Selected Readings of British Literature
This subject is about the historical development of British literature, it describes the lives and careers of the great and major writers, especially their reprentative works.
1. 中古英国文学(8世纪-14世纪)
2. 文艺复兴时期(14世纪-17世纪中)
3. 新古典主义时期(17世纪中-18世纪)
4. 浪漫主义时期(18世纪中-19世纪中)
5. 维多利亚时期(1836- 1901)
6. 现代主义时期(19世纪末-20世纪)
Mediaeval times (the 8th ~ 14th century)
1)The Anglo-saxon period:
About Teutons: before the invasion of Britain, the Teutons inhabited the central part of Europe as far as the Rhine, a tract which in a large measured coincides with the modern Germany. The Jutes, Angles and Saxons were different tribes of Teutons. The ancestors of the English dwelt in Danmark and in the lands extending southward along the North Sea.
The literature form of this period falls into two divisions – pagan and Christian. The former reprents the poetry which the Anglo-Saxons probably brought with them in the form of oral saga. The latter reprents the writings developed under the teaching of the monks. Two important poets in this period are Caedmon and Cynewulf.
The Song of Beowulf: the poem can be justly termed England’s national epic, its hero B
eowulf is one of the national heroes of the English people. Thematically, the poem prents a vivid picture of how the primitive people wage heroic struggles again the hostile forces of the natural world under a wi and mighty leader.
2)The Anglo-Norman period: the literature of this period is remarkable for its bright, romantic tales of love and adventure, in contrast with the strength and somberness of Anglo-Saxon poetry. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is the reprentative. Its theme is a ries of the tests on faith, courage, purity and human weakness for lf-prervation. The story prents a profoundly Christian view of man’s character and his destiny. By placing lf-protection before honour, and deceit before his trust in the love of God, Gawain has sinned and fallen and become an image of Adam. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is undoubtedly a romance told with the purpo of portraying ideal character in action.
3)Geoffrey Chaucer, the ‘father of English poetry” and one of the greatest narrative poets of England. Chaucer greatly contributed to the founding of the English literary langu
age, the basis of which was formed by the London dialect, so profuly ud by the poet. Chaucer’s masterpiece is the Canterbury Tales, one of the most famous works in all literature, which has given us a picture of contemporary English life, its work and play, its deeds and dreams, its fun and sympathy and hearty joy of living such as no other single work of literature has ever equaled. The people include young squire, yeoman, forester, Prioress, miller, ploughman, etc.
文艺复兴时期文学 The Renaissance
the 16th century in England was a period of breaking up of feudal relations and the establishing of the foundations of capitalism. New social and economic conditions brought about great changes in the development of science and art, this period is marked by a flourishing of national culture known as the Renaissance, which originally indicated a revival of classical (Greek and Roman) arts and sciences after the dark ages of medieval obscurantism (vagueness).
In Elizabethan period, English literature developed with a great speed. The most distinctiv
e achievement of Elizabethan literature is drama. Next to drama is the lyrical poetry, remarkable for its variety and freshness and romantic feeling. In the renaissance period, scholars began to emphasize the capacities of human mind and the achievement of human culture. So humanism became the keynote of English renaissance.
1. William Shakespeare is one of the most remarkable playwrights and poets in the world. He has also been given the highest prais by various scholars and critics the world over. His greatest tragedies are: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth. His greatest comedies are: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the Merchant of Venice, as you like it and Twelfth Night. In them, he portrayed young people just freed from feudal fetters. He sang of their youth, love and ideal of happiness. They trust in themlves and their efforts are crowned with success. The general spirit is optimism.
The Merchant of Venice: A moneyless young man Bassanio loves a rich beauty Portia. He wants to marry to her, so he appeals to his friend Antonio for help. To aid Bassanio in his courtship, he borrows money from Shylock the Jewish usurer. Shylock agrees to lend
the money on the condition that if the loan is not paid in three months, he may cut a pound of flesh from Antonia’s body. Unfortunately, Antonio can’t pay the money becau his ship doesn’t return on time. Shylock demands his pound of flesh and Antonio is in danger now. At the critical moment, a young doctor of law comes to help him. He asks Shylock to take no more or no less than one pound of flesh and spilling no drop of blood. Shylock can’t do this, so Antonia is saved. The man who saves the life of Antonio is no other than Portia in disgui! Portia: she is one of Shakespeare’s ideal women--- beautiful, cultured, courteous(谦恭) and capable of rising to an emergency. Shylock: he is an avaricious money-lender and a Jew of pride and deep religious instincts. He has suffered much in the hands of the Christians. His revolting bond is counterbalanced by Antonio’s arrogant treatment of him. We can e his loud protest against racial discrimination.