The Belmont Principles
The Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of
Human of Rearch
National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Rearch
(Provides philosophical underpinnings for current federal laws governing rearch involving human subjects.)
Belmont Principles
Beneficence/Non maleficence
2)Respect for persons/autonomy
Beneficence in Rearch Beneficence –All rearch should be
d i d t i i i i k ibl
designed to minimize risk or possible
harms (“Do no harm”) and maximize
benefit to the participant and to society.
Principles of Beneficence
One ought to do or One ought not to inflict promote good.evil or harm
One ought to prevent evil or harm One ought to remove evil or harm
How would you arrange the subprinciples according to priority? How did you make your decision?
Principle of Beneficence
•One ought not to inflict evil or harm
Most fundamental
•One ought to prevent evil or harm
•One ought to remove evil or harm
•One ought to do or promote good.
Possibly not
being an
obligation Assumed that the acts are required when they can be performed with Assumed that the acts are required when they can be performed with minimal risk to actor
ÆNo obligation of beneficence in all circumstances of risk
Beneficence in Medicine
Better welfare of patients=The foundational value in medical ethics foundational value in medical ethics
–To assist tho in need of treatment
or in danger of injury
–Doing of good
–Active promotion of good, kindness, and charity
Respect for persons/autonomy
1.Individuals should be treated as autonomous agents
•Rearch subjects must sign an informed connt form describing
•rearch to be done
•potential risks and benefits
•anything el that might influence decision to
2.Persons with diminished autonomy should be protected
(vulnerable subjects)
Vulnerable subjects can be:
p g
•Tho not capable of deciding for themlves
•Tho subject to coercion or deceptionÆspecial
protection to ensure that participation is not subject to
undue harm/risk.
•Classified by the government as vulnerable: children, prisoners, pregnant women
Respect for autonomy/persons
–Bad on: principle –“persons posss intrinsic
p y g
value independently of other things”
•Kant –”Treat people as ends not as means.”
• e.g. Not just market worth or science specimen –Personhood
•Self-determining agent
•Must be given the right to have their own opinions and to
Must be given the right to have their own opinions and to
be able to act upon them.
Ædue regard to their (considered) evaluations and view of
the world.
Enforcement of Belmont Principles
1.Federal Law—Code of Federal Regulations
CFR 45.46: Title 45--Public Welfare Subtitle A--Department Of Health CFR4546:Title45Public Welfare Subtitle A Department Of Health And Human Services Part 46--Protection Of Human Subjects
–IRB (Institutional Review Board) reviews science rearch to ensure that participation of subjects is voluntary, and that
information provided to participants is adequate and
–Kennesaw IRB
Benefits and burdens of medicine/rearch should be fairly distributed among all
h ld b f i l di t ib t d ll populations
–Rearchers must be careful not to lect
already burdened or vulnerable groups who
might be more easily coerced to participate.