2. In the ca of a return delivery or reversal of a goods receipt for a subcontract
order, the component is reverd on the basis of a different value than in the ca
of the original goods receipt.
3. In the ca of a return delivery or reversal of a goods receipt for a purcha
order or scheduling agreement, delivery costs are valuated differently than in the
ca of the original goods receipt.
4. The reversal of a goods receipt returns (movement type 162) for a purcha order
or scheduling agreement is valuated differently than the original returns (movement
type 161).
5. During the return
delivery or reversal of a goods receipt for a purcha order,
scheduling agreement the negativ delivery costs (as rebate accruals) are valuated
differently than during the original goods receipt.
Other terms
Return delivery, GR/IR clearing account, valuation, MB01, MB31, MBRL, MBST, BWA102,
BWA106, BWA122, BWA161, BWA162, BWA543, BWA544, BWA545, BWA546, material document,
exchange rate, reversal, conversion, provision of material, freight, subcontracting,
subcontract order, subcontractor scheduling agreement, volume-bad rebate, returns
item, WRX, MMVAL
Reason and Prerequisites
This situation can occur in the following cas:
Note: In the following examples, the amount which the system posts to the GR/IR
clearing account is given in each ca. The examples apply to both, to assigned
purcha order items and to purcha order items that are not assigned or production
order items or scheduling agreement items.
1. Ca A:
There are two goods receipts with different values. This situation
occurs when the order price between the two goods receipts was changed. The system
valuates the return delivery or the reversal with the average value of goods
Example: 100 pieces of a material are ordered at 10 DEM per piece.
1. Goods receipt: 10 pieces at 100 DEM
Price change in the purcha order: Order price now 12 DEM per piece.
2. Goods receipt: 10 pieces at 120 DEM, so that a total of 20 pieces was posted
with DEM 220.
Return delivery (or reversal) of 10 pieces is now valuated with the proportional
value of goods received of 10 pieces * 220 / 20 pieces = 110 DEM.
1. Ca B:
There are two goods receipts with different values in local currency
for a purcha order in foreign currency. This situation occurs with an unchanged
order price if different exchange rates between external and local currency were
ud for the two goods receipts. The system valuates the return delivery or the
reversal with the average value of goods received in local currency.
Example: 100 pieces of a material are ordered at 7 USD per piece.
1. Goods receipt: 10 pieces at 70 USD or 100 DEM, with an exchange rate of 70 USD =
100 DEM.
2. Goods receipt: 10 pieces at 70 USD or 120 DEM, with an exchange rate of 70 USD =
120 DEM now. Now, 20 pieces with DEM 220 were posted as a receipt in total.
Return delivery (or reversal) of 10 pieces is now valuated with the proportional
value of goods received of 10 pieces * 220 / 20 pieces = 110 DEM.
1. Ca C:
An invoice with a different amount is posted after a goods receipt. A
later return delivery (or reversal) is carried out with the invoiced amount. If the
invoice is net-posted, this is the invoiced amount minus cash discount.
Example: 100 pieces of a material are ordered at 10 DEM per piece.
Goods receipt: 10 p
ieces at 100 DEM
Invoice: 10 pieces at 110 DEM.
Return delivery (or GR reversal): 10 pieces at 110 DEM.
1. Ca D:
An order price unit (OPUn) (different to the order unit (OUn)) was
defined in the purcha order. The relationship between quantity in OUn and quantity
in OPUn is different in the (sum of all) goods receipts to that in the (sum of all)
Example: 100 pieces of a material are ordered at 1 DEM per
1 piece (OUn) correspond to 10 kg (OPUn)
Invoice: 100 pieces with 1000 kg at 1000 DEM
Goods receipt: 90 pieces with 950 kg at 950 DEM
Goods receipt: 10 pieces with 100 kg at 100 DEM
Return delivery: 10 pieces with 105 kg at 105 DEM
The difference of 5 DEM in the valuation of the return delivery (or
reversal) is a result of the system determining the returned quantity in OPUn - as
long as the ur has not entered anything different - with the portion of the
returned quantity in OUn (10 pieces from 100 pieces, since in OPUn 105 kg from 1050
kg), and valuating with the proportional value delivered to date.
1. Ca E:
There are two goods receipts for one subcontract order with a
component being posted with different values. This situation occurs if the material
price of a component has changed between two goods receipts. The system evaluates
the return delivery or the reversal with the average value of the adjustment
Example: material price is 10 DEM per piece.
1. Goods receipt: Adjustment posting of 10 pieces of 100 DEM
The material price changes to 12 DEM per piece.
2. Goods receipt: Adjustment posting of 10 pieces of 120 DEM so that a total of 20
pieces with DEM 220 have been posted.
The cancellation of the adjustment posting of 10 pieces is now valuated with the
proportional value of 10 pieces * 220 DEM / 20 pieces = 110 DEM.
This valuation logic in its general n is ud for delivery costs too.
This valuation logic in its general n is ud for returns items too.
This valuation logic in its general n is also ud for negative delivery costs.
For urs of the subquent ttlement function:
When you change fields for subquent ttlement or change the document conditions
(pricing), plea note the following:
A new pricing or other changes to the document conditions (also implicit changes by
changing price-relevant fields, e Note 486757) are allowed only, if goods receipt
quantity and invoice quantity are zero, i.e. if there are either no follow-up
documents or if the follow-up documents were cancelled completely. This is called an
open purchasing document item.
Otherwi - apart from the posting of undesired accrued incomes - the sales date
become inconsistent too, i.e. the reconstruction and the detailed statement provide
different data from the ones det
ermined in previous updates (e statistics
The background is that due to the data model all esntial data are stored in the
purchasing document. A change may cau data to be lost for all existing follow-up
documents so that the sales data can no longer be determined correctly. This means
that all updates would be carried out with the sales data existing after the change
instead of the values that were originally valid.
Example: GR1 was updated with 100 p - 1 000 USD. then, the document conditions are
corrected, GR 2 - 100 p - 1 200 USD is posted. Both the detailed statement and the
reconstruction/subquent update determine a total of 200 p - 2 400 USD. The
information regarding GR1 are lost. As a matter of cour, the statistics statement
function will display 200 p - 2 200 USD. Only after the reconstruction, the result
would be 200 p - 2 400 USD. This does not correspond to the posted values, however.
Dear Customer,
Regarding this issue, I've been able to logon to your ECP (400)
enviroment and checked this issue. After investigating this issue,
I'm afraid I can confirm your system behaves correctly.
1. For material document 4900036470
As described in note 212286, the goods issue of the material managed
by standard price is always valuated via the following formula:
Value of stock posting =
(Total value of stock * quantity) / entire valuated stock
So if you check the MSEG entry for material document 4900036470 in SE16,you will e the following information:
MBLNR 4900036470
MJAHR 2011
MATNR 300006
WERKS 3021
LGORT 1001
DMBTR 85,600.01
MENGE 800.000 <<<< Goods issue quantity
LBKUM 4,169.280 <<<<<Stock qty before posting
SALK3 446,112.99 <<<<<Stock value before posting
So the posting value = 446,112.99 / 4,169.280 * 800
= = 85600.01 (rounded)
From above calculation, you can e the amount of doc 4900036470 is
2. For material document 4900042041 and 4900034438
First of all, we can e material document 4900042041 is the reversal
of material document 4900034438's item 3.
We can first analyze material document 4900034438 item 3's valuation.
If we check the table MSEG's entry for it, we can e:
MBLNR 4900034438
MJAHR 2011
MATNR 300006
WERKS 3021
LGORT 1001
DMBTR 283,925.58
MENGE 2,653.510
LBKUM 19,113.373
SALK3 2,045,131.01
We can e from above, the movement type is 562, so it is a goods issue
posting. The posting value will be
2,045,131.01 / 19,113.373 * 2,653.510 = = 283925.58
You can e the result matches the FI document's posting
Itm PK Account Amount Trs
5 99 1403010000 283,925.58- BSX
6 81 9999999998 283,925.58 GBB
Then let's e 4900042041's FI documents' posting:
Itm PK Account Amount Trs
1 89 1403010000 283,925.57 BSX
2 91 9999999998 283,925.58- GBB
3 86 1404990000 0.01 PRD
The amount of GBB lin