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Unit 1  Brief Introduction to Architecture
Text A
New Words:
Aesthetic a. 美学的,艺术的——relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty
Nonreprentational a. 抽象的——without showing things as they are ordinarily en
Texture n. 手感,质感——the quality of something that can be decided by touch
Comprehend v. 理解,领会——understand something completely
Vantage Point 有利位置——a place, often a high place, which provides a good clear view
Vogue n. 流行,时尚——a fashion or general liking, esp. one which is temporary
Tenaciously adv. 难以改变的——holding tightly onto something, or keeping an opinion
Adhere v. 粘附,附着——stick firmly
Inaugurate v. 开始,创世——put something into u or put a person into an official position
Manifestation n. 显示,表明——showing something clearly through signs or actions
Revival n.复兴,重新流行——come or bring something back to life, health, existence, or u
Eclecticism n. 折中主义——combining whatever em the best or the most uful things from many different areas or systems, rather than following a single system
Assimilation n. 吸收,同化——to take in, fit into, or become similar
Architectural Terms:
Void n. 孔隙——a large hole or empty space
Dome n. 圆屋顶,穹顶——a rounded roof on a building or a room
Post and Lintel 柱子与横梁——is a simple architravewhere a horizontal member (the lintel—or header) is supported by two vertical posts at either end. This form is commonly ud to support the weight of the structure located above the openings in a bearing wall created by windows and doors.
Trabeated System 横梁式结构——it refers to the u of horizontal beams or lintels which are borne up by columns or posts. It is the opposite of the arcuated system, which involves the u of arches.
Arch System 拱券体系——a structure consisting of a curved top on two supports, which holds the weight of something above it
Cohesive type 粘合性——cohesion of a structure
Homogeneous Mass 均质体——consisting of parts which are similar to each other
Thrust Type 嵌入式——a type of thrusting
Steel-Skeleton System 钢骨体系——a building technique with a "skeleton frame" of vertical steel columns and horizontal I-beams, constructed in a rectangular grid to support the floors, roof and walls of a building which are all attached to the frame
Columnar Building 带圆柱的建筑——a building with columns
Vaulted Roof 拱形屋顶——a type of arch which supports a roof or ceiling which is vaulted
Wooden Truss 木质构架——it offers a solid and reliable source of support for building becau through their joints they are able to resist damage and remain strong
Basilica n. 长方形廊柱大厅式建筑——originally ud to describe a Roman public building, usually located in the forum of a Roman town
Byzantine a. 拜占庭式的——the architecture of the Byzantine Empire
Pendentive n. 方墙四角圆穹顶支承拱—it is a constructive device permitting the placin
g of a circular dome over a square room or an elliptical dome over a rectangular room.
Rib n. 拱肋——curved pieces of metal or wood which support the structure of the boat or roof
Pier n. 支墩——specialized a strong thick column ud to support a wall, roof or other structure
Substructure n. 基础,下层结构——a firm structure which supports something built on top of it
Sheathe v.覆盖,套装——covering the concrete frame of the building
Proper Names:
Taj Mahal 泰姬陵——It was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal. It is widely considered as one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and stands as a symbol of eternal love
Hungary 匈牙利(欧洲中部国家)
Chaldaean 迦勒底人(与巴比伦人血缘相近的闪米特人)
Assyrian 亚述人(古代生活在两河流域上游的民族,建立了亚述帝国)
Church of Hagia Sophia 圣索菲亚大教堂——the Church of the Holy Wisdom in Istanbul, Turkey (formerly Constantinople), now a muum
Constantinople 君士坦丁堡(拜占庭帝国首都,现为土耳其西北部港市伊斯坦布尔)
Romanesque architecture 罗马风建筑(包含古罗马和拜占庭特色的欧洲建筑风格,该风格盛行于11世纪和12世纪,特点为包括厚实的墙、筒拱穹顶及相对不精细的装饰品)
Lombard Romanesque 伦巴弟罗马式——one of the first streams of Romanesque architecture in Europe from the 10th century and the beginning of 11th century
Gothic Architecture 哥特式建筑(12世纪到15世纪流行于西欧的一种建筑风格,特征是有尖角的拱门,肋形拱顶和飞拱)
Amiens 亚眠(法国北部城市)
Chartres Cathedrals 夏特尔大教堂(法国)
Renaissance Architecture 文艺复兴时期风格的建筑——the architecture of the period between the early 15th and early 17th centuries in different regions of Europe, demonstrating a conscious revival and development of certain elements of ancient Greek and Roman thought and material culture

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标签:建筑   穹顶   欧洲   建筑风格   法国
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