1. Noun Suffixes
(1) Denominal Nouns 由名词转化的名词
undefined Concrete: the suffixes of this group are added to noun bas to produce concrete nouns.
1) -eer meaning ‘skilled in, engaged in’
e.g. engineer, profiteer, mountaineer…
2) -er meaning ‘as dominant characteristic, denizen of’
e.g. teenager, Londoner, glover, northwester (西北大风) …
3) -ess meaning ‘female’
4) -ette meaning ‘compact’
e.g. kitchenette, dinette, cigarette …
-ette also meaning ‘imitation and female’
e.g. leatherette, flannelette (棉织法兰绒), usherette…
5) -let meaning ‘small, unimportant’
e.g. droplet, booklet, starlet…
6) -ster meaning ‘involved in’
e.g. trickster, gangster, songster…
undefined Abstract: the suffixes of this group are added to noun bas to form abstract nouns.
1) -age meaning ‘measure of, process or state’
e.g. storage, mileage, footage, coverage…
2) -dom meaning ‘state, condition’
e.g. officialdom (官场, 官僚作风), kingdom, stardom (名演员的身份,明星界) …
3) -ery, -ry meaning ‘condition or behavior associated with’
e.g. slavery, devilry, savagery…
-ery, -ry also meaning ‘place’
e.g. bakery, winery…
4) -ful meaning ‘amount contained in’
e.g. armful, houful, mouthful…
5) -hood meaning ‘state, condition’
e.g. adulthood, daughterhood, spinsterhood (独身, 未婚), widowerhood (鳏居,丧妻)…
6) -ing meaning ‘the material of’
e.g. tubing (管类,管子;管形材料), matting, carpeting…
-ing also meaning ‘activity connected with’
e.g. farming, golfing…
7) -ism meaning ‘doctrine of, practice of’
e.g. terrorism, xism, consumerism…
8) -ship meaning ‘occupation, position’
e.g. governorship (州长或总督等的职位或任期), authorship…
-ship also meaning ‘skill and ability’
e.g. craftsmanship, sportsmanship…
-ship also meaning ‘relation’
e.g. acquaintanceship, friendship, partnership…
(2) Deverbal Nouns 由动词转化的名词
undefined The following suffixes combine with verb bas to yield largely agential nouns.
1) -ant meaning ‘occupations and participation’
e.g. assistant, contestant, applicant…
-ant meaning ‘an object or substance’
e.g. coolant, pollutant…
2) -ee meaning ‘receiver of the action’
e.g. addre, employee, trainee…
3) -ent meaning ‘a person or a thing’
e.g. respondent, correspondent, descendent…
4) -er, -or meaning ‘doer of the action’
e.g. commander, photographer,…
or non-persons
e.g. cooker, mixer, recorder…
elevator, escalator…
undefined Suffixes of the next group added to verb bas to produce largely abstract nouns, denoting action, result, process, state, etc.
1) -age meaning ‘action of , instance of’
e.g. marriage, linkage, carriage…
2) -al meaning ‘the process or state of’
e.g. dismissal, survival, portrayal…
3) -ance meaning ‘action, process, state’
e.g. performance, insurance, attendance…
4) -ation, -ition, -tion, -sion, -ion meaning ‘process or state of’ or ‘product of, institution produced by’
e.g. imagination, addition, protection, commission, operation…
5) -ence meaning ‘action, process, state’
e.g. adherence, persistence, existence…
6) -ing meaning ‘action of’
e.g. wedding, opening, savings, earnings…
7) -ment meaning ‘result of’
e.g. asssment, puzzlement, rentment…
(3) De-adjective Nouns 由形容词转化的名词
1) -ity meaning ‘state or condition’
e.g. productivity, intensity, superiority…
-ant productive with adjectives ending in –able, -al, -ar…
e.g. respectability, morality, popularity…
2) -ness meaning ‘state or quality’
e.g. youthfulness, up-to-dateness …
(4) Noun and Adjective Suffixes 由形容词转化的名词
1) -e meaning ‘member of, language of’
e.g. Chine, Lebane…
-e also meaning ‘style of’
e.g. journale (新闻文体), officiale (公文用语)…
2) -an, -ian meaning ‘citizen and language of’
e.g. Australian, Cambodian…
-e also meaning ‘adherent to, relating to’
e.g. Darwinian (达尔文的), shakespearian(莎士比亚(风格)的 )…
3) -ist meaning ‘adherent to beliefs and behavior’
e.g. racist, socialist, loyalist…
-ist also meaning ‘occupations or study’
e.g. artist, psychiatrist (精神病医师, 精神病学家), environmentalist…
4) -ite meaning ‘adherent to, member of’
e.g. Thatcherite (撒切尔夫人的支持者), Chomskyite, …
2. Adjective Suffixes
(1) Denominal Suffixes 附加于名词的后缀