s’arranger come to an agreement, make arrangements (for), make shift (to)
arrestation s.f. arrest
arrêter v.a. check, stop; arrest; engage, book, decide, decree, ttle
arrivée s.f. arrival
arriver v.n. arrive, come; turn up; happen; occur;
arrogance s.f. arrogance
art s.m. art
artèere s.f. artery, thoroughfare
article s.m. article
articuler v.a. articulate
artificiel, -elle adj. artificial
artillerie s.f. artillery
artiste s.m. & f. artist; player
aspect s.m. aspect
asperge s.f. asparagus
aspiration s.f. aspiration
aspirer v.n. aspire; v.a. inspire
assaillir v.a. assault
assassin s.m. assassin
assassiner v.a. assassinate, murder
assault s.m. assault
asmblage s.m. asmblage, gathering, collection
asmblée s.f. asmbly, meeting
asmbler v.a. asmble, put tooghether; gather
s’asmbler asmble
assiduité s.f. assiduity
assimiler v.a. assimilate (à)
assistance s.f. assistance, help; prence, attendance, audience
assister v.a. assist, help; v.n. attend, be prent (à)
association s.f. association, partnership, company
associer v.a. associate, link up; share interests with
s’associer associate onelf (avec with)
assortir v.a. assort, match
s’assortir be suitable, go well together
assumer v.a. assume
assurance s.f. assurance, insurance
assuré adj. assured, confident, sure; insured
assurer v.a. assure, insure, cure
s’assurer make sure (of)
astronaute s.m. astronaut, spaceman
astronautique s.f. astroanutics, space travel
astre s.m. star
astronef s.m. space-craft, space-ship
athée s.m.f. atheist
athlète s.m. athlete
athlétique adj. athletic
atome s.m. atom
atomique adj. atomic
attache s.f. (fig.) attachment, tie, bond, strap, fastner