一、 世界和人生
1. The gown is his that wears it, and the world is his that enjoys it.
2. So goes the world: now woe, now weal.
3. Nature pass nurture.
4. As good be out of the world as out of the fashion.
5. There would be no great ones if there were no little ones.
6. The great would have none great, and the little all little.
7. All roads lead to Rome.
8. Time and tide wait for no man.
9. Time fleeth away without delay.
10. What greater crime than loss of time?
11. Gain time, gain life.
12. Of nothing comes nothing.
13. You can’t make something out of nothing.
14. He who rves is prerved.
15. In life’s earnest battle they only prevail, who daily march onward and never say fail.
16. Life is a comedy to him who thinks and a tragedy to him who feels.
17. Everyone is weary: the poor in eking, the rich in keeping, the good in learning.
18. If youth knew what age would crave, it would both get and save.
19. If the young man would and the old could, there would be nothing undone.
20. The childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day.
21. Lazy youth makes lousy age.
22. The first breath is the beginning of death.
23. He that is once born, once must die.
24. One man’s death is another man’s breath.
25. Death pays all debts.
26. They die well that live well.
27. He that liveth wickedly can hardly die honestly.
28. What must be, must be. = That shall be, shall be. = What will be, shall be.
29. Whatever happens at all happens as it should.
30. Nothing is certain but uncertain.
31. Between the hand and the lip the morl may slip. = There’s many a slip Twixt cup and lip.
32. Every bullet has its billet.
33. The devil’s child, the devil’s luck.
34. Nothing succeeds like success.
35. What a day may bring, a day may take away.
36. Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.
37. An optimist es an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist es a calamity in every opportunity.
38. For every evil under the sun,
There is a remedy or there is none:
If there be one, try and find it;
If there be none, never make it.
39. He is worth no weal that can bide no woe.
40. Great fortune brings with it great misfortune.
41. Bad luck often brings good luck.
42. Sunday does not come every day.
二、 事物和矛盾
1. Everything must have a beginning.
2. Things may rve long but not rve long.
3. Though good is good, yet better is better.
4. Diamond cut diamond.
5. There may be blue and better blue.
6. What is new is not true, what is true is not new.
7. Plenty makes dainty.
8. A place for everything, and everything in its place.
9. In the end
things will mend.
10. Where the bee sucks honey, the spider sucks poison.
11. What may be may not be.
12. No joy without its annoy.
13. Make no fire, rai no smoke.
14. No root, no fruit.
15. No pains, no gains.= No gains without pains.
16. No good building without a good foundation.
17. Ill for the rider, good for the abider.
18. That which covers thee discovers thee.
19. The higher the mountain, the lower the vain.
20. The highest flood has the lowest ebb.
21. The higher standing, the lower fall.
22. The fairest silk is soonest stained.
23. The farthest way about is the nearest way home.
24. Cheapest is dearest.
25. Many a little makes a mickle.
26. Little drops of water, little grains of sand, make the mighty ocean and pleasant land.
27. Large streams from little fountains flow, tall oaks from little acorns grow.
28. Many strokes fell down strong oaks.
29. Little sparks kindle great fires.
30. Great without small makes a bad wall.
31. When Greek meets Greek, there then comes the tug of war.
32. Without danger we cannot get beyond danger.=Dangers are overcome by dangers.
33. Sadness and gladness succeed each other.
34. When the night’s darkest, the dawn’s nearest.
35. When the need is highest, help is nighest.
36. When everybody’s somebody, then no one’s anybody.
37. Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.
38. That which proves too much proves nothing.
39. To know everything is to know nothing.
40. Extreme right is extreme wrong.
41. Extreme justice is extreme injustice.
42. Better are small fish than an empty dish.
三、 认识和智慧
1. Experience is the mother of science.
2. Experience without learning is better than learning without experience.
3. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
4. Older and wir.
5. Seeing is believing.= To e is to believe.
6. One eyewitness is worth ten earwitness.
7. Names and natures do often agree.
8. Call a spade a spade (and a wig a wig).
9. A fair face may hide a foul heart.
10. He is like a silver’d pin, fair without but foul within.
11. Poison is poison though it comes in a golden cup.
12. Time trieth truth.
13. Truth may be blamed but shall not be shamed.
14. The greater the truth, the greater the libel.
15. The moon is a moon whether it shines or not.
16. Face to face the truth comes out.
17. Where doubt, there truth is.
18. Truth is truth to the end of reckoning.
19. He is lifeless, that is faultless.
20. He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.
21. He that never climbed never fell.
22. He is happy whom other men’s perils make wary.
23. Wit once bought is worth twice taught.
24. If things were done twice, all would be wi.
25. The afterthought is good for nought.
26. Without wisdom wealth is worthless.
27. He is wi that is ware.
28. As the fool thinks,
so the bell clinks.
29. Fools will be fools.
30. Learned fools are the greatest fools.
31. How much the fool who goes to Rome excels the fool who stays at home?
32. Send a fool to France, and a fool he’ll come back.
33. An ass is but an ass, though laden with gold.
四、 学习和工作
1. No living man all things can.
2. Never too old to learn.
3. A bellyful of gluttony will not study willingly.
4. Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud.
5. Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.
6. Zeal without knowledge is fire without light.
7. He that nothing questioneth, nothing learneth.
8. To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.
9. He that is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning.
10. Better ask twice than lo your way once.
11. Nothing ek, nothing find.
12. Learn to creep before you leap.
13. Soon learnt, soon forgotten.
14. Who goes slowly, goes far.
15. He that runs fast will not run long.
16. If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have.
17. What is worth doing is worth doing well.
18. Work while you work, play while you play.
19. Work has a bitter root but sweet fruit.
20. No sweet without sweat.
21. No cross, no crown.
22. No pain, no gain.
23. No thorns, no throne.
24. No pain, no palm.
25. No gall, no glory.
26. Nothing venture, nothing have.
27. The more danger, the more honor.
28. A good beginning makes a good ending.
29. Well begun, half done.
30. Early start makes easy stage.
31. He that comes first to the hill may sit where he will.
32. A stitch in time saves nine.
33. He that will thrive must ri at five.
34. He that will not when he may, when he will he shall have nay.
35. Water run by will not turn the mill.
36. Last come, last rved.
37. First come, first rved.
38. Take heed will surely speed.
39. Forewarned, forearmed.
40. Keep some till more come.
41. Who hath no haste in his business, mountains to him em valleys.
42. Haste makes waste.
43. All that you do, do with your might; things done by halves are never right.
44. The end of fishing is not angling but catching.
45. In the end things will mend.
46. Quality matters more than quantity.
47. Soon enough if well enough.
48. The morning to the mountain, the evening to the fountain.
49. He that is master of himlf will soon be master of others.
50. Business is business.
51. Grasp all, lo all.
52. Choice of the end covers choice of the means.
五、 言论和行动
1. Words are women, deeds are men.= Deeds are male and words are female.
2. Words and no deeds are rushes and weeds.
3. A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.
4. Great barkers are no biters.
5. A man apt to promi is apt to forget.
6. Who gives to all, denies all
7. Heart in mouth, mouth in heart.
8. A wi man thinks all that he says, a fool says all that he thinks.
9. Speaking without thinking is shooting without aiming.
10. A cracked bell can never sound well.
11. The tongue breaks bone, though itlf has none.
12. Spare to speak and spare to speed.
13. Words are but wind, but blows unkind.
14. An ox is taken by the horns, and a man by the tongue.
15. He who says what he likes, shall hear what he does not like.
16. The least said, the soonest mended.
17. Be swift to hear, slow to speak.
18. He that would live in peace and rest, must hear and e, and say the best.
19. From hearing comes wisdom; from speaking, repentance.
20. There is a time to speak, and a time to be silent.
21. He knows much who knows how to hold his tongue.
22. The day has eyes, and the night has ears.
23. What is known to three, is known to everybody.
24. A true jest is no jest.
25. Leave a jest, when it pleas you best.
26. Better speak truth rudely than lie correctly.
27. Words are winds.
28. A great talker is a great liar.
29. He that talks much lies much.
30. Where there is whispering, there is lying.
31. Great boast, small roast.
32. Far fowls have fair feathers.
33. The tongue of idle persons is never idle.
34. Handsome is as handsome does.
35. What is done cannot be undone.
36. Burn not your hou to rid it of the mou.
37. Penny wi, pound foolish.
六、 品行和修养
1. My honor is my life, both grow in one; take honor from me, and my life is done.
2. Good name is better than good face.
3. The path of duty was the way to glory.
4. Nor fame I slight, nor for her favors call; she comes unlook’d for, if she comes at all.
5. Where honor ceas, there knowledge decreas.
6. He that in youth no virtue uth, in age, all honor him refuth.
7. They’re only truly great who are truly good.
8. Goodness is not tied to greatness, but greatness to goodness.
9. Better suffer ill than do ill.
10. He that would no evil do must shun all things that long thereto.
11. If you do good, good will be done to you.
12. As you give, so you receive.
13. He that mischief hatcheth, mischief catcheth.
. Harm watch, harm catch.
15. Harm t, harm get.
16. No one can be perfectly free till all are free; no one can be perfectly moral till all are moral; no one can be perfectly happy till all are happy. (SPENCER)
17. Giving much to the poor, does increa a man’s sore.
18. Slow help is no help.
19. Liberality is no giving largely, but wily.
20. All covet, all lo.
21. Only the action of the just smell sweet, and blossom in their dust.
22. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine perspiration.
23. The devil tempts all, but the idle man tempts the devil.
24. Courtesy costs nothing, but gains everything.
25. He that respects not is not respected.
26. Kindness always begets kindness.
27. They speak of my drink, that never consider my drouth.
28. Meekness is not weakness.
29. Little things are great to little men.
30. He who swells in prosperity will shrink in adversity.
31. Though old and wi, yet still advi.
32. Good advice is beyond price.
33. Judge not, that ye be not judged.
34. Who errs and mends, to God himlf recommends.
35. A miss is as good as a mile.
36. He who excus himlf, accus himlf.
37. Do on the hill as you would in the hall.
七、 心理和情感
1. The mind is the man.
2. True greatness is the greatness of the mind.
3. The soul is not where it lives, but where it loves.
4. He thinks not well that thinks not again.
5. A man without reason is a beast in ason.
6. Different men have different opinions; some like apples and some like onions.
7. Where there is a will, there is a way.
8. Will will have will, though will woe win.
9. Wit and will strive for the victory.
10. Never say “die”; up, man, and try.
11. If the lad goes to the well against his will, either the can will break or the water will spill.
12. Quick believers need broad shoulders.
13. If you trust before you try, you may repent before you die.
14. Great hopes make great men.
15. While there is life, there is hope.
16. First derve and then desire.
17. Much would have more.
18. He that burns most shines most.
19. Affection blinds reason.
20. Sweetest wine makes sharpest vinegar.
21. He that has nothing is frightened at nothing.
22. They that know nothing fear nothing.
23. He threatens many that hurts any.
24. Better be envied than pitied.
25. Love me, love my dog.
26. A rolling eye, a roving heart.
27. Far from eye, far from heart.
28. Out of sight, out of mind.
29. Pain past is pleasure.
30. There is never a foul face but there’s a foul fancy.
31. That man is the richest who pleasures ar
e the cheapest.
32. Bright rain makes fools fain.
33. Merry is the feast making till we come to the reckoning.
34. The fewer his years, the fewer his tears.
35. Care killed the cat.
36. Work won’t kill but worry will.
37. Fretting cares make grey hairs.
38. Care is no cure.
39. As rust eats iron, so care eats the heart.
40. Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.
41. Anger can not stand, without a strong hand.
42. Curst cows have curt horns.
43. A little pot is soon hot.
44. Let bygones be bygones.
45. Let the dead bury their dead.
八、 婚姻和家庭
1. All shall be well, Jack shall have his Jill.
2. Like blood, like good and like age, make the happiest marriage.
3. There is no goo so grey in the lake that cannot find a gander for her mate.
4. Better one ho filled than two spilled.
5. Love is sweet in the beginning but sour in the ending.
6. Follow love and it will flee, flee love and it will follow thee.
7. Abnce sharpens love, prence strengthens it.
8. Hasty love is soon hot and soon cold.
9. Faint heart never won fair lady.
10. Of all pains, the greatest pain, it is to love, but love in vain.
11. Wedlock is a padlock.
12. A young man married is a man that’s marred.
13. Early wed, early dead.
14. First thrive, then wive.
15. Needles and pins, needles and pins, when a man marries, his trouble begins.
16. A married man turns his staff into a stake.
17. East or west, home is the best.
18. Home is home, be it never so homely.
19. Who loves the roam may lo his home.
20. Men make hous, women make homes.
21. A good husband makes a good wife.
22. A good wife makes a good husband.
23. A cheerful wife is a joy of life.
24. A good wife and health are a man’s best wealth.
25. He that will thrive must ask leave of his wife.
26. Wives must be had, be they good or bad.
27. Two things do prolong thy life: a quiet heart and a loving wife.
28. He that has a wife has a strife.
29. The first wife is matrimony, the cond company, the third heresy.
30. Smoke, rain and a very curst wife make a man weary of hou and life.
31. It is a good hor that never stumbles, and a good wife that never grumbles.
32. Women’s jars breed men’s wars.
33. Woman’s mind and winter’s wind change oft.
34. A woman, a dog and a walnut tree, the more you beat them, the better they’ll be.
35. Like father, like son.
36. Like begets like.
37. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
38. Children and chicken must be always picking.
39. A pet lamb makes a cross ram.
40. Give a child till he craves, and a dog while his tail