过渡词的使用是保证段落或文章连贯的重要手段之一,同时也是英语写作中应注意的一个关键问题。本德(Bander)曾在其著作《美国英语修辞》(American English Rhetoric)中高度概括了写作中使用过渡词的重要性,认为“有两个技巧比学任何其它的更能增强英语写作技能:其一是使用过渡连接词;其二是使用附属关系”。
夸克(Quirk)等人把过渡词分为13大类:(1)列举类;(2)强势类;(3) 对等类;(4) 转折类;(5) 总结类;(6) 同位类;(7)结果类;(8)推论类;(9)重述类;(10)替换类;(11)对立类;(12)让步类;(13)时间转换类。蔡基刚将过渡词分为11类:举例、比拟、对照、让步、原因、结果、强调、递进、结论
我们立足于教学,从方便实用的角度出发,综合以上学者的成果,将过渡词按语义划分为以下最常见的几种类型:(一)表示添加信息:and, also, too, furthermore,besides, moreover, in addition, what is more等;( 二) 表示因果关系:becau, for, for this reason, becau of, since, as a result, thus,therefore, so, conquently, of cour, aordingly等;( 三) 表示文章意义的转折或比照:although, however, on the contrary, still, but,otherwi, despite, nevertheless, though, in fact, on the other hand, asa matter of fact等;(四)表示文章中事件发生的时空顺序:first,cond, third, after that, meanwhile, then, before, next, formerly, later,finally, in the end, at last等;( 五) 表示列举:firstly, condly, forone thing…for another, first of all, to begin with, then, last等;(六)表示举例、解释:for example, for instance, that is, namely, to illustrate等;(七)表示总结:in short, to sum up, in conclusion, briefly, on thewhole, to conclude, to summarize等。下面我们逐一进展说明。
常用词:besides 此外,furthermore 此外,additionally 此外,inaddition 此外,in particular 特别地,moreover 此外,what is more 另外。例如:
① Now it’s time to bee concerned with the future of ours. Inparticular, we must pay enough attention to the problem ofpollution.
② As this society looks to education highly, there is a n ofdignity and pride in receiving a college education. In addition/Furthermore/Besides/What is more, I believe with a collegeeducation I can rve my fellow men and my country better.
aordingly 于是,as a result 因此,becau of 由于,conquently因此,due to 由于,thanks to 幸亏,for this reason 由于这个原因,hence因此,in this way 这样,therefore 因此,thus 因此。例如:
① Becau of/Due to science, we now live safer, morefortable and convenient lives.
② Our standard of living today is much higher than it was before.
As a result, more and more people can afford their own housand cars.
③ He was told to speak briefly; aordingly, he cut short hisremarks.
④ It is important to have good plans if we want to be suessful.
In this way/So/For this reason/Becau of this/Therefore/Asa result/Conquently, it is most important to have a goodbeginning whenever we want to aomplish something.
equally important 同样重要地,similarly 同样地,despite 纵使,in spite of 纵使,likewi 同样重要地,nevertheless 不过,converly 相反地,on the contrary 相反地,on the other hand 另一方面。例如:
① Despite/In spite of all the heartaches and the difficulties, acollege education is still our best passport to suess.
② If we lacked freedoms, people could not say what they felt.
On the other hand/Converly, if we lacked laws, then societywould be disorderly and violent.
③ Jones’ ca was dismisd. Similarly, so were the chargesagainst Smith.
④ Congress can pass a law and the President may signit. Never theless, the Supreme Cour t can declare i tunconstitutional.
afterward 以后,at prent 目前,at the same time 同时,currently 目前,in the meantime 同时,meanwhile 同时,lately 最近,recently 最近, 之后,soon 不久,soon after 不久之后,today 现在。例如:
① At prent/Currently/Today/Recently/Lately, more andmore people are realizing the importance of protecting ourenvironment.
② Meanwhile/In the meantime/At the same time, students shouldhave more free time for reading what they like to read.
③ Since then, people have bee more and more interested inlearning English.
First of all 首先;In the first place, …Second, ... Finally 首先……,第二……,第三……;Firstly, …Secondly, ...Thirdly 第一……,第二……,第三……;At the very beginning, …Then, …
Finally,… 首先……其次……最后……;To begin with, …Next, …
Finally,… 首先……其次……最后……。
Our standard of living today is much higher than it wasbefore. But this does not mean that the spiritual quality of our liveshas also improved. What should we do?
First/First of all/In the first place, we must understand thatmoney can’t buy happiness. Don’t be a slave to it. Second, weshould spend time with friends and family. And third, we should findtime to listen to the birds sing, and e the beautiful scenery.