SOW–Scope of Work
WI–Working Instruction
MRP–Material requisition for purcha
MR–Material requisition
ITB–Instruction to Bid
TBA–Technical Bid Analysis
CBA–Commercial Bid Analysis
LOA–Letter of Award
PO–Purcha Order
MRQ–Material requisition for Quotation
ROS–Required on site
PSR–Procurement status report
V(S)DRL–Vendor(Supplier) docs required list
MDR–Manufacturers Date Report
BEP–Basic Engineering for Purchasing
DED–Detailed Engineering Design
REQ–Engineering Requisition
RFA–Recommendation for Award
RFQ–Request for Quotation
FEED–Front End Engineering Design
ITP–Inspection and Test Plan
PMI–positive material identification
SSAW–Spiral Submerged Arc Welding
LSAW–Longitudinal Submerged Arc Welding
ERW–Electrical Resistance Welding
LV/MCC–Low voltage/ Motor control center
UPS–Uninterruptible power system
VFD–Variable frequency driver
VRV–Varied refrigerent volume