作者:顾均玉 刘琼珠
【摘 要】目的:研究分析CT三维重建影响诊断在肋骨及肋软骨损伤中的应用。方法:随机选取我院2012年3月至2013年3月收治的60例胸部外伤患者作为研究对象并进行回顾性分析,对所有患者给予CT扫描检查并将所扫描数据导入工作站,采用VRT(容积再现)、MIP(最大密度影)、SSD(表面遮盖显示)等技术进行三维重建,观察肋骨及肋软骨受损情况及其周边组织结构关系情况,并统计分析CT对肋骨及软肋股的诊断显示能力。结果:60例患者中经CT诊断肋骨骨折17例共有205根肋骨骨折,其中4~10肋骨腋断较为常见。结论:在肋骨及肋软骨骨折诊断中CT三维重建是最佳影像方法,CT三维重建技术可以直观、立体的观察患者肋骨及肋软骨损伤情况,对隐蔽性肋骨骨折有较高诊断价值,提高了临床诊断的可信度,值得临床推广应用。
【关键词】 CT三维重建;肋骨及肋软骨损伤;应用分析
CT in Diagnosis of Rib and Costal Cartilage Fractures
Gu Junyu Liu Qiongzhu
The Second People's Hospital in Zhuhai Guangdong Province 519000
[Abstract]Objective:To study CT 3D reconstruction impact analysis for diagnostic applications in the rib and costal cartilage injury.Methods:Randomly lected 60 cas of chest trauma patients as rearch subjects in our hospital from March 2012 to March 2013 and retrospective analysis of all patients which were given CT scans and using VRT, MIP, SSD technology for three-dimensional reconstruction, obrved ribs and cartilage damage around the organization structure of the relationship, and the statistical analysis of the ribs and the soft underbelly of shares CT diagnostic display capabilities.Results:60 patients diagnod by CT rib fracture 17 cas and there were total 205 rib fractures,of which 4 to 10 axillary broken ribs more common.Conclusion:The CT three-dimensional imaging of the ribs and costal cartilage fractures display is better than normal chest X-ray,especially for the clinical suspicious ribs and costal cartilage injuries is an important means of supplementing the inspections.