dugout 独木舟
barge 驳船
kayak (爱斯基摩人的)木排
outrigger 桨叉架船
rowing boat 划艇(美作:rowboat)
gondola (意大利的)长平底船
whale mother ship 捕鲸母船
hydrofoil 水翼船
catamarans 双体船
dredger 挖泥船
boat 船
brig, brigantine 双桅船
canoe 小船,独木舟
caravel 快帆船
cargo boat 货船
coaster 近海贸易货船
cod-fishing boat 捕鳕鱼船
whaler 捕鲸船
collier 运煤船
battleship 战船
shallop 小型战船
coastguard cutter, coastguard vesl 巡逻艇,缉私艇revenue cutter 缉私船
patrol boat 巡逻艇
minelayer 布雷艇
minesweeper 扫雷艇
torpedo boat 鱼雷艇
frigate 轻护航舰
gunboat 炮舰
submarine 潜水艇
destroyer 驱逐舰
corvette 轻巡洋舰
cruir 巡洋舰
aircraft carrier 航空母舰
ferry, ferryboat 渡船,渡轮
fishing boat 渔船
freighter 货船
galleon 大型帆船
galley 大划桨船
hovercraft 气垫船
icebreaker 破冰船
launch 艇
lifeboat 救生艇
lighter 驳船
liner, ocean liner 远洋班轮
merchant ship, merchantman 商船
motorboat 摩托艇
outboard 尾部装有马达的小艇
paddle steamer, paddle boat 明轮船pasnger boat 客船
piragua, pirogue 独木舟
raft 木筏
rowing boat 划艇
sailing boat, sailing ship 帆船
schooner 纵帆船
ship 船
skiff 小艇
sloop 单桅船
steamer, steamship 汽轮
tanker 油轮
trawler 拖网渔船
tug, tugboat 拖轮
vesl 船
yacht 游艇
yawl 船载小艇
构架结构 Framed structure
清洁压载舱Clean ballast tank
纵桁结构 Girder structure
冷凝水柜Condensate catch tank
人孔 manhole
干舱 Dry tank
饮用水舱 Drinking water tank
密封圈 Sealing ring
污水舱 Bilge tank
铰链 Hinge
应急淡水柜Emergency fresh water tank 把手 Handle
首舱 Fore tank
平衡块 Balance block
首尖舱 Fore peak tank
斜边舱Hopper side tank
液舱 Liquid tank
坡口 groove
龙骨舱 Keel tank
单面坡口 Single groove
右舷舱 Starboard tank
双面坡口 Double groove
顶边水舱 Topside tank
Ⅰ形坡口 Square groove
顶边翼舱Topside wing tank
V型坡口Single v groove
小舱口盖Small hatch cover
U型坡口Single u groove
水密舱口盖Water-tight small hatch cover
X形坡口Single v groove
风雨密舱口盖Weather-tight small hatch cover
K形坡口 Single bevel groove
Y形坡口Single v groove with broad rood face
填充金属 Filler metal
坡口面 Groove face
热影响区 Heat-affected zone(HAZ)
坡口角度 Groove angle
过热区 Overheated zone
焊缝倾角 Weld slope
焊合线 Bond line(fusion line)
接头根部 Root of joint
焊接区 Weld zone
根部间隙 Root gap
焊缝区Weld metal area
钝边 Root face
焊缝 weld
焊接接头 Welding joint
连续焊缝 Continuous weld
对接接头 Butt joint
断续焊缝 Intermittent weld
角接接头 Corner joint
纵向焊缝 Longitudinal weld
T形接头 T-joint
横向焊缝 Transver weld
搭接接头 Lap joint
对接焊缝隙 Butt weld
十字接头Cross shaped joint
角焊缝 Filled weld
母材 Ba metal(parent metal)
并列断续角焊缝Chain intermittent fillet
交错断续角焊缝Staggered intermittent fillet
弧焊整流器 Arc welding rectifier
焊缝正面 Face of weld
自动焊 Automatic welding
焊缝背面 Back of weld
埋弧自动焊Submerged arc welding
焊缝宽度 Weld width
半自动焊Semi- automatic welding
焊缝长度 Weld length
氩弧焊 Argon-arc welding
焊缝余高 Reinforcement
二氧化碳气体保护焊CO2 gas shielded arc welding 焊脚Leg(of a fillet weld)
氧乙炔焊 Oxy-acetylene welding
焊脚长度 Leg length
气割 Gas cutting
套管接头 Muff joint
碳弧气刨Carbon arc air gouging
手工电弧焊Manual arc welding(shielded metal arc welding)
水下切割 Underwater cutting
直流电弧焊Direct current arc welding
等离子弧切割Plasma arc cutting
交流电弧焊alternating current arc welding
连续焊 Continuous welding
弧焊变压器 Arc welding transformer
断续焊 Intermittent welding
点焊 Sport welding
对接焊 Butt welding
分段退焊Back step welding
角焊 Fillet welding
分段多层焊 Block welding
搭接焊 Lap welding
深溶焊 Deep penetrating welding
返修焊 Re-welding
跳焊 Skip welding
补焊 Repair welding
陶质衬垫焊Ceramic backing welding
定位焊 Tack welding
引弧 Striking the arc
封底焊Back aling welding
焊接工艺参数 Welding condition
打底焊 Backing welding
焊接电流 Welding current
堆焊 Surfacing(overlaying)
焊接电压 Welding voltage
塞焊 Plug welding
焊接速度 Welding speed
槽焊 Slot welding
电弧电压 Arc voltage
盖面焊 Consmetic welding
焊丝间距 Wire spacing
前倾焊 Forward welding
空载电压Open circuit voltage
后倾焊 Backward welding
熔化速度 Melting rate
41. 300吨,是船台用起重机,跨度72m。300 tons, it is a berth derrick, the span being 72m. 42.在这里,你们怎么样对钢板进行预处理?Here, how do you pre-treat (prepare) the steel plates? 43.我们用抛丸(喷沙)的方法。We call it short-blasting (sand-blasting).
44.抛丸后还要将钢板涂漆吗?After short-blasting, do you paint the steel plates?
45.是的,我们称之为车间底漆。Yes, we do. And we call it priming paint.
46.钢板移动的速度是多少?How fast is the plate moving?
47.大约每分钟5米。About 5m a minute.
48.你们怎样切割钢板?How do you cut a steel plate?
49.小于10mm的钢板,用机械切割法。For plates has than 10mm,we u mechanical cutting method. 50.那么大于10mm的呢?How about the plates over 10mm(thicker plates)?
51.我们用火焰切割法。一般这些切割都是数控的。We u the flame cutting method. Most of the cutting is done by number control(N/C).
52.怎样将钢板加工成不同的形状呢?How do you make the steel plate into different shapes?
53.我们有不同种类的冲、压机械。可滚压,弯制和折边。We u different kinds of press machines. We can roll, bend, or flange a plate.
54.型材怎样加工呢,像球扁钢,角钢和一些加强材?How do you shape the different ctions, such as, bulb plates, angle bars, and other stiffeners.
55.用同样的方法。但我们也用水火弯板法;该法主要用于加工不规则形状,像球鼻艏。By the same method, but we also u the line-heating methods. This can shape
irregular parts, such as bulbous bow.
56.你怎样知道弯制合格了呢?How do you know the bending is good?
57.我们用样板来检验。We will check it with templates.
58.在焊接钢板,肋骨,甲板横梁时,你们用什么焊接方法?What welding methods do you u in connecting the plates, frames, and beams?
59.对于长直接板缝,我们用埋弧焊或二氧化碳气体保护焊;拐角处和小地方,还用手工焊。For straight ams, we u submerged arc welding or carbon dioxide
welding; for some corners and small areas, we still u manual welding.
60.就水密舱壁而言,怎样检查其水密性?For watertight bulkheads, how do you check the watertightness?
61.靠压缩空气或水压力。By compresd air or by water pressure.
62.双层底分段是在胎架上造的吗?Is the double bottom block built on pin jigs?
63.是的,里面的一些管件也已经装好了。Yes, some pipes in it have also been fitted.
64.分段大合龙在哪里进行?Where is the grand-block joining done?
65.在船台上。On the building berth.
66.在你们船厂船舶怎样下水?How is a ship launched in your shipyard?
67.我们通常采用纵向下水方式。We usually launch a ship by end launching.
68.船台和下水支架有什么区别?What’s the difference between building-berth and launching-cradle?
69.船台是固定的地面支撑,下水支架仅用于下水时用。后者在下水时与船体一起滑入水中。Building berth is the fixed ground support and launching-cradle is only
ud before launching. The latter will be sliding together with the ship into the water.
70.舾装工作包括哪些?What work does the outfitting include?
71.除了船壳结构外所有的部分,像管子,(甲板)起重机,桅杆,索具,主机,机械设备,电缆和居住舱室的装饰。All the parts except the hull structure, such as
pipes, derricks, masts, rigging, main engines, machinery, electrical cables, and accommodation rvices etc.
72.一般情况下你们什么时候开始舾装工作?When do you begin the outfitting generally?
73.有些管路舾装在制造小分段时就开始了,也叫做分段预舾装;其它的在船舶下水后进行。Some piping outfitting is done when building sub-blocks, that is, on-block
outfitting; others are done after launching.
74.有怎么多加工好的管子!可是怎样才能找到你所需要的管件呢?T here are so many fabricated pipes! How can you find the pipe piece you need?
75.对每个管件我们都编了号,并且将所有的管件存放在不同的托盘中。We give each pipe a coded number, and we store all the pipe pieces in different pallets.
76.机舱中有许多管系,像燃油系统,冷却系统,滑油系统,消防系统,怎样识别它们?There are many piping systems in the engine room, such as fuel oil system,
cooling system, lubricating system, fire-fighting system. How do you identify them?
77.靠不同的颜色条。例如,蓝色表示冷却水,红色表示消防用水,黄色表示润滑油。By different color tapes. For example, blue means cooling water, red for fire
fighting, yellow for lubricating oil etc.
78.当安装一管件时,你怎样决定管件在船上的确切位置?When fitting a piece of pipe, how do you determine the exact